PvP armor / rank

PvP armor / rank

in PvP

Posted by: LukeTheQuke.4079


I have been looking like crazy all over the place but not found one list of what PvP materials produce what in mystic forge. The gear in the cabinet seems to be completely random so, anyone help? Like for example, what can I get from mixing stuff with deer token?

PvP armor / rank

in PvP

Posted by: Syeria.4812



This list will show you which gear can come from each rank. Using Arcane Orbs will get you the “basic” one with a chance at the “fine.” Crystals give you the “fine” with a chance for “rare.” Slivers guarantee the “rare.”

Basic recipe is rank token + item token + arcane token + powder (x5 I think?).

PvP armor / rank

in PvP

Posted by: CeCaKonVeu.5734


link to wiki pvp rewards
Check the names of the armors/weapons, then preview them at the pvp locker.

oopps too late :p

PvP armor / rank

in PvP

Posted by: Tron.7639
