The Player Vs Player in this game is beyond a complete joke. Several class mechanics make little to no sense to begin with, and mesh horribly when put together with a mosh pit of chaos.
Invisibility in this game is boring, uncreative and plain annoying. Not only does striking the target NOT reveal them, but it interrupts the flow of combat due to the length of these invisible skills.
Mesmers. Whoever created this class has more than a few things wrong with their head. A class that has invisibility, every buff and debuff in the game, create images of themselves and STILL have damage on par if not better than most classes in both sustained AND burst situations? God, i wonder why structured PvP is flooded with Mesmers. Does it have something to do with the fact they’re flat out amazing and overshadow most classes? To test this theory, I went into a room with a level 1 Mesmer. Never played it before in my LIFE. No guides. Just me slamming my faceon the keys. The damage was obscene. I was unable to die. My healing, Evasive Skills and damage just flat outdid anything the enemy team had.
Thieves. They are in such a pathetic state it makes me laugh. Not only are they unable to kill any decent player in the game 1v1, they are amazingly easy to kill unless they abuse stealth to the max. Which, of course, makes them both a boring class to fight AND play. Not even in PvE is this class desired for anything outside BATTLE RESSURECTIONS. Every MMO in recent memory has UTTERLY failed at making a glass cannon stealth class that quickly kills enemies. They always fall into this useless spot of doing not enough damage AND still being easy to kill.
Rangers. Oh, GOD. This JOKE of a class. In addition to having the longest range out of any class in the game, they have little to no skill requirement and have the cliche pet STAPLED to your character. You can’t unsummon. You can’t even KILL IT. So, in keeping with the mindless Ai of your undying, immortal pet, you, too, as a ranger, are mindless when playing. Every button you press does damage. You just mash whatever comes off cooldown. There is no aiming. There is no damage falloff due to long ranges. There is NOTHING interesting about this class. If you’re tacking on a ranged character JUST to fill the role, you’re doing it wrong. And TRUST me, Anet did Rangers WRONG.
Elementalists. Oh JOY. The FUN part. I do have to wonder what Anet thought when they were making this piece of garbage. “Let’s give a class the ability to swap between amazing CC, Healing and Burst Damage on a very low cooldown. We’ll also give it amazing defensive and evasive abilities so fighting it becomes as annoying as fighting a Mesmer. But hey, they can only use ONE WEAPON, so it’s balanced, right? 4 Weapon Bars isn’t as OP as two! … Wait?” Pro PvP teams have anywhere from 2 to 3 of these god kitten things. They’re a kittenING REQUIREMENT for a PvP team because of how absurdly strong they are. They have HUGE AoEs, HIGH burst and are HARD TO KILL. OH, don’t worry! They have a key weakness! COOLDOWNS. You know, THE SAME AS EVERY OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME. I also heard they have another weakness: When they lose all their HP, it is rumored that they die. Don’t take my word for that though.