PvP is extremely discouraging
Agreed, PvP in GW2 has been a pretty large disappointment in general.
WvW is dominated by servers that simply fill the que more in a 24 hour period than everyone else leaving regionally specific servers lost in a sea of midnight zergs. And even when the servers are even it all boils down to how many bodies you can throw at the wall at the same time and which guild full of fully geared players has the most gold for siege weapons.
sPvP is borked. They launched without a viable model of any kind. They just threw some basic maps together and called it good. All their plans for PvP were back burner plans compared to PvE, even though they clearly sold GW2 as a competitive Esport. Class balance is broken, some classes have large swaths of their traits rendered useless by bugs and lack of forethought.
People farm PvP for glory. That is the only purpose and that is disgusting to me after being sold on GW2 as a competitive PvP minded title.
Stop playing 8 v 8…5 v 5 is better and less zergy
Stop playing 8 v 8…5 v 5 is better and less zergy
5v5 is no more functional than 8v8. You are either a tank or a burst roamer. So the only difference is you are zerging a bunker with fewer people and teleporting away with the Mesmer portal to your next bunker than needs zerging.
Stop playing 8 v 8…5 v 5 is better and less zergy
Hardly. I sticked to 5v5 as im also former GW1 player and thought this would atleast remind me of 4×4 arenas… no.
As it almost hurts me physically i will say it. Guildwars II pvp is worst pvp i saw in years. Even LOTRO pvp which didint have any basically was better.
I dont know did Anet changed all the their team or what the hell happend but this is worst pvp game ever made it to day light.
Talking about WvWvW i moved on from one of bottom servers to one of top and now i kinda enjoy it. The servers we fight are vert active also so its not that you just zerg everyone 24/7 . We get our kitten kicked also.
Totally agree. I had 3000~ hours played on GW1. PvE with rank 4 of Kind of a Big Deal rank, wolf in HA, rank 5 in RA, rank 11 kurzick… I didn’t played GvG seriously because I came to the game a bit late.
Anyway, I just don’t understand why didn’t they implement HA style in GW2. I mean, change is good, but a huge playerbase from GW1 came to this game with the idea of the best PvP ever in their minds. Why change that base? Winning all those matches (with more fame for consecutive wins) until your team go to Hall of Heroes, and epic map with 3 modes of game and rewarding the winner with more fame, an epic chest and their team’s name broadcasted for everyone, including PvE. That was totally awesome.
What we have now? Tournament with 3 matches maximum with the same 3 maps and the same game mode and almost 0 build diversity. It’s just pathetic.
Honestly after having played 5v5, the zerg isnt as bad (unless you face mesmers), but the downed state is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in a PvP MMO. Leave it for PvE
Learn to PvP, and I guarantee it will be fun. This is not GW1, nor LotRO, not even WoW. This is GW2, just another game, and your problem is you can’t adapt.
About downed state – every stick has two ends. You can use it correctly to gain advantage, or never bother and fail. For example, when I get downed, in 80% cases I rally back to fight, while about 80% of my targeted enemies somehow never manage to do so. How is this possible? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0yQg8kHVcI
Learn to PvP, and I guarantee it will be fun. This is not GW1, nor LotRO, not even WoW. This is GW2, just another game, and your problem is you can’t adapt.
About downed state – every stick has two ends. You can use it correctly to gain advantage, or never bother and fail. For example, when I get downed, in 80% cases I rally back to fight, while about 80% of my targeted enemies somehow never manage to do so. How is this possible? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0yQg8kHVcI
I’m sure it’s fun when you use broken class mechanics, just like any other MMO with PvP
Also the lack of variety for PvP in this game is really what kills it. I’d love to see small scale matches like 2v2, 4v4, TEAM arenas, etc. GW1 originally couldn’t have small scale matches because of healing and certain builds working in conjunction with each other. It should be find to do so this time around.
The mechanics of PVP are pretty solid. Class balance is off, but it’s still fun. I’m a ranger that uses a sword and i can succeed decently.
The lack of variety really kills it though. I’m hoping this game will pull a team fortress 2 and add a lot more maps and types.
It couldn’t hurt to add more interesting things to PVE from PVP too. Give us rewards for being awesome at PVP rather than just skins that only apply in PVP. Maybe an afterglow or a mini.
Play for one night and pass such sweeping judgement? Even in Guild wars 1 you had to get over the initial feeling of controlling a character that feels like they have bricks tied to their feet. The PvP isn’t perfect(like others have said, it has to be stronger feature wise), the core gameplay mechanics and feel of the game is really solid.
I’ve been playing sPvP since early september. I’m definitely eagerly awaiting the Jan/Feb updates.
I’ve been playing sPvP since early september. I’m definitely eagerly awaiting the Jan/Feb updates.
What updates? Could you provide links to your source please?
After trying to get my friends to try and play some casual pvp games but with no real way to queue together, he gave up and I got tired of playing by myself. I’m waiting and hoping for things to improve in the sPvP scene before trying again with friends.
You try pvp 1 time and then state ur oppinion without further practice, even u should be able to see whats wrong with that picture…
You try pvp 1 time and then state ur oppinion without further practice, even u should be able to see whats wrong with that picture…
I have played around 800 matches and didn’t ever find pvp in this game very fun. I kept waiting for it to get fun and it never really did. It was ok but never really excited me or gave me any thrill.
In contrast, I have played probably 1500 games of LOL and still find it fun.
I think it comes down to lack of play modes and lack of character building options.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
He’s right though, stPVP is not compelling. Area effect-based procs is innovative, but downed state, spammy combat, repetitive & boring maps, restrictive skill choices & very low build diversity are major detractions.
I think what most of you need is a good, decent, 100% go at sPvP. Honestly, I find sPvP exciting and so do alot of my guildmates, aside from the lack of local PvP matches, we manage to have a great time.
Teamwork, I’m sure you’re all aware of is needed in some aspect in sPvP, there is no I in “team”. Split up into smaller groups, communicate strategies. Heck it doesn’t have to be Sun Tzu’s teachings of strategy and calculation, just get it out there. All this waffling about with class unbalancing is just wasted time. Your time…
What is there really to complain about? You get full Trait Points, free weapons, armour and accessories PLUS runes and sigils for that extra edge and complain about “imbalance”. My advice? Stop running into enemy groups for gods sake.
The best way to have fun in PvP is to join a guild. Find a group of people you can regularly PvP with, and just work together and synergize. Building a sense of community is the fun part of PvP.
The best way to have fun in PvP is to join a guild. Find a group of people you can regularly PvP with, and just work together and synergize. Building a sense of community is the fun part of PvP.
It’s funny how already the first 40 seconds of your video are a good example of why PvP is not fun
PvP is good, but the rewards imbalances and putting spvpers in a small concentration camp with the bare essentials, limited gear, limited build variety, very limited game modes, poor rewards, long grind if your not farming glory against pugs, and overall a sense of disconnection with the rest of the game make spvp not fun. It’s not balance that’s ruining the game it’s paid vs frees vs hotjoin vs balancing the game for pve wvwvw, not being transparent, and giving pvers the royal rimmjobs when it comes to updates and content. Maybe in a year, the "tip of the iceberg’’ won’t be a kittening iceberg, but a place where pvp has fully blossomed into the golden child Anet is surely in the process of making…aren’t they? Right? Nah, I’m sure they are. I just hope it will be good enough to compete with whatever else is currently in the works…Forge cough and other games like Forge cough.
It is because when you get killed a lot you Think the class is not worth it it happens to me all the time Like i get killed with thief and ele alot so :C
Everyone gets stomped early on. Why? Because you have no flippin idea what the other classes are doing to you unless you also play that class. Same with any pvp game (except this one is less forgiving since fights can end much faster than other mmo pvp)
If you’re serious about pvp then you honestly have to research every class and find out what their class mechanics and how their builds/traits work. Complaining after getting stomped on your first try can’t be taken seriously at all.