PvP is garbage

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


First of all there is too much dps going around overall.

Secondly a lot of that dps is passive procs that require no skill and have no counterplay. If somehow it’s not completely passive, it’s instacast with no telegraph.

There is 0 logic behind all these changes. Nobody asked for most of them.

For example you give necro 5 condis transfer on crit? And boon conversion too? Did anybody ask for this? No. They asked for more sustain. And what do you do? You nerf their heal. Absolutely no logic. And no, some hipster 100hp leeching from blood magic that’s worse than the regeneration boon isn’t enough.

Thieves still have their fun with their deadly arts executioner+panic, shadow arts and trickery. Rolfstomping from stealth then disengaging if things go bad.

Guards get immobilize on pressing f1? They already had smite condition which combined very nicely with leeching, hydro and glacial heart too. Much skill indeed. Especially with judge’s intervention.

Mesmer shatter dps is crazy high, most of them run daze mantra too for more instacast fun.

Rangers still suck but nobody cares about rangers obviously. They are giggling they can stack 25 bleeds with their gimmicky splitblade geomancy sharpening stone combo.

Elementalists can go blinding ashes for random procs of burn and blind.

Engineers get their rng rocket and whatever the tools trait is called. They have really low damage though because of the overpowered sustain from alchemy and inventions combined.

Thirdly your balancing choices seem extremely random. Almost as random as them procs you keep pushing into the game. Like engi mortar kit. You brought it into usage just to remove it 24h later!

Good job!

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Dude, chill. Wait until they fix the amulets, everything will be way more balanced then. They just updated the system it needs some tweeks is all

P.S. Alot of the random procs hace CD’s. World of difference from just a base chance

(edited by Silhouette.5631)

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Impact.2780


Insta-cast and on-hit-triggered offensive effects were complained about a lot before the patch. So it’s perfectly fair for there to be anger at not just the fact there are still such sigils, traits, skills, but that more have been added. It’s an outrage really, lol.

EU | Ímpáct / Impact Warlock / Impact Illusions

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Fourth.1567


Trying the game again and have to agree way too much trash effects going on. Can land back to back eviscerates and high impact hits but die to incremental effects. Guess I am just not using a build that relies on extremely frequent, uncounterable chip damage. Too much damage comes from traits and not enough from landing skills with some windup. Add some windup and the screen clutter goes down and the game might be viewable.

Frankly if playing a class that relies on slower and more meaningful effects isn’t remotely viable the game has no competitive future but that isn’t any new news for gw2.

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Damian.6978


I have to agree, this is just horrible overall. Cele meta was perhaps getting “old”, but there was far less reliance on passives and procs to do the damage for you. Now you walk out and suddenly your hp drops by 10k in the blink of an eye for some reason. And then people tell me the skill ceiling has been raised now — really?

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: TheLargeUnit.2793


+1 totally agree with op

This is meta is highly in favor of bad players that rely on passive bullkitten.

Achmed Afro Thunder ~ Six Ft Pole Achmed ~ Dharok The Ravenous
Long Live [ASAP] Zerg: The greatest guild that ever was or will be.

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Grumpton.4906


Agreed, I want my game back

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


a handful of things are a little out of whack, but nothing too bad. youre being melodramatic.

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: Kamikazi.5380


It’s 2012 launch burst meta all over again. Everyone’s kill everyone in seconds. Just wait for a while until Anet nerfs all the damage and then we’ll return to the bunker meta then the cycle will repeat until we return to the Cele meta.

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: AmericanBadger.3094


I admit I’m not committed enough to read the patch notes, but I have noticed it feels like they just buffed the heads off every class. As a result the fight just feel SO much shorter. Feels like whoever gets the drop first wins the fight, its like it killed all true skill required to win fights, just hit ur rotation first successfully ftw.

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


It’s 2012 launch burst meta all over again. Everyone’s kill everyone in seconds. Just wait for a while until Anet nerfs all the damage and then we’ll return to the bunker meta then the cycle will repeat until we return to the Cele meta.

well actually they didn’t do kitten to nerf d/d cele eles. theyre stronger than ever, hopefully the burn nerf will bring them in line.

problem is even though we have the 700 condi scaling thing, it doesn’t matter because all good d/d eles have perma 20-25 stacks of might and theyre still wrecking people. the kitten is that?