PvP is stressful and unrewarding
I’m in top 150 eu right now, i have almost 6k pvp games and i play since release basically.
I’m not a “competitive” player, I never participated in tournaments, but i try my best at the game when i have time to play.
In my opinion, Season 6 is one of the worst game experience i have ever had:
- Games are so stressful;
- The overall pvp scene is not friendly;
- Team and map chat are always full of insults and complaining;
- Power/condi creep is something unbelivable;
- Every season the same meta;
- 0 build diversity for most of the classes;
- Core classes are not competitive;
- Matchmaking doesn’t work;
- We can’t play with our friends/guildmates because there are no Team queues so teams can’t improve. Give us teamq in addition to solo/duoq please;
- Rewards are poor and cannot compete with PvE. Also ascended equipment in pvp is not needed since pvp players should not be interested on higher stats, and right now pvp is almost more expensive than pve if you want to get ascended items. We need ascended in WvW! And atleast give us some unique skins obtainable only in pvp!;
- 0 new game modes like deathmatch or 10v10 and so on;
- Most of the competitive players have left the game, they are bored aswell;I have miss something?
Agree with everything. I am a PvP player with 10K games.
MMR is broken beyond belief. Population is so low.
Meta is so stale.
It takes ArenaNet 4 months to make small changes. I am in software development background and I find this lifecycle of theirs redonkulous.
I’m done playing ranked.
With 7k games, I partly agree.
I am surprising a few people with a core Mesmer build in Bronze. I have HoT on both my accounts. Chronomancer doesn’t feel or play like a Mesmer, imo. So, to the extent that other players are not used to facing core builds, you can win a few. A Hambow war might be a potent surprise.
Matchmaking is attempting to work with a bare minimum of players. ANET continues to prioritize match speed over match quality. I think that’s the wrong decision.
The matchmaking kittens people off. I had over 50% wins on the season. then I got handed 8 straight heavily unbalanced losses. No, I’m not a good sport after being repeatedly hammered. I don’t think many are.
Teams exploiting solos would only make things worse.
Better the same meta than the old system where ANET would make one class or another OP for the season.
The problem isn’t so much power creep.. it’s excessive defense. Heavy armor can shrug off a group for quite a while with defenses. Then they deliver a huge burst. Oh and they can stealth and teleport too.
There’s really very little difference even between some of the classes. The capabilities and “powers” for lack of better terms have been diluted. Why play a squishy thief when you can stealth and jump burst on a much more survivable dh?
With 30k pvp games i agree also.
I have been saying this forever, macth making is not working, there is a huge skill gap between players,in the same team.
And ofc the moment u say something like, " dont afk at close,they are all mid" or “go mid fast skipp svanir” etc ,,,
U get so many insults ,that i really believe ,its better to turn chat off.
I actually agree with what u wrote, so no point to write again.
There are more balanced matches in 001 and 100, even with team stacking, than there are in ranked. Ranked is just a poop show of carrying people who shouldn’t be at your rating.
I’m having fun, stressful fun but fun.
I signed a life insurance since the day I created a thief as my main anyway :p
With 30k pvp games
I always wondered how many games you had. Wow that is a ridiculous amount of games.
As for the topic, with 9k pvp games, I agree with certain parts of what you are saying, but I still think pvp is so much fun and I love playing it. Matchmaking is good (generally) when it comes to creating even games and it usually puts me and my duo partner against another top 10 or at least top 25 duo which is of course what I want. I rarely get put on a completely stacked team against people I do not recognise. I do not agree with adding back team q. Duo is more than enough to play with friends and team q would just not add anything in my opinion. No it would NOT encourage new teams to be formed. As someone who regularly speaks to and queues with the top competitive players who still play, being able to 5-man queue will not help form teams. We all know each other anyway.
As for build diversity being nonexistent, I agree completely and this is a problem. The only classes that have multiple viable builds (by multiple I mean 2) are warrior, necro, theif and guard. And even then, most of the builds for those classes all perform the same role. I really would like this to change but I can’t see it happening before new elite specs are released.
Finally, I rarely see rage and insults in map chat. Most of what I see in map chat and team chat are just people saying hi to each other. Making some comment like ‘idiot thief’ or something happens occasionally and I really don’t think anything should be done about that. People get angry if they lose or if their team is bad and make an insult or two but the kind of really angry, offensive rage I have not seen at all since season 5. It does not happen any more.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
i dont want solo/duo. we want pure soloQ only and seperate teamQ only (5man or no team at all )
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
It’s really a kittening pain this match making.. you are pit AGAINST people you level (often a little under or above) but matched with people who are not your level at all, I went from silver 1 to platinium 1 this season and sudently I couldn’t win more than 10/20% of my match got back to silver… Don’t ask me to drag along people who doesn’t even target and focus…
(edited by Cruor.8516)
The lack of population really puts a dent in whatever fun you can have; there is hardly a difference between the matchmaker of high gold and legendary on EU. Either you are kicking puppies or being kicked.
Was nerfing the rewards really necessary? From what I’ve heard, S5 had players on every skill level.
Made legendary backpack and never coming back to pvp.
The lack of population really puts a dent in whatever fun you can have; there is hardly a difference between the matchmaker of high gold and legendary on EU. Either you are kicking puppies or being kicked.
Was nerfing the rewards really necessary? From what I’ve heard, S5 had players on every skill level.
From a PvP perspective, not really. From an economic perspective absolutely. It was way too easy to get ascended gear in PvP in S5 compared to the rest of the game, and it needed to be brought in line. However, I personally think they went way overboard with the nerf to the rewards in S6, and the extremely low population reflects that.
Whether those rewards were good for PvP or not seems to be an opinion, but the population was higher in S5, and a higher population is a healthier game mode imo.
I second OP virtually on all points. I am almost in the exact same boat; a semi-casual player since beta, heavily favor PvP over all other game modes. I already played last season only casually at best, and grinded through it with maybe 1 good game every 10 or so matches. Many bad streaks of losses or wins regardless of profession, and most of all my skill at playing said profession. (Near 0 experience on DH and I generally did better than with 6k games on my Mesmer.)
After the ridiculously sparse post-season balance patch that clearly aimed to keep a miserable status-quo of S5, while completely ignoring broken and unused traits, utilities, builds, etc. I had not really planned to play S6 at all. Now I played my placement matches, and as expected it was the same junk as in the past seasons. Half the games you’re on a team with people whom are obviously beginners, yet facing a team of competent players…a predictable blowout ensues. Fun-factor zero. Then next game, the same in reverse. Yay us!
The whole focus on Esports has been a disaster from my PoV. I wanted to like it, but quickly realized it was not living up to its promises.
The matchmaking is atrocious and has been every single season. In fact I would bet money on the fact that a detailed analysis of the matchmaking data and outcomes would prove that purely random match-ups would lead to more balanced games with less streaking then the elaborate system they’ve created that no one can possibly fully comprehend.
All that MMR and all this other fancy crap does is introduce biases into a chaotic system that would otherwise be both self-balancing —over time-- and much harder to “game” then the current system(s). Streaking is a common side-effect when you try to algorithmically alter an otherwise random data-set to introduce biases to suit your needs.
Anyway…great post OP! I couldn’t agree more and am patiently awaiting the day that PvP is once again primarily about having fun, and not grinding and gaming an inevitably poor system as much as possible to boost your street credz!
never get stressed, focus on one or two tasks and realize that some games you are gonna loose no matter what.