PvP is unbalanced and here's why.
There isn’t enough variety. Each class has 2, maybe 3 builds that people are running (aside from the occasional self-made weird build). You just have to have a lot of experience spotting/knowing these builds to better counter them.
As for conditions being OP, sure they can be but then again, if you run onto a point as for example a longbow ranger or shatter mesmer and expect to survive in let’s say necro aoe that’s quite optimistic. You have to know which fights to pick and how to fight them.
You picked engineer as an example of a class with few cons… well yes, engi is the one class that is generally quite good at everything.
I agree, Arenanet needs to balance pvp more often, 6 months waiting for a patch is too long.
oki guiyz lysten
such variety
much esportz
very skillz
lotz counterplayz
-Many professions have to many pro to not enough cons. Take for instance eng, he has a counter for pretty much everything. While they are bad against conditions but so is everyone. In fact in many builds, condition is the ONLY viable counter.
This part alone is enough to convince me that you don’t actually have any basis for what you’re talking about and are just being incredibly biased.
Conditions are the only thing that counter engi? Hilarious. Engis rely on being fairly close up to deal any reliable damage, their grenades and magnet pull are jokingly easy to avoid at 600+ range. This means that any half decent mesmer or power ranger will trash an engi by merely kiting him around and attacking at range. In addition to this, mesmers have constant boon stripping to deny might stacking and to lower their vigor uptime while rangers have lots of access to immobilises and ccs, both of which are hard for an engi to deal with. Add necro to the list and we already have at least 3 classes that counter engi.
As for everyone having issues with condis… What? Eles have massive condi cleanse from their water traits, warriors have cleansing ire and often even have their shouts, rangers remove conditions every 10 second if they spec for it (which the majority do), necros have condition transferal, thieves either have condition removal on stealth or with sword 2 (which is enough when they avoid most condis in the first place).
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
I completly disagree with you, i agree some builds are just much better then others but your criteria to getting there is all wrong.
For instance i run a bunker condi ranger which is great for engies but i couldnt kill a good d/d ele or a good necro for my life since they remove condi so fast. On the other hand i can down anyone else by stacking the condis very quickly. Thats how classes are suppose to be.
You can run a a shoutbow warrior who removes condi and does good dmg wityh a longbow. For this simple point your argument is invalid. Also im sorry but if 3 people are trying to kill 1 he should die quickly unless hes the ultimate bunker character.
Also your utility skills are there for you to choose what type of player you are, whether you want more dps,condi removal, or support. It changes from every persons style of play which is a good thing. If having to many options is a bad thing please say you prefer the trinity system as oppose to this is whats wrong with pvp.
My engi is kinda out of control atm. I dont play it that much cus its boring. Seriously though the only single thing I worry about is a power ranger pew pewing me while im bunkering a point and being attacked by 3 other enemies.
I hate to say that balance is good not great but good (power Ranger bottom tier here).
Engineer for Power Ranger are not really that big problem do not let hem get to close to you if they do make them pay. Every class in game has counter class ( hambow I hope you too gezz ah ye you love engineer with protection on stuns haha
So I hope they will tone down a little cele builds and get us some goodies but it is ok.
YouTube channel RarizGaming Gw2/Heroes of the storm Beta
Engi doesn’t have counter to everything.
It’s far from it.
But there are few classes who are much better in that aspect.
And because of that, I find it kinda silly, why no one is complaining about them.
For past 2 months, PvP forum is filled with “Engi this, Engi that”.
I understand that people get rekt by engi because they’re bad and have to unload their frustration somewhere. But PvP isn’t filled with engis alone.
As an engineer i don’t see power ranger as a great threat .. for me a strong shatter mesmer or necros are much worse to fight at