PvP on Weekends
The people aren’t exhauszed from work, only those who are good stay at the weekend (others do something with friends, pve or real life) and since you won during the week those who lost against you get the easyer enemys
Invested PvP’rs play all week around. They love the game. They sink all free hours into their fav game/game mode.
Casuals flood the game on the weekends with their abundance of free time. This includes PvP where, they line up to run PvE builds with their casual buddies to drag down matches
Consider WvW (especially in its heyday). Reset, which coincided with “weekend” play had its huge population activity over the weekends. Dedicated guilds and their commanders were inundated with casuals running under their tag not on TS, causing rallies and wipes left right and center.
Same deal.
Ross if bad players would cause a quality drop on weekends, won’t that mean the wintlrate on weekends would rise (weaker enemys)?
Besides the first generation of full time gamers grew up and god jobs, that’s why they flood on the weekend as well – and except their lack of time, most of them are well gamers woth good builds
Ross if bad players would cause a quality drop on weekends, won’t that mean the wintlrate on weekends would rise (weaker enemys)?
Besides the first generation of full time gamers grew up and god jobs, that’s why they flood on the weekend as well – and except their lack of time, most of them are well gamers woth good builds
Mistake! usually low quality players are on your Team ! That is why usually when accidentally Good solo’s be on the same team they team up after win . Cause will be very difficult to meet decent players again.
All these that they say all good are the pre- made players. . For the rest is hell.
I noticed the same with my guild dous/trios – our quality didn’t change, but the enemy quality rised for making fights more intense – while during the week (after work is over) a guild duo/trio meant most of the time free pips
Weekend ended my 8 winning streak and cost me 5 pips. This seems to be a thing now.
I guess the solution is the pip system, if a good player plays only during the weekend, they miss grinding time and therefore are in a lower rank as they should be.
Also because their number is significant, they can’t grind enough pips on the weekend, because rhey face a lot players who also play only during the weekilend.
And because the players who grind their way up during the week, noticed that, they play an other part wvw/pve during the weekend and this causes even a higher quality rise in low ranks.
This Problem could be easily solved with a buff, that gives you twice as much pips if you haveb’t played ranked for 4 days – but that would cause a lot of new Problems and therefore would be a bad solution
Ross if bad players would cause a quality drop on weekends, won’t that mean the wintlrate on weekends would rise (weaker enemys)?
Besides the first generation of full time gamers grew up and god jobs, that’s why they flood on the weekend as well – and except their lack of time, most of them are well gamers woth good builds
Thing is…. what he describes there with pve builds… I run into a lot of “minion mancers” on weekends. Necros, that run up into fights… go into lich… use skill 4, drop out of lich… I didnt quite realize it until recently when I started playing necro myself in pve… but what they are doing is the EXACT pve build and rotation.
It confused me so much, because doing this is just so stupid.
a) Jagged horrors die fast and
b) you can pull minions up a structure and jump down, resulting in minions running back too slowly to save the necro or
c) you can range nuke that necro without too much trouble.
Not to mention that they absolutely melt against DH. And they waste lich form… why would you do that?!?!
Just thinking of it makes me angry :/
It might be a mix of both tbh. Of course playing against better teams leaves less room for errors… and if you then get saddled with even ONE of those pve necros… or with a thief that thinks his job is to rally enemies in teamfights… you just have to work so hard to compensate… if you even can compensate.
What it kinda shows however, is that there is a wide variety of skill reflected in a quite narrow mmr range.
So in the end… it all comes down to mmr again, and how it just isnt suited for gw2.