Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
PvP queue up from open world. Why not?
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
To prevent you from forgetting about the Q. You forget about the Q, start an event, Q pops and you decide to continue with your PvE(leaving everyone hanging). Also to prevent people from missing Q pops while loading through maps. It helps prevent and infinite loop of [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][ ], 10th man out.
#1 Player Comoros
Part of a development effort to prevent the rare 4v5 (guess what, there are still 4v5).
The developers have punished the entire playerbase (and, I’d say, reduced the amount of people queuing at any given time) by making us all wait in the Heart of the Mists. Queue times commonly reach 10-15 minutes for me entering solo, and then I still find people quitting or afking to make it 4v5. Or I’ll fight a premade team with a solo group of randoms, and it is no contest anyway.
They need to realize that you cannot expect to solve a user issue (afking, quitting, not putting forth effort into your match—-4v5) by programming in hard restrictions that punish the entire Guild Wars 2 PvP community and deter potential casual PvPers.
I can forgive the majority of this awful PvP ‘update’ if they will let us again queue from anywhere in Gw2.
Impatiently waiting for the developers to set this game back on the path of greatness.
Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]
im new to pvp, so i wasnt aware of that 4v5 problem. i thought it was some greedy move to stop ppl farming while waiting for the Q. I could use the waiting time to farm some t6.
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
Most of us could do something with our time better. That is the way it is now, as of December 16th. Too many matches went into 4v5 because people canceled out to continue whatever they were doing in PvE.
#1 Player Comoros
Kinda makes me miss the “Glory” days. Really makes me miss, the Mystic Forge and all the skins I could make. But, I am thankful for the bank and tp. Also, I get the theory behind it but, my 4v5 rate feels like it has increased (because if someone dc’s they can’t get back in…that’s what I heard anyway) I think most players would rather have a 4v4 than a 4v5. If someone happens to dc would it be too hard to “lock” the gates for the opposing team and keep it 4v4? (Boom! New aspect!)
I think if they cancel it should just keep searching for the 10th person. I have only had one experience with a game that started as 4v5, but after a minute or two into the game there was suddenly a 5th person on our team. There was only 4 on the board and 4 in the starting area, or unless it took them 3-4 minutes to load in. is it possible for someone to get put into a game that has already started/just begun?
Edit: just wanted to say, I don’t mind sitting in HotM when queing because in unranked you can find a match with in a minute, which doesn’t give much time to farm stuff, or do anything really. Thats just from my experience with it so far.
(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.
(edited by Elitejelly.7462)
Part of a development effort to prevent the rare 4v5 (guess what, there are still 4v5).
The developers have punished the entire playerbase (and, I’d say, reduced the amount of people queuing at any given time) by making us all wait in the Heart of the Mists. Queue times commonly reach 10-15 minutes for me entering solo, and then I still find people quitting or afking to make it 4v5. Or I’ll fight a premade team with a solo group of randoms, and it is no contest anyway.
They need to realize that you cannot expect to solve a user issue (afking, quitting, not putting forth effort into your match—-4v5) by programming in hard restrictions that punish the entire Guild Wars 2 PvP community and deter potential casual PvPers.
I can forgive the majority of this awful PvP ‘update’ if they will let us again queue from anywhere in Gw2.
Impatiently waiting for the developers to set this game back on the path of greatness.
I did post this on the forums many times. That you can never stop 4 vs 5s because they are almost always human issues. Finding a technical solution to a human issue is just not possible often.
The ready button is the biggest problem with GW2 pvp for the masses. Having to sit in the hotm, not being able to go semi-afk during a q…all this is due to the ready button. It simply killed the game for me…almost at least.
It is here to stay though, but it just adds to frustration for the user so I expect gw2 pvp to decline as a result of the ready button. Unless anet think their player base aren’t largely people who dont want to just sit around waiting for queue pops in the hotm, and are unable even to go and sort out irl stuff whilst they wait. Maybe they are right
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.