PvP reward tracks changes

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: Deathzorgz.6140


The reward tracks were an amazing and much-needed additiont to PvP. However, i dont think giving out full dungeon weapons and armor is the best way to go.

Why not give tokens instead? This way, if, say, i want to buy ONLY the pants from SE, i dont have to play through the whole reward track only to get 5 other pieces of equipment im probably just gonna salvage. Currently, i would probably just go farm dungeon, even if i feel like playing PvP…

The number of tokens would be equivalent to how much armor you get right now (maybe less) and this way, it would still provide the pleasure of buying it directly from the vendor.

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I don’t want to leave the mists at all, so no tokens. It’s not a horrible idea though

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S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: kodesh.2851


I like the idea of the rewards tracks, but in reality my inventory is just stuffed with chests and crap I don’t want, won’t use, and is a hassle to deal with. Just gold please.

Sizzap – Asura Mesmer, Dragonbrand

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: Imarion.1650


Some of the bags contain the corresponding token from the dungeon.


PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: Rashy.4165


It gives players an alternative to running dungeons.

And to get the full dungeon armor set, you’d need to do the track a total of 6 times (all 8 tiers = 40000 points). Doing so will also give you 18 of the 19 weapons for the dungeon, and enough tokens to buy the last weapon or 5/6 pieces of another armor set (heavy/medium/light to unlock the skin).

To get all of the above from doing dungeons requires something like 7500 tokens (1 full armor set + 18-19 weapons); estimated based on knowing that all 19 weapons and all three armor sets cost 10,280 points and each armor set is 1380 points. Typically, you get 60 tokens per path, 3 paths per dungeon per day. That’s 180 tokens per day, or 39 days of running all paths of a particular dungeon every day, give or take a few days.

If you love to PvP, you get the dungeon skin in less time (even if you can only progress 2 tiers per day, that’d be 24 days for 6 reward tracks). You’d still need to run the dungeon story mode to unlock the track permanently, so it does involve a bit of PvE.

More options are always nice.

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


The dungeon tacks are fine. Please don’t change them.

They are better for weapons than armor, so you spend your tokens on armor, not weapons.

Besides they also reward tokens.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


If they provided strictly tokens, or at least another currency that could be used to buy tokens with, the game would feel more cohesive.

There are players out there that enjoy doing PvE, PvP, and WvW. This is why they should have done away with Glory and simply rewarded Badges of Honor for PvP play IMO.

If WvW and PvP rewarded the same currency, ANet could properly balance the rewards in both systems so they rewarded players similarly for effort and skill. And then allowing that currency to be exchanged for specific dungeon tokens would invite PvErs to give WvW and PvP a chance.

As it is now, only PvP and PvE is rewarded at all really, and both of them require alsmost total dedication to one gamemode for timely reward.

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: Lettuce.2945


Lol. Check your wallet. They do give tokens.

PvP reward tracks changes

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


I like the idea of the rewards tracks, but in reality my inventory is just stuffed with chests and crap I don’t want, won’t use, and is a hassle to deal with. Just gold please.

pretty much this,
we all probably got the skins we wanted back with the glory system,
and if you pve you probably already had a set of exotics with the stats you want.
so these armour chests don’t really have a purpose, and the stats are always horrible.

i’d rather they just increase the gold/skill points or something and do away with the myriad of different chests filled with (mostly) useless junk.

before people say “ascended!” and “precursor!” you’d be better off trying to get a precursor in the lootfest of pve if getting a precursor is your goal,
and getting ascended gear with stats you want is incredibly unlikely, again,
you’re better off getting it in pve.
i’ve had afew ascended items, one was a healing ring, another was a celestial ring and another was vitality, toughness, healing armour. (i mostly play zerkers)