PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


Have seen a few comments lately about people going into s/tpvp matches where there are no thieves or mesmers and reporting back that it was a lot more fun.

Just wanted to say that I have recently played a few matches in a row where this also happened to me and…wow. Just wow. Suddenly instead of frustration and rage, I was having fun. The matches were all really, really close. Fights were an absolute blast. Everyone enjoyed themselves. I was killed quite a few times but the thing is…I didn’t care. When I was killed, I was killed fair and square and it always felt like I was outplayed and outskilled. When I landed a kill, it was for the same reason.

From now on, I am going to self-select my matches so I can continue to enjoy myself in pvp. If there is more than one of either class, I’m just going to leave the map and find another. It may take a while to find a map, but it’s worth it so I can enjoy the game again.

TL:DR. Hot join can be fun, you just have to do the balancing yourself. Avoid matches containing thieves and mesmers and you can start enjoying yourself in pvp again.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Archonis.7249


or you could learn how to counter them.

“Society is a madhouse, whose wardens are the police and the officials.”

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Aldizi.5671


I iwonder if Devs give post like these any credibility..

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


or you could learn how to counter them.

But doing that would require to think and become more skillful, surely you are joking, the better option is to go from server to server and always try to avoid 1/4 of classes.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I iwonder if Devs give post like these any credibility..

A single post on an MMO forum doesn’t usually mean much.

But 4 months of near constant QQ about Thieves simply cannot be ignored.

This is not an isolated issue. You can argue about the cause or what’s at the root of the issue. You can argue if burst or Stealth is more problematic. You can blame culling or Mug.

But the fact remains, for a large portion of the player base fighting Thieves is not fun.

And that is something that needs to be addressed.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


or you could learn how to counter them.

Hi there,

I’m not sure where “being able to counter them” comes into the argument. For a thief as a necro: spam my marks, chill them, kite them around, chuck a few wells on top of their Shadow Refuge, they’re dead. Mesmers are trickier for me, I’m not going to lie. Neither of them are fun classes to play against, whether or not I can beat them.

My point is: I was actually having fun in pvp again once these classes were removed from the equation. If I wasn’t able to beat them ever, I would have made a different post which would have been asking for help.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Have seen a few comments lately about people going into s/tpvp matches where there are no thieves or mesmers and reporting back that it was a lot more fun.

Just wanted to say that I have recently played a few matches in a row where this also happened to me and…wow. Just wow. Suddenly instead of frustration and rage, I was having fun. The matches were all really, really close. Fights were an absolute blast. Everyone enjoyed themselves. I was killed quite a few times but the thing is…I didn’t care. When I was killed, I was killed fair and square and it always felt like I was outplayed and outskilled. When I landed a kill, it was for the same reason.

From now on, I am going to self-select my matches so I can continue to enjoy myself in pvp. If there is more than one of either class, I’m just going to leave the map and find another. It may take a while to find a map, but it’s worth it so I can enjoy the game again.

TL:DR. Hot join can be fun, you just have to do the balancing yourself. Avoid matches containing thieves and mesmers and you can start enjoying yourself in pvp again.

Fighting a mesmer is not a problem, actually it’s a welcome challenge because if you lose is because you’ve outplayed, you can see a mesmer coming and you can see through its tricks.
But thieves are something else, nothing but a bunch of cowards running around in stealth ( shadow refuge, CnD, hide in shadows etc etc), the “high rank” thieves normally sit behind a zerg and call target..then go stealth..and “take credit” for the kill after backstabbing to death the target…after that they really think to be pro..amusing.
The stealth mechanism is really broken and should be removed, substituted with something else like the shadow step from GW1.
It takes 0 skills to go stealth while wearing full berseker armour and then attacking somedoby from the back when he’s fightning somebody else ( because of course cowards will never face you when alone).
At the very least the stealth debuff should be something like 7-10s so thiefs can get punished for failing to kill a target

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: OneArmedBandit.7936


Necro > Mesmer, provided both are of equal skill level. If you lose to a mesmer, consider yourself outclassed.

Durrrrr [EU]

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Archonis.7249


Have seen a few comments lately about people going into s/tpvp matches where there are no thieves or mesmers and reporting back that it was a lot more fun.

Just wanted to say that I have recently played a few matches in a row where this also happened to me and…wow. Just wow. Suddenly instead of frustration and rage, I was having fun. The matches were all really, really close. Fights were an absolute blast. Everyone enjoyed themselves. I was killed quite a few times but the thing is…I didn’t care. When I was killed, I was killed fair and square and it always felt like I was outplayed and outskilled. When I landed a kill, it was for the same reason.

From now on, I am going to self-select my matches so I can continue to enjoy myself in pvp. If there is more than one of either class, I’m just going to leave the map and find another. It may take a while to find a map, but it’s worth it so I can enjoy the game again.

TL:DR. Hot join can be fun, you just have to do the balancing yourself. Avoid matches containing thieves and mesmers and you can start enjoying yourself in pvp again.

Fighting a mesmer is not a problem, actually it’s a welcome challenge because if you lose is because you’ve outplayed, you can see a mesmer coming and you can see through its tricks.
But thieves are something else, nothing but a bunch of cowards running around in stealth ( shadow refuge, CnD, hide in shadows etc etc), the “high rank” thieves normally sit behind a zerg and call target..then go stealth..and “take credit” for the kill after backstabbing to death the target…after that they really think to be pro..amusing.
The stealth mechanism is really broken and should be removed, substituted with something else like the shadow step from GW1.
It takes 0 skills to go stealth while wearing full berseker armour and then attacking somedoby from the back when he’s fightning somebody else ( because of course cowards will never face you when alone).
At the very least the stealth debuff should be something like 7-10s so thiefs can get punished for failing to kill a target

You know that Mesmers also use stealth, along with playing the peanut shuffle game. I find that more annoying that a short stealth with a burst that can easily be avoided with simple tactical awareness.

“Society is a madhouse, whose wardens are the police and the officials.”

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


I can confirm this from my own experience.When there are no thieves or mesmers present quality of pvp increases tenfold at least and more importantly there is no frustration caused by cheap and unfair mechanics given to these 2 classes.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Soul.5947


they should add an option so hide servers with thiefs or mesmers or allow players to make their own servers with class restrictions

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


The best matches you can ever have are the ones completely devoid of thieves and Mesmers. It hasn’t happened to me many times, but when it does I ride that horse as long as it lasts (and it it so worth it).

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Solori.6025


I iwonder if Devs give post like these any credibility..

A single post on an MMO forum doesn’t usually mean much.

But 4 months of near constant QQ about Thieves simply cannot be ignored.

This is not an isolated issue. You can argue about the cause or what’s at the root of the issue. You can argue if burst or Stealth is more problematic. You can blame culling or Mug.

But the fact remains, for a large portion of the player base fighting Thieves is not fun.

And that is something that needs to be addressed.

It actually can and has been ignored.
If you watch the last SoTG interview with J Sharp, a lot of builds that people complain about ( like BS thieves or 100b warriors) are actually not an issue for the target audience that they balance this game around ( as was stated in the SoTG). People still for some reason believe that if they cry hard enough it will be nerfed to oblivion and unless its a bug or blatanly broken ( shatter macro, haste frame clipping) its most likely going to be met with a L2P and swept under the bus.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


Personally I like fighting Mesmers and Thieves, it is an interesting cat and mouse game trying to bait out certain skills. But of course you have to know what to be looking for. I think this is where most casual players find issues. They don’t go the extra mile to learn their opponent and in that case thieves and mesmers can be very frustrating to play against.

I guess their overabundance in hot join can get old pretty quickly though, but I avoid hot join unless I’m just testing a new build or something. The majority of the playerbase is in hot join though so this is where the devs have to balance catering to casuals and people who know how to play correctly.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


Personally I like fighting Mesmers and Thieves, it is an interesting cat and mouse game trying to bait out certain skills. But of course you have to know what to be looking for. I think this is where most casual players find issues. They don’t go the extra mile to learn their opponent and in that case thieves and mesmers can be very frustrating to play against.

I guess their overabundance in hot join can get old pretty quickly though, but I avoid hot join unless I’m just testing a new build or something. The majority of the playerbase is in hot join though so this is where the devs have to balance catering to casuals and people who know how to play correctly.

You just called people who agree with OP a bunch of noobs who dont know how to play against thieves and mesmers.There is no way that game is actually better without cheap classes like mesmers and thieves?
Players like you are the reason why i dont like MMOs.You comment disgusts me, sir.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Archonis.7249


Personally I like fighting Mesmers and Thieves, it is an interesting cat and mouse game trying to bait out certain skills. But of course you have to know what to be looking for. I think this is where most casual players find issues. They don’t go the extra mile to learn their opponent and in that case thieves and mesmers can be very frustrating to play against.

I guess their overabundance in hot join can get old pretty quickly though, but I avoid hot join unless I’m just testing a new build or something. The majority of the playerbase is in hot join though so this is where the devs have to balance catering to casuals and people who know how to play correctly.

You just called people who agree with OP a bunch of noobs who dont know how to play against thieves and mesmers.There is no way that game is actually better without cheap classes like mesmers and thieves?
Players like you are the reason why i dont like MMOs.You comment disgusts me, sir.

You are too emotionally invested in an MMO.

“Society is a madhouse, whose wardens are the police and the officials.”

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Personally I like fighting Mesmers and Thieves, it is an interesting cat and mouse game trying to bait out certain skills. But of course you have to know what to be looking for. I think this is where most casual players find issues. They don’t go the extra mile to learn their opponent and in that case thieves and mesmers can be very frustrating to play against.

I guess their overabundance in hot join can get old pretty quickly though, but I avoid hot join unless I’m just testing a new build or something. The majority of the playerbase is in hot join though so this is where the devs have to balance catering to casuals and people who know how to play correctly.

You just called people who agree with OP a bunch of noobs who dont know how to play against thieves and mesmers.There is no way that game is actually better without cheap classes like mesmers and thieves?
Players like you are the reason why i dont like MMOs.You comment disgusts me, sir.

You are too emotionally invested in an MMO.

This should be said also to people who go around and call people “noobs” if they complain about their chosen profession

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


I disagree, games are way more boring without thieves or mesmers, what is point in playing if you never have to watch your back or man up for a tough fight?

For reference, I do have a thief and mesmer, but main ele with 1000+ games and 75% of my overall playtime.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


Personally I like fighting Mesmers and Thieves, it is an interesting cat and mouse game trying to bait out certain skills. But of course you have to know what to be looking for. I think this is where most casual players find issues. They don’t go the extra mile to learn their opponent and in that case thieves and mesmers can be very frustrating to play against.

I guess their overabundance in hot join can get old pretty quickly though, but I avoid hot join unless I’m just testing a new build or something. The majority of the playerbase is in hot join though so this is where the devs have to balance catering to casuals and people who know how to play correctly.

You just called people who agree with OP a bunch of noobs who dont know how to play against thieves and mesmers.There is no way that game is actually better without cheap classes like mesmers and thieves?
Players like you are the reason why i dont like MMOs.You comment disgusts me, sir.

I wasn’t directing anything at anybody. OP is commenting on the funness factor of playing against mesmers and thieves. Not everybody shares that opinion. I was offering the counterpoint that some people, like myself, find fighting thieves and mesmers interesting, and that interest is derived from knowing my opponent.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Khyras.8021


“so this is where the devs have to balance catering to casuals and people who know how to play correctly”.
You think there are 2 types of players in GW2: casuals and people who know how to play correctly?Casuals do not know how to play correctly so they complain about mesmers and thieves not being fun to play against?

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


I’m saying the devs SHOULD consider the casual player as that is the majority of the playerbase. A lot of people think you should just balance around hardcore players who play 40 hours a week but that isn’t good game design. You want your game to be popular after all. And when I say balance I mean in general balance but also the funness factor.

But at the same time you can’t ignore balance at higher levels where players know the game inside and out. From what I’ve seen and my own personal experiences the majority of strong paid sPvP teams do no think Thieves and Mesmers are incredibly OP. I have issues with things like Portal just being a badly designed skill for the conquest game mode and what not, but that isn’t what people are discussing in this thread.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: SunnyJay.5276


man, this thread just read my mind :)
i’m not sure what it is, but i played my first pvp match the other day that didn’t have a mesmer or thief in it, an i seriously had so much fun. i see where your coming from, but i also see were the other guys are coming from too. you can’t just remove two classes from a game.. :\ but i will defiantly be staying in a server for a while if i find out it doesn’t have these two classes. there’s just something about it, and i cant put my finger on it. it’s not like there unbeatable, i can easily counter a thieves back stab and all the other junk. and following a mesmer (besides when he stealth’s) isn’t to hard. but they just arent as fun to vs as other classes. :\ im not expert on class balance or anything like that, but that is my 2 cents

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Necro > Mesmer, provided both are of equal skill level. If you lose to a mesmer, consider yourself outclassed.

We already outclass when the clones appears and the best you can do is survive the assault of mind wreck :S.


PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


or you could learn how to counter them.

And then once you learn how to counter them… they remain annoying little prats which only serve to decrease the relative “fun value” of the game for many players.

What people seem to ignore is that when people are talking about it being “more fun” without those classes, much like the thread on which classes are “most annoying”, that it has next to nothing to do with actual power/threat value of said classes but that the mechanics of the classes themselves, win or lose, are simply annoying and “unfun”.

That’s it. No amount of L2P or “learn to counter them” comments changes the fact that the mechanics of those classes themselves simply are annoying and decrease the fun factor for many players.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


or you could learn how to counter them.

And then once you learn how to counter them… they remain annoying little prats which only serve to decrease the relative “fun value” of the game for many players.

What people seem to ignore is that when people are talking about it being “more fun” without those classes, much like the thread on which classes are “most annoying”, that it has next to nothing to do with actual power/threat value of said classes but that the mechanics of the classes themselves, win or lose, are simply annoying and “unfun”.

That’s it. No amount of L2P or “learn to counter them” comments changes the fact that the mechanics of those classes themselves simply are annoying and decrease the fun factor for many players.

And that’s the #1 issue… it’s just not “fun” to fight against a class that can disappear so often, especially with a stealth mechanic that isn’t revealed by… anything. I would even be willing to see stealth last longer, so long as damage to the Thief brought them out of stealth for even longer.

Another similar issue is with NPC pets. They just tend to clutter up what would otherwise be a fun fight, because you spend a lot of your time tabbing through to find the player or switching to click on them personally before you start attacking… it’s just not fun.

That said, neither of these issues are “OP” or “gamebreaking” in my eyes, just a couple of annoying gameplay mechanics that do not seem to fit in how amazing the flow is for PvP in almost every other aspect for me.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


or you could learn how to counter them.

The Problem is, that the Thief and the Mesmer require you to make much more compromises if you try to counter them with builds or with certain strategies then if you would want to counter other classes.

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Necro > Mesmer, provided both are of equal skill level. If you lose to a mesmer, consider yourself outclassed.

I play both, mesmer > necro unless the mesmer is speced pure glass. I drop champion phantoms on my condition mesmer all day.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

PvP so much fun without thieves and mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


or you could learn how to counter them.

And then once you learn how to counter them… they remain annoying little prats which only serve to decrease the relative “fun value” of the game for many players.

What people seem to ignore is that when people are talking about it being “more fun” without those classes, much like the thread on which classes are “most annoying”, that it has next to nothing to do with actual power/threat value of said classes but that the mechanics of the classes themselves, win or lose, are simply annoying and “unfun”.

That’s it. No amount of L2P or “learn to counter them” comments changes the fact that the mechanics of those classes themselves simply are annoying and decrease the fun factor for many players.

This is basically what I was going to say. Most Thieves I’ve encountered are Heartseeker trash cans, and I paste them into the ground. Some Thieves go stealth/survival heavy, and they’re basically impossible to fight. Neither of them are any fun whatsoever to play against.

It’s a completely subjective analysis. I played Forge for about 6 hours as the Assassin class, and now it frustrates me that the Thief stealth mechanic exists in its current incarnation. There’s no required LoS or escape to blow stealth, there’s no punishment for stealthing in AoE, nothing. Pure reward. Sure, you can hit someone in stealth, but the game barely rewards you at all for guessing properly.

It’s very possible ANet doesn’t want what I want, and that’s OK, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating for me. GW2 is as close as any MMO has come to exactly what I want. It’s palpable. So when some of the mechanics just make me sigh in irritation, it’s felt that much more keenly.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”