PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: starcraft zergling.1962

starcraft zergling.1962

Ok after seeing other people getting the same problem, I have more infos and this is what happened:

The server crash caused a glitched game to come, where there was no opponents and no allies.

The rating calculation for this glitched game made the rating return a value of 0.

Now here is the solution:

Fix the consequences:
Watch in your database for people who complained about losing all their rating. Manually set this value to what it was before by using the value you find in your backup database (prior game crash).

Fix the cause to avoid future problems:
Have a programmer look at the source code where the rating is calculated and let him do his job.

(edited by starcraft zergling.1962)

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Nary Why Irk.8150

Nary Why Irk.8150

i hope u get this issue solved and also hope they fix all matchmaking problems asap

aka bad team comps facing top 100´s , syncing allowed, people leaving to not lose rank, etc..

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I guess it’s cause you beat .. no one?
Maybe the game added a negative number to your rating somehow because there were no other players?

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


How many games have you played? My guess is your MMR is still volatile.

Same thing happened to me when I first started SoloQ. My ranking would bounce all over the place for a few games then (even after like a 70% win rating) I was surprised to find I was ranked 5%. After I was like ranked 5% it kind of stayed like that for me (even though when I went from the leaderboards to 5% I had won like 5 in a row).

I guess you’ll just have to do it tough like me and be content with being in the middle of the pack. Its not as bad as it seems, higher up in rank and LB and you’ll run into spirit ranger/condition necro comps in every game.

Good luck tho, its a hard climb out of the bottom of the pit.

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483


MMR stays volatile even after 200+ games.

I can gain or lose 100+ rating spots by winning or losing just 2 games in a row.

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: starcraft zergling.1962

starcraft zergling.1962

I have 207-176 stats so that’s 383 games.

7% is probably something like rank 20000 or more

Nothing justify to drop from rank 150 to rank 20000 (after any win or any lose, but in my case i got a 1v0 match that must have glitched the game)

So it’s definitively a major flaw / programmation error in the coding of the ladder.

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


As far as I am concerned for something like solo arena a win should never drop you signifcantly. Its not the players fault that spvp is unpopular and the pool of players is small or that you got put into a uneven match. You should be matched against appropriate skill level/rated players in every match and beating them should not be a big negative and would not be in a system that worked correctly. I understand in team pvp you might group with lower ranked friends intentionally and face lower rank players and get bad wins and get penalized for it that way but in a solo q it is A-nets fault not the player that the matchups are so poor most of the time.

(edited by Kwll.1468)

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083



I was queuing a solo arena match while the game server crashed today. When the server got fixed, I loged on and I instantly got a match.
In that match, I was alone (1v0) and well … won it.

After that match (win), my rating droped from around top 150 (don’t remember exactly) to … 7%. (but it still counted as a win in the pvp panel and I got the reward win chest)

I already sent a ticket to support, I’m just posting this on forums to have another chance to have this problem resolved, and it might have happened to some others too.

Needless to say that 7% games are uninteresting games with total beginners from rank 1 to rank 9 (I tried a match once and yea … won’t ever do it again lol)

You were lucky. I got from 700 to 0% in one win.


0 %

0 %

0 %

if you are experiencing the same support this thread

Up Rerroll

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


What I truly don’t get and am frustrated by is this whole leaderboard thing. How can you rank solo players in a 5 man game? Any one individual only makes up 20% of the team. A players individual score is heavily influenced by others they play with.

I have just had the worst losing streak through leavers, people just skirismhing off of points, or 4 people standing on home and leaving one other to roam. All it took was a few legit loses and I’ve been scaled back down to the newbies who don’t communicate or clearly understand what the objective is here. While currently being in the bottom rung of players through this disaster my chances of winning are now purely 50/50 rng, because that is the caliber of tactics being used by the people i’m playing with.

What makes it worse is that being a champion slayer/avenger i can usually capably hold off, if not down 2vs1 newb players because they don’t understand what build I’m running and what I’m doing. It makes it unchallenging. When I was being matched in higher tiers the same build would get better counter play and I would generally get higher quality matches.

All in all either I dominate newer players, or the newer players get annihilated by the opposition who are communicating thoughtfully.

SoloQ needed 3 tiers where the player could choose their level. tier 3 is open to rank 20 and under. You can choose tier 2 rank 20-40. Tier 1 rank 40+ simply because current match making is assigning some fairly weird rank spreads to teams. A rank 30ish team can suddenly find themselves with a rank 4 and 11 in their team with what should have been a team with a average rank of 27 or higher.

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Draygo.9473


^ Just how they do it in league of legends solo queue. In theory good players will help their team win more often than they lose, even if its just slightly more often.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: I have three accounts lol.3859

I have three accounts lol.3859

lol @ people saying MMR volatile xD

Starcraft is legit – restore his kitten pls

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: savov.3712


I’ve encountered similar problem to starcraft’s. Yesterday got an update midgame and after the restart I replayed the match 2v3, lost it and dropped from top~300 to the 80%s in a single game.
Didn’t notice until today when I was always matched with some r20s, who can’t use their brains and I just snowballed to the 60%s in few loses in a row… Really annoying.

PvP solo arena: 0% rating bug

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


I was also dropped to 0% after winning 1 game.

now im back in the top 1000 and it has been one of the worst experiences of my life lololo

Up Rerroll