Pvp Hot impressions

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: epouvante.7392


Hello everyone, first i want to thanks the dev for the work done so far, Hot is amazing so far.
In this topic i do?t want to discuss pve but just pvp.
I have done a lot of pvp during this first week and i enjoy it a lot.
All elite are really cool and really good. The pvp balance is close the perfection in my opinion, all classes are strong and need a certain skill.
I want to talk about dragonhunter: a lot of guard do?t like the elite skin so all the time the cry and cry during the beta weeks. So the dev listen because guard is the most played class in the game, and the buff, buff and buff the elite. Actually in pvp DH is the unique unbalanced classe. The main reason is traps. CDd are not much, a lot of damages (6k the last damage of a trap), access to stab and aegis a lot of times, block ennemis etc.
Also, with traits, Dh can dazr you with traps, reduce the cd, proc traps if someone cc him, stab, aegis etc. Oh, i forget, the trapper rune in pvp, “when you put a trap you gain steath” with no cd.
Traps are a way to help the Dh not to oneshot other players, to give a tone of stab, aegis, fury, might etc etc.

Just come in pvp and you will see, the Dh put the traps you dodge to activate it but the occurs during 6 to 8 sec. So he could def the point, you wait and he puts others traps etc etc.
My objectif is not to cry or to want a classe to be op but to achieve a real balance. I read a lot of post and patch during these 9 mounths before the lauch and i do?t like the guardians mind. All the time the had cried, and finally the devs listened and up the classes. If guardS do?t like the elite skin, they have to change the profession or stat as guard. But, arena net, by creating an overpowered Dh you will kill the pvp.
People dont like Dh style, it s not a reason to give us godlike traps.
I know it s a launch but after a traps nerf guard will cry and you will up traps another time etc etc.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Evilek.5690


One single dodge and all traps is gone, maybe is time fight 1v1 vs DH and learn mechanics before that you make topic.

Only two traps make spike DMG, Test of Figh make 3.1k crit dmg 24 sec CD with traits and Dragon’s Maw 4.3k DMG 48 sec CD, other two traps make DOT DMG.

Guardian with four traps has zero mobility and zero defensive skills.

And for all, easy way how kill DH is ranged weapon and dont stay in traps.

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: epouvante.7392


It´s not constructive when is a Dh that answer. Stop talking like the Dh traps are balanced and with juSt one dodge we can kill a DH. If DH is nothing without defenses why a third of players run it? You can admit that this elite is really op. Heavy armor, high defense via stab, aegis, high healing , high damage, mobility. Sorry but you are not constructive.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Evilek.5690


It´s not constructive when is a Dh that answer. Stop talking like the Dh traps are balanced and with juSt one dodge we can kill a DH. If DH is nothing without defenses why a third of players run it? You can admit that this elite is really op. Heavy armor, high defense via stab, aegis, high healing , high damage, mobility. Sorry but you are not constructive.

First time my PvP main is Thief with 4.5k play time and I have no problem killing DH per one combo, only noob standing in red circles and say OP.

BTW Meteor Shower out damage all traps and DMG skills in thisgame with biges circle in game

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Inflames.8026


The dragonhunter as it stands is too powerful. The traps alone win fights , and its super easy to lock someone inside with the elite. The utility should be there to help a profession get kills, right now its more useful then the weaponset. I’m all for dragonhunter being good, but it is way too strong as it stands.
Think the guy above said enough about why.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Assassins Caddy.1539

Assassins Caddy.1539

I think the traps only seem OP because y’all aren’t used to them. They’re fairly easy to avoid when you know what to avoid. It does require paying attention, so maybe they’re OP if you like to just mindlessly pvp, though they’re not a huge problem otherwise.

Devil Of The Mists
Gems N Tonic [GnT]
Formerly Best Team North Africa [NA]

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I think the traps only seem OP because y’all aren’t used to them. They’re fairly easy to avoid when you know what to avoid. It does require paying attention, so maybe they’re OP if you like to just mindlessly pvp, though they’re not a huge problem otherwise.

It looks that way…

for the streams ive been watching against DH, players always go several times in and out their traps several times :\, it is not pretty when players are getting themselves killed on that shinny large trap….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Inflames.8026


These traps are sort of like the necromancer wells. But instead they do twice the damage, roots you inside them with the ultimate.
The problem is, these traps are exellent for taking or keeping points because noone wants to run into them. From the cosy trapbase the dragonhunter can then do 7-9k crit shots to you, hook you into them with either the dh virtue or gs ability.

Yes, on paper dodging these traps seem very simplistic. But, the cd is low and you got around 8 sec to burst down the guardian before the traps are put down again. And we all know guardians dont die that quickly.

But by all means, DH is bad right? Right?

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Strategist.6132


I think Gaurdian Trap builds can be quite strong expecially if you don’t pay good attention to it. But I don’t think it’s overpowered. Most people either just dodge through it, or just go ranged. (If your class has that capability)

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190


People are conditioned to face tanking traps. Let’s face it, they were never really a threatening mechanic. People who have adapted are faring fine against DH. People who want to walk in and out of Test of Faith are the ones crying “traps OP!!1!”


Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Assassins Caddy.1539

Assassins Caddy.1539

These traps are sort of like the necromancer wells. But instead they do twice the damage, roots you inside them with the ultimate.
The problem is, these traps are exellent for taking or keeping points because noone wants to run into them. From the cosy trapbase the dragonhunter can then do 7-9k crit shots to you, hook you into them with either the dh virtue or gs ability.

Yes, on paper dodging these traps seem very simplistic. But, the cd is low and you got around 8 sec to burst down the guardian before the traps are put down again. And we all know guardians dont die that quickly.

But by all means, DH is bad right? Right?

DH isn’t necessarily bad, though it isn’t OP.
In comparison with necro wells, those can typically be avoided in a similar way. I don’t think they’re necessarily more powerful than Necro wells though since the wells can be cast at a distance. This allows the necro to take their time setting up a snare on their opponent before bursting. The delay for the traps is enough that somebody can escape once they see their placement.

Devil Of The Mists
Gems N Tonic [GnT]
Formerly Best Team North Africa [NA]

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Inflames.8026


I think Gaurdian Trap builds can be quite strong expecially if you don’t pay good attention to it. But I don’t think it’s overpowered. Most people either just dodge through it, or just go ranged. (If your class has that capability)

Correct, if you are capable to go ranged. If you however is a melee warrior, staff daredevil player where most of your burst comes from melee, because face it. Some shortbow harass does not work on a guardian that can deal 9 times that in return.
It kittens over almost all ele builds, it ruins double melee rangers, it destroys those poor melee guardians. It has 1 counter. Hardcore ranged condi pressure.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Scambug.3502


Some scrapper, revenant and dh builds do insane damage. Way too high, I don’t last 2 seconds on my bunker guard in some 1v2s…
It’s seriously ridiculous, often I get stunned and don’t even have time to hit a stun breaker before I’m totaled…on a freakin BUNKER.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: mistsim.2748


DH’s are hardcountered by long range pressure. so any kind of Lb or staff ranger/druid. probably a well-played rifle zerker. don’t walk into their cluster of traps, and it’s going to be ok.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Everything is overpowered so everything is balanced. Love that logic.

Dragonhunters with lots of traps are a cheesy gimmick reminiscent of the launch day 100blades warriors. They crap on mediocre and lower players with a few key presses and not much thought. Better players can avoid the silly burst most of the time, but in group fights will still be insta-gibbed every so often.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


DH’s are hardcountered by long range pressure. so any kind of Lb or staff ranger/druid. probably a well-played rifle zerker. don’t walk into their cluster of traps, and it’s going to be ok.

Maybe if they had a scepter with its kittenty basic attack spam but oh wait they received the longbow with it and it has 2 base anti ranged abilities.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Susu.9261


In a 2 vs 2 fight – probably the most common in structured PvP – if I misstime a dodge I’m automatically dead. No, I’m not using Berserk or any of the other no defense/ hp amulets, but the sheer amount of crowd control ensures 2-3 seconds of helpnessless and that means getting downed. ‘cos 2 players can dish out 16-20k dmg no problem in 2 seconds. Yes.. they need to set it up – that setup will get you down to that margin of HP -, but this means the fights end mostly with the alpha strike.
And it’s obvious that others have realised this, cos if I start chiping their HP away, they’ll burn through all their escape teleports and retreat skills.
If that was the goal, then congrats: 95% of players are now glass cannons. I’ve only seen mesmers and necros (light armor LOL) tanking acceptably.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: zapv.8051


Maybe I haven’t fought any good ones, but DH with traps I tend to have no problem with. Trigger the traps then gtfo. Most classes can do that pretty easily. As for the longbow, strafe left and right quickly and most of their attacks miss. LOS still works too. Sure in teamfights you can get ganked pretty hard, but most of the classes can gank you real hard in teamfights.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


I never came close to getting instagibbed by a DH.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Inflames.8026


Isnt that what most people say? I never lose to it, so its fine. Try some different classes. If you play the overly strong revenant, scrapper, chrono or rev the DH is probably just another cakewalk. If you however like to tourment yourself in spvp go for one of the more unlucky professions.

People say you cant 1v1 on thief. I can. Guess how many of those are kitten players. Yup.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Isarii.2804


OP: please go into your control settings make sure you have the “dodge” key bound. Then, when you trigger a trap, press the key you just bound “dodge” to. For a real MLG pro-level strategy, not walking in and out of the big circle trap is advised.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


DH are not so good, but Chrono and some Revenants builds are over the top right now.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Inflames.8026


OP: please go into your control settings make sure you have the “dodge” key bound. Then, when you trigger a trap, press the key you just bound “dodge” to. For a real MLG pro-level strategy, not walking in and out of the big circle trap is advised.

A dragonhunter is standing on the point shooting you with the arrows. You need that point. What do you do?

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Use your range to fight back or pop your invuln and charge in? Unless you have a ton of CC to force the DH (or whoever is sitting on point) for the decap, there’s really no point to confining yourself to that super small circle, especially vs a spec with so much aoe.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Inflames.8026


The dragonhunter wont put down traps until you are close to him. You charge in with invuln. He waits it out, hook you with sword chain. He puts down the elite trap to stun you, then place every other trap ontop. He then yanks u in with the nr 5 and apply the F1 hook on you to further drag you in. What do you do? Your currently at 4k hp with 4 burnstacks, bleed and vuln stacks.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


LB5 doesn’t pull. If you see him drop the trap (very obvious bend over animation) make some distance and avoid that spot. If he hits you with the tether (which is still kinda bugged), break it by making distance. Also, you usually want to dodge roll over the point to check for traps. I’ve done it. Ive seen people do it, idk why the rest of you guys can’t.

Pvp Hot impressions

in PvP

Posted by: TheAngryDuckling.5481


One single dodge and all traps is gone, maybe is time fight 1v1 vs DH and learn mechanics before that you make topic.

Only two traps make spike DMG, Test of Figh make 3.1k crit dmg 24 sec CD with traits and Dragon’s Maw 4.3k DMG 48 sec CD, other two traps make DOT DMG.

Guardian with four traps has zero mobility and zero defensive skills.

And for all, easy way how kill DH is ranged weapon and dont stay in traps.

lol, DH drop them right on top of you not set them down and wait for you to walk into them…