Pvp armor problem
Got million collors, and no idea on how to make something look nice together.
I’m not stylist :/ First game you need to make collors yourself…
As far I see I’m not the only 1 with this problem.
Ton of people try to make cool armors, but in the end they look ricolus. xD
I saw I’m 100% no more then 3-4 people since I started playing that had cool armors that were not combination of white and black. xD
And for white and black you need money.
Dyes are luck.
I’ve gotten black/white/midnight ice/abyss on a few characters without buying them.
It’s working as intended. If you don’t want to actually be a “stylist” then just leave your game set to auto color match you to the team you’re on. Problem solved.
Yaks Bend
Luck my but If you are not PvE-ing, i have no idea how you got thos collors.
I have a lot of friends that do only PvP since I do only PvP. How many of them have “cool” collors? No one.
Luck my but
If you are not PvE-ing, i have no idea how you got thos collors.
I have a lot of friends that do only PvP since I do only PvP. How many of them have “cool” collors? No one.
You can easily get a lot of unidentified dye from opening higher-tier chests using glory.
I had goten a lot of unidentified dye’s. I got only ugly collors out dhou.
Now is more then 3 months that I’m playing dhou. ANd still no deccent collors to cosumize my account. + dyes you unlock on 1 acc you can’t use on other acc. :/
Dyes are really cheap, if you win paids or even just spam them when you can making money isnt too hard.
There is a recipe for throwing in your mats from the chests to make die in the forge of great mystics, or so I believe
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
TGSlasher.1458…. If I would understood what you sad….
Anyway I’m guessing you mean there is a recipe for making dyes in Mystic Forge.
Well I know it and I use it as offten as I can.
Luck my but
If you are not PvE-ing, i have no idea how you got thos collors.
I have a lot of friends that do only PvP since I do only PvP. How many of them have “cool” collors? No one.
I see tons of guys in the mists and in-game matches with ‘cool’ colors. I’ve gotten plenty of rare ‘cool’ dyes out of buying chests via glory. It’s all luck man. Just like in PvE unless you spend the gold to buy it, and if you trade gems via tourney wins you can do that as well.
Yaks Bend
I’ve only ever gotten one gold lettered dye from rewards chest.
Most people with cool colors play PvE as well and therefore have a steady inflow of gold with which to buy dyes,
Chi Malady. You are right.
I asked 2 friends that got “cool” collors.
1 sad he got 1 after 100h gameplay in Pve.
He has more then 2 account lv 80. And 1 account 100% map complete.
He sad he bought most of the “cool” collors.
I think Since in PvP you can’t make enought money to buy all this collors you want, how on earth I’m supposed to get collors I want?
And totaly think that 99% of people have ugly armor’s collored.
1 of few armor’s really totaly cool and nicely collored I saw arround is this
Random Dye
1 Consumable Token
1 Sliver
1 Orb
10 Powder
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com
Random Dye
1 Consumable Token
1 Sliver
1 Orb
10 Powder
Assuming you can farm an average 300 glory per match (you’ll have to struggle), within a 10 min per match. Let’s say you’ll receive 25 powders and orbs after salvaging 45 items. And to finish it, assume that we gain 5 items per copper box, everytime.
Now, starting our calculations:
- First we need to converte our Orbs into Crystals.
- Items needed: 25 orbs, 25 powders, 1 arcane converter, 1 crystal (you have one) and 3 salvage kits
- Total glory spent: 9×200 + 1000 + 300 = 3100 glory
- Time to accomplish: +/-100 mins
- Item obtained: 11 crystals
Now, you’ll have to do it 3 times, since we need 25 crystals to convert into 11 slivers.
- Total glory spent: 9300
- Time to accomplish: 300 mins
Converting crystals into slivers… (you have 33 atm)
- Items needed: 25 powder, 25 crystal, 1 arcane converter, 1 sliver (you have one) and 3 salvage kits
(assume 25 powder – 30 items)
- Total glory spent: 2×100 + 1000 = 2200 glory
- Time to accomplish: +/- 70 mins
- Items obtained: 11 sliver
Now, now, we just need 11 orbs/consumable tokens and 110 powder
(assume 75 items salvaged)
- Total glory spent: 11×200 + 5×100 + 15×200 = 5700 glory
- Time to accomplish: 190 mins
- Items obtained: 11 unidentified dye
Total glory : 17200 points
Total time : 9h and 20 mins
Result: 11 dyes
Now, in PvE, lets say you farm in a not so good spot (1g/h). After 9h and 20 mins, you’ll have 9g 30s. Unidentified dye in the TP – 15s 50c. Total dye bought: 60!!
And that’s for a 1g/h place (imagine those who can farm 4g/h…).
(edited by Asomal.6453)