Anyway This is the worst mmo fail I ever saw.
Wanna be Skyrim/COD online fail.
Example*****, **************…….. are games that are comming out and are foccusing on PvP!!!
ALL the NEW MMO’s are focused on First PvP then PvE content, even if I don’t know to tell all the names of the mmos… ANd of thos taht I know I won’t tell to not be accused of adversting. That’s the truth. Check it out.
Why has to be only gw2 single player game to play online. :/ Ridiculus in my opinion.
Reason why mmo’s got popular, because or old school mmo’s. Why are you then trying to change that?
And about the Holy trinity…. You killed it and bringed the holy Rock, scissors,paper system.
This game dosn’t make me want to play PvE at all.
story suk.
Game was made for 11 years old inpressionable kids.
A few weeks ago I totaly forgot why when i first started game I quited Pve very soon.
Anyway I started and in first 15 minutes I was like.. O… Too bad that I remembered.
First is the story line that you chose when making caracters. Totaly suk :@
2: Just at start when you go trough toturial.. What they say is all completly ridiculus/stupid. I was like WTF is this a joke?
3: voices totaly suk.
Anyway I managed to come to lv around 30.
Then went back to pvp.
Next point.
graphic style is completly NOT my type.
In pvp, Why on earth you tought people would enjoy playing only capture point?
Why on earth you guys tought this game will be played by kids 11 years old that will enjoy playing it and played by grown up boys and they will enjoy it to.
Was this an crazy attempt to get an sucesfull commercial game?
Ooo I think so. But let me tell you a true story bro. No commercial(song, game,anime,movie or ANYTHING) will or EVER had made happy both or all sides.
Behind your sorry buts and promisses. And given hopes. You are full of crap. I cudn’t be more dissapointed on this game that I’m. It disapoitned me in every possible way. And I tryed and still trying to see good in this game since I paid 50eur or something.
Good points of the game?
PvP tournys can be fun.
and jsut saying that brings me ton of conplains about turnys on my mind.
I can’t tell something good about this game without thinking to a several bad things about the same thing that could be much better.
Don’t get me wrong. You had great founds I guess.
You managed to do great dettails.
and put a lot of work in it.
But that only means you had the chance to make an appic mmo and kittened up by making this whatever can be called. Sure is not an normal MMO.
Say whatever you want in the comments comment below and let me know what you think.
My opinion is that asians are much better in inmagining words and styles and stuff like this.
If I would be owner of A-net when you startered the project Gw2.
I would tell you to call in the Asian true MMO Artist. Make them lead you and you just program on theyr lead.
That’ would be much smartter choise than put the design in the hands of some people that in my opinion have no idea what an MMO should be like.
A.Net, I regret every EUR I spent for the game. And I will not ever again buy a game you made untill I will be sure as the sky is blue that is worth buying.
Another fast point. Makign the game buy and play I think you made it wrong.
Much better choise would be pay once a month 1eur after you bought the game. But that of course requires that the game is good fun and loved.
(edited by Yiyojin.3241)