Pvp rewards

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Am I the only one that thinks pvp rewards need a complete overhaul? There is very little to spend glory on, and opening boxes doesn’t feel exciting at all because most likely you already have everything, and have to annoyingly salvage all of it. I would REALLY like to see something like Zaishen keys from guild wars 1, or some kind of gem/gold rewards.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Yep, PvP rewards need to a complete overhaul. I would agree. I don’t know exactly how, but something needs to be fixed. The rng feeling is a horrible way to give out rewards. The players have little to nothing to spend glory on (until we rank up).

In my opinion just it seems like the reward system for sPvP was not very well thought-out , at all.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Yup I agree, the reward system in pvp isn’t very good at all. I have over 300 unopened tournament match reward chests, because all I get is junk if I open them. They need to add bag of gems, bag of gold, dyes, and rarely a pvp armor. Also need to make tournament chests harder to get so the value of them is greater and more exciting to get a chest.

Right now it all feels like freebies and nothing special. Because I get tournament chests like there no tomorrow because all you do is win 1 quick game over and over and over again.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead

We also think that we need to improve the PvP rewards. I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys), but this is something that’s already in the plans.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


We also think that we need to improve the PvP rewards. I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys), but this is something that’s already in the plans.

Not going to lie but this is (at the very least) enlightening to hear. Thank you for a reply JSharp.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: shockwave.1764


We also think that we need to improve the PvP rewards. I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys), but this is something that’s already in the plans.

I don’t care if you can’t go into detail yet, I just want to kiss you now! (please make glory useful)

Shóckwávé 80 Elementalist, Shawk 80 Guardian,
Aolbjorn 80 Engineer | Rank 29
Staunch Evon Supporter

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Gaiyeerishima Cat.1082

Thanks for the response Jsharp Glad to hear you are planning to do something about this. I remember in GW1 I was always very glad to get faction, I’m hoping that some day I will feel the same way about glory in GW2.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: BlackhawkSOM.6401


Incentive and that sense of accomplishment you know? Thats whats really missing in the rewards.

The biggest drawback on pvp to me is simply there is no way to “showoff”. There is no skin that someone has and I’d be like “wow man your a really good player” instead its more like “wow man you grind a lot…”

Retuxan-80 Ranger-Rank 40
Jade quarry, MoG

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


It’d be REALLY nice if it was a simpler system where you simply purchased the gear you wanted with glory. It’s fine to have RNG boxes for winning tournaments and ranking up but when I want a couple pieces of gear to finish out my look I don’t want to have to dig through a wiki (To try to craft it at the Mystic Forge) or buy a bunch of RNG boxes in hopes of getting those pieces.

I don’t know why Anet insists on overcomplicating systems that should be really easy to use.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Split solo queue from team premade queue

Apply better rewards for team premade and good reward for solo queue.

You can create a new currency for tpvp (instead of glory) and with this currency you can buy something really special. It’s better than random chest.

You can also create special rewards based on elo and ladder (but pls fix the ladder system before).

You can create special rewards for special event (like master tournament in custom arena)

There is no much sense now you can get more glory in hot join instead of tpvp, and basically glory now is almost useless.

tpvp needs better reward than hot join.

I think you can do 1000000000 things better than actual pvp reward system.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Lexxx.2143



Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Demonsoul.9271


this is something that’s already in the plans.


That’s all I wanted to hear.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


this is something that’s already in the plans.


That’s all I wanted to hear.

They said that last month. Keywords “in the plans”, you didn’t hear “in the making”. Plans for 2013?Maybe… Plans for 2014? strong possibility.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

They told this allrdy in 2 SOTG’s when ppl asked them.
But the pace you are working with is just frustrating.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Hugs.1856


What about the sheer excitement of competition?

I suggest you (finally) make up your mind on the competitive infrastructure rather than giving out carrots:p

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Glory to gems ?
Daily automated tourneys ?
Monthly automated tourneys ?
The Rare pve skins > being able to be crafted (ghastly grinning shield/mad moon) ?

[WM]give us in game ladder

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Glory to gems ?
Daily automated tourneys ?
Monthly automated tourneys ?
The Rare pve skins > being able to be crafted (ghastly grinning shield/mad moon) ?

It’s hard to give glory a viable state, while hotjoin is still in the game. This just rewards glory-grinders while tournament-play is still not rewarded.
Logic behind that, A-Net?

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Muramasma.1570


What about the sheer excitement of competition?

I suggest you (finally) make up your mind on the competitive infrastructure rather than giving out carrots:p


Even with some shinier loot, it’s still going to feel like a grind if there’s no progression. Look to your old game for inspiration already.

Also, I like the idea of daily and monthly tournaments. You know, like you had planned to do way back when.

Drekbury – Anvil Rock

Ele / Warrior / Guardian

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

What about the sheer excitement of competition?

I suggest you (finally) make up your mind on the competitive infrastructure rather than giving out carrots:p


Even with some shinier loot, it’s still going to feel like a grind if there’s no progression. Look to your old game for inspiration already.

Also, I like the idea of daily and monthly tournaments. You know, like you had planned to do way back when.

Absolutely right. The rewards should be linked to progression. Best example were titles in GW1. No valued rewards, just the prestige of the titles, which were the reason to play it. Don’t think smn would have been playing HA withouth it’s rank-title/emote.

Imagine there would have been Hotjoin besides HA where you could’ve farmed your rank a lot easier and faster. This game-mode would have been dead in 1 week for sure. But I doubt they see the mistake of introducing such things in GW2, because “Casuals” like it.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


We also think that we need to improve the PvP rewards. I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys), but this is something that’s already in the plans.

and theres the real question: did anet compromise their origional intentions or not?

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Daily Automated Solojoin tourney
Daily Automated Guild/team tourney

[WM]give us in game ladder

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: MostlyHarmless.6250


Hello guys, what do you think about my ideas?
Btw it’s really comforting seeing all these people concerned about gw2 pvp… we (the players) are really trying to revive this game… will our voices be heard?

Dave – Guardian/War – Quaggans Ate My Baby [OMG]
Seafarer’s Rest

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

add a report feature for leechers that just SIT there when the match starts, they may not get any rewards, but the team with them on it gets penalized

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Split solo queue from team premade queue

On point, bad solution

And a better designed cash shop,
-most every piece of gear costing 2-20 slivers while
-chests directly give powder/crystal/sliver/token with an occasional piece of gear

but you can buy slivers with gems… it’d make Anet money and also make glory less useless.
That’d help setup an income for PvP… but that was easily best done when they had a good sized population playing the game… like 9 months ago…
So its only a lil late…

(edited by garethh.3518)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


“Split solo queue from team premade queue
Apply better rewards for team premade and good reward for solo queue.
You can create a new currency for tpvp (instead of glory) and with this currency you can buy something really special. It’s better than random chest.
You can also create special rewards based on elo and ladder (but pls fix the ladder system before).
You can create special rewards for special event (like master tournament in custom arena)
There is no much sense now you can get more glory in hot join instead of tpvp, and basically glory now is almost useless.
tpvp needs better reward than hot join.
I think you can do 1000000000 things better than actual pvp reward system.
(edited 8 days ago by MarkPhilips.5169)”

So what your suggesting is elitism? your saying that in gw1 when I was in a random areanas team, and we got to 10 straight wins and then got moved to team arenas where we still went on to achieve another 10 straight wins that we all should have been rewarded less because we didn’t start out as a team arena team. (That for all intensive purposes could have just as easily been a pug team to start) Your suggesting that the 4 of us that have never met, didn’t have vent running and still managed to out perform every other random team as well as organised teams with tactics and VOIP,..that we should have been rewarded less by virtue that we didn’t a more superior standard critieria to start off with?

I still think gw1 had a smoother system. Depending on your title and/or emote it distinguished what form of PvP you played. That is enough distinction. There is no reason to reward some players as superior and others has inferior. Many players play for brief periods each day or outside the american/european friendly time zones and choose to play solo hot join for that reason..doesn’t mean they should be rewarded less.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


ofc it means they should be rewarded less! hot join is brainless zerg, random matched players without any sign of skill in that matchmaking and rewards glory based play instead of win oriented play… thats enough reasons to prove hot join players should be rewarded less than tournament players… and ofc tournament players with higher rating should be more rewarded than low rated players… thats just the point of PVP, reward skill and show who is better…

i just hope Anet already realized it and new system will be at least as good as WoWs arenas with their rating based rewards (and i mean tiers of rewards differenced by rating, not more stats on better gear)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys)

You may change it with “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” XD

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: darksupernova.9806


ofc it means they should be rewarded less! hot join is brainless zerg, random matched players without any sign of skill in that matchmaking and rewards glory based play instead of win oriented play… thats enough reasons to prove hot join players should be rewarded less than tournament players… and ofc tournament players with higher rating should be more rewarded than low rated players… thats just the point of PVP, reward skill and show who is better…

i just hope Anet already realized it and new system will be at least as good as WoWs arenas with their rating based rewards (and i mean tiers of rewards differenced by rating, not more stats on better gear)

Agreed, and please Anet, add in some way to show off the armour in the PVE world (which is most of the game!). I play because its fun, but I like aiming towards goals, and whats the point in earning some shiny new armour if I can only show it off in one instance?!

Additionally I appreciate the reasons for keeping the same stats for all gear and maybe this should be the way for hotjoin, but for structured arena matches, working hard and winning deserves more recognition!

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Hector.6950


I think for a lot of people, these 3 things can make a drastic change to PvP.
- Special PvP armours which you can obtain at a certain rank. Anet can even ask gems to buy it for, so they can make a little profit.
- The abillity to wear your PvE looks in PvP. This was 1 of the things that made Guildwars 1 so succesfull.
- The option to transfer glory into gems, even if you just get a little bit. You can tranfer gold to gems, so why not glory?

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I think for a lot of people, these 3 things can make a drastic change to PvP.
- Special PvP armours which you can obtain at a certain rank. Anet can even ask gems to buy it for, so they can make a little profit.
- The abillity to wear your PvE looks in PvP. This was 1 of the things that made Guildwars 1 so succesfull.
- The option to transfer glory into gems, even if you just get a little bit. You can tranfer gold to gems, so why not glory?

The first two point, for me personally won’t make any difference, it’s just about the good-looking feeling. Your third point will never be implemented in the game, it’s like if PvE players asking for transfering karma into gold/gems.

In general I can tell you the things that made GW1 so successfull had nothing to do with armors and stuff like that. It was more about a better reward-system, good progression, a real title-system, solid ladder, several game-modes, ingame observer mode, automated tournaments daily and monthly, prestige stuff like emotes/capes etc.
Well this is my view of the situation. . .

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Hector.6950


I think for a lot of people, these 3 things can make a drastic change to PvP.
- Special PvP armours which you can obtain at a certain rank. Anet can even ask gems to buy it for, so they can make a little profit.
- The abillity to wear your PvE looks in PvP. This was 1 of the things that made Guildwars 1 so succesfull.
- The option to transfer glory into gems, even if you just get a little bit. You can tranfer gold to gems, so why not glory?

The first two point, for me personally won’t make any difference, it’s just about the good-looking feeling. Your third point will never be implemented in the game, it’s like if PvE players asking for transfering karma into gold/gems.

In general I can tell you the things that made GW1 so successfull had nothing to do with armors and stuff like that. It was more about a better reward-system, good progression, a real title-system, solid ladder, several game-modes, ingame observer mode, automated tournaments daily and monthly, prestige stuff like emotes/capes etc.
Well this is my view of the situation. . .

I won’t argue with that. I have played Guild wars 1 and I enjoyed it for many reasons, including yours. But besides gameplay, It’s all about the looks and showing off. It might not effect you directly, but with many new people wanting to join up for PvP, you gain a healthy population. So in the end it will make you happy to.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I think for a lot of people, these 3 things can make a drastic change to PvP.
- Special PvP armours which you can obtain at a certain rank. Anet can even ask gems to buy it for, so they can make a little profit.
- The abillity to wear your PvE looks in PvP. This was 1 of the things that made Guildwars 1 so succesfull.
- The option to transfer glory into gems, even if you just get a little bit. You can tranfer gold to gems, so why not glory?

The first two point, for me personally won’t make any difference, it’s just about the good-looking feeling. Your third point will never be implemented in the game, it’s like if PvE players asking for transfering karma into gold/gems.

In general I can tell you the things that made GW1 so successfull had nothing to do with armors and stuff like that. It was more about a better reward-system, good progression, a real title-system, solid ladder, several game-modes, ingame observer mode, automated tournaments daily and monthly, prestige stuff like emotes/capes etc.
Well this is my view of the situation. . .

I won’t argue with that. I have played Guild wars 1 and I enjoyed it for many reasons, including yours. But besides gameplay, It’s all about the looks and showing off. It might not effect you directly, but with many new people wanting to join up for PvP, you gain a healthy population. So in the end it will make you happy to.

Not gonna argue with that either. But in the end a new player enjoys a balanced and fair game rather than get throwed into tournament against an organized, highly competitive team while solo-qeueing. I always feel bad when I play with/against r1 players.
Sure a cool armor from PvE would be cool, but that won’t compensate the frustration of a bad mmr. I think there should be a seperated area for the r1-10 players, like for eg the non-swimmers having pools where they can stand on their feets.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


GW2 had a premade and a pug tournament. And the premade was removed due to lack of participants.

Same would happen again. Conquest CANNOT carry 2 different setups. We need a completely new gamemode if we ever want to have solo/team que and both working.

50-60% of pvp players won’t form a team if they can do the same map, same game mode in solo.

GW1 had a solo arena and a team arena. Team Arenas were removed, because they were the same things with dfferent join system only.

Other premade-only (GvG, HA) and solojoin-only (JQ, FA – not hardcore pvp I know) gamemodes survived.

If we take the competitive scene there: if we had a solo and a team option, team died out, but where we had no solo opportunity, that flourished.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


It would be nice if they removed RNG from armor sets and instead put different items in the chests, while allow players to use Glory to also purchase armor sets they wanted. There’s enough RNG in the game already and sPvP is a massive grind with no end so getting an armor set you want to stick with from the get go (or having more options available) would at least be more appealing than the same crap from gold chests every purchase.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


a better reward-system, good progression, a real title-system, solid ladder, several game-modes, ingame observer mode, automated tournaments daily and monthly, prestige stuff like emotes/capes etc.
Well this is my view of the situation. . .

Just like so many things, that part of the game is full of issues.
But, good gameplay would easily patch up the problem.
When people really get into and enjoy how a game plays… stuff like well setup cosmetics and extra game modes don’t tend to matter as much…

Sure, those extra things are nifty and can add to a well made game to make it that much better…
But they cannot replace gameplay.

I’ve never played anything but the main map on LoL, never bought another skin, never strived for ranking, never got a title… yet still thoroughly enjoyed the game.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

This may seem like a sneaky advertising, but I will drop this here.
Especially the higher ranks are not worth it. Dredge and Nightmare Armor are dungeon-armors in PvE, so one has a much, much easier access. Tier 1 and 2 Cultural Armor cost less than 10g together. This is just one day in Citadel of Flame. And we spend time to reach 1621500 or 1771500 rank points to just get Tier 1 ? Even more with rank 70 requiring 3421500 or 387500 rank points. ( Not sure what to read out of wiki ). This carrot is rotten. And there is no other carrot to stick to aside skill progression ( which is rewarding itself too ).
Furthermore, I talked with a few of my friends and a conversion of like 100 glory to 1 gem would not be bad.
What infuriates me the most at the moment though is how I am forced to farm PvE for gems or play gamble with dyes. This means either spend less time on PvP or pray I get some good dye which sells well. This is not satisyfying at all, especially since it has been said that PvE and PvP should be completly seperate. One should not be forced to do stuff he or she does not enjoy in order to be able to purchase or enjoy things.
Also, get any RNG out, it is not in the favor of customers and even PvE’ers are put off.

As for infrastructure and it being a good part of the incentive, divide Solo-Q and Team-Q. As probably a lot competitive players will also play SoloQ, it may put others off, but I guess that will do more good than harm for learning purposes and some challenging matches.
Put in also seasons where one can earn titles, skins, etc., make it even quarter-yearly if it drags out too much. Or half a year.

Edit: Make it much less glory for higher rank points or scrap that system, else it will put off casuals too which have even less chances to get an armor like Nobleman, Dredge or Nightmare. Make the rewards much more accessible but also put in seperate rewards for high ranked/skilled players.
Giving the players freedom of choice to decide what armor or weapon to go for keeps them happier.

(edited by Lady Sara Goldheart.2764)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


We also think that we need to improve the PvP rewards. I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys), but this is something that’s already in the plans.

After almost a year with no improvements, more of the same and a dying community I guess is safe to call this bullkitten.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

This may seem like a sneaky advertising, but I will drop this here.
Especially the higher ranks are not worth it. Dredge and Nightmare Armor are dungeon-armors in PvE, so one has a much, much easier access. Tier 1 and 2 Cultural Armor cost less than 10g together. This is just one day in Citadel of Flame. And we spend time to reach 1621500 or 1771500 rank points to just get Tier 1 ? Even more with rank 70 requiring 3421500 or 387500 rank points. ( Not sure what to read out of wiki ). This carrot is rotten. And there is no other carrot to stick to aside skill progression ( which is rewarding itself too ).
Furthermore, I talked with a few of my friends and a conversion of like 100 glory to 1 gem would not be bad.
What infuriates me the most at the moment though is how I am forced to farm PvE for gems or play gamble with dyes. This means either spend less time on PvP or pray I get some good dye which sells well. This is not satisyfying at all, especially since it has been said that PvE and PvP should be completly seperate. One should not be forced to do stuff he or she does not enjoy in order to be able to purchase or enjoy things.
Also, get any RNG out, it is not in the favor of customers and even PvE’ers are put off.

As for infrastructure and it being a good part of the incentive, divide Solo-Q and Team-Q. As probably a lot competitive players will also play SoloQ, it may put others off, but I guess that will do more good than harm for learning purposes and some challenging matches.
Put in also seasons where one can earn titles, skins, etc., make it even quarter-yearly if it drags out too much. Or half a year.

Edit: Make it much less glory for higher rank points or scrap that system, else it will put off casuals too which have even less chances to get an armor like Nobleman, Dredge or Nightmare. Make the rewards much more accessible but also put in seperate rewards for high ranked/skilled players.
Giving the players freedom of choice to decide what armor or weapon to go for keeps them happier.

Rank is not worth any hour to grind, since competitive play is not rewarded. You can be no. 1 on this worthless ladder and still a hotjoin zerger makes more rank-progression over the day. This game overall feels not rewarding at any point in competitive play, it feels more like a job. As for me I rather enjoy some map-completation on PvE (which is sad) than wasting my time in a stale and repetitive game-mode without any kittening incentive. The only thing that keeps me in this game are my friends.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Gixxz.7824



This is a great idea to make spvp more rewarding and would give spvp players access to the same pool of cool new items/skins provided to pve and wvw players… only fair!

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: ManCaptain.3154


The thing that bothers me is that someone can play PvE 90% of the time, having loads of cash and items, then they hop into spvp and they are at full power, while if you spend 90% of your time in spvp and you try to jump into pve to play a dungeon or a fractal with your buddies, you’ll be undergeared and poor (can’t buy items, can’t buy gems).

I had to stop with the spvp play because I was green gear and poor as hell in pve, while my guildies had multiple sets of legendaries and exotics and they were unlocking character, bank and bag slots with gems bought with ingame gold.

Why doesn’t spvp generate gold? Because pve does and so does wvw (if you don’t suicide too much).

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The point of PvP rewards are more about bragging rights /prestige and seeing your own progression of skill. The result of this is competition.
It is not really about ingame gold, good looking gear and other things like many ppl suggesting here.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


whatever they do, i just hope to god they make it based on wins, and not grind like glory

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Hector.6950


In an earlier post i said special PvP armours should be made avaible at a certain rank. I did not mean rank as in total glory. Forgive me for my deception. With rank i ment rating as in the leaderbords we have right now. Like only the top 10, 100, 1000 and so on can buy special PvP armours when they have aquired a certain rating. And ofcourse only the no.1 can aquire a godlike armour. This way you can actually see how good someone is and this gives you something to show off.

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Kuju.2153


I’ve posted this in other threads before, but there needs to be an option to wear the skins we earn in spvp out in PVE/WvW; whether that is a simple click option in the character screen like wardrobe or transmuting. I’d like nothing better than to be able to level an alt to 80 and just craft/buy what I need for stats and then not have to worry about looking like a hobo since I can just use the skins I’ve already earned in Spvp… which takes longer in most cases to earn anyhow (pretty much any armor earned from rank 30+)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


The thing that bothers me is that someone can play PvE 90% of the time, having loads of cash and items, then they hop into spvp and they are at full power, while if you spend 90% of your time in spvp and you try to jump into pve to play a dungeon or a fractal with your buddies, you’ll be undergeared and poor (can’t buy items, can’t buy gems).

I had to stop with the spvp play because I was green gear and poor as hell in pve, while my guildies had multiple sets of legendaries and exotics and they were unlocking character, bank and bag slots with gems bought with ingame gold.

Why doesn’t spvp generate gold? Because pve does and so does wvw (if you don’t suicide too much).

SPvP doesn’t generate gold… because SPvP doesn’t require gold….
Not leveling up in PvE or PvP through PvP or PvE is just how the split works… I guess it can be annoying if you have buddies who only PvE.

Sure the system could be setup better, but there are a ton of obscenely larger issues in this game than that…

I’d like nothing better than to be able to level an alt to 80 and just craft/buy what I need for stats and then not have to worry about looking like a hobo since I can just use the skins I’ve already earned in Spvp…

I’m really on the fence whether or not that would actually help anything…
Faster nicer looking gear for PvE doesn’t really seem like something the game needs.

whatever they do, i just hope to god they make it based on wins, and not grind like glory

Or RNG like chests…
Ugh, these devs… they just seem to hate using pre-existing designs… even if they work a million times better than their ideas…

why the kitten are PvP rewards RNG-useless?? why does it take a monotonous half an hour+ to break down everything and make it into the only possible thing, dyes??!?
why the kitten doesn’t the PvP gear system revolve around gems?!?!?? do they not want to make money?!??!?

(edited by garethh.3518)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

In an earlier post i said special PvP armours should be made avaible at a certain rank. I did not mean rank as in total glory. Forgive me for my deception. With rank i ment rating as in the leaderbords we have right now. Like only the top 10, 100, 1000 and so on can buy special PvP armours when they have aquired a certain rating. And ofcourse only the no.1 can aquire a godlike armour. This way you can actually see how good someone is and this gives you something to show off.

Unfortunately this ladder is not representing what is going on. Especially the soloQ would have a disadvantage. Mabye if we have a real leaderboard in the future, this can happen.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


We also think that we need to improve the PvP rewards. I can’t give too many details (sorry to say that so often guys), but this is something that’s already in the plans.

You guys need to speed up PvP development… We’re not that far off from a full year since release and rewards/structure/quality of life/balance, still play like beta >.> the foundation is there and is great (or I wouldn’t be playing) but the polish is far off and really needs to move along faster. If you guys had a test server open to a large number of players you could be testing changes much more efficiently and implementing broader changes with each patch…

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I would like to make monies somehow, even in the form of 1 copper from the pvp realm. Although I do enjoy PvEing time to time—sometimes it bothers me how behind I am in money generation due to my higher interest in pvp.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


They told this allrdy in 2 SOTG’s when ppl asked them.
But the pace you are working with is just frustrating.

Yup, especially when they could increase the glory reward and all they have to do is delete 200 then type 600 then press enter and click save.


As far as daily pvp tournament or monthly tournament, if you don’t have a template for a chest popping in middle of screen giving you a reward, goto the PvE community and burrow there template and BAM you got daily tournament reward!


It aint like we asking for new maps or new armor and weapons, just a better reward system, SIMPLE fix but takes them FOREVER to do.

Now I been part of a lot of MMORPG communities and you know why theses easy changes never get implemented? Because 90% of the reason is whoever is the head honcho of the GW2 (not pvp but overall GW2) says “NO” or some bullkitten reason and stuff just never gets implemented because they cant get past him. The other 10% is due to laziness of the actual developers.

That’s why you see developers laugh and frown somewhat when you ask them stuff like “will we see something new? and whats the state on such and such” because they tried and want to fix it but the head honcho of the company DENIES them and they cant do kitten about it and all they can say to you is “we thinking about it; its in the process” (after I ask head honcho 60 more times I should be able to implement my fix on tournament rewards).

Thus, yes its very frustrating as the customer to have to wait FORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREVER for the simplest things.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

Pvp rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

Lady Sara Goldheart.2764

This may seem like a sneaky advertising, but I will drop this here.
Especially the higher ranks are not worth it. Dredge and Nightmare Armor are dungeon-armors in PvE, so one has a much, much easier access. Tier 1 and 2 Cultural Armor cost less than 10g together. This is just one day in Citadel of Flame. And we spend time to reach 1621500 or 1771500 rank points to just get Tier 1 ? Even more with rank 70 requiring 3421500 or 387500 rank points. ( Not sure what to read out of wiki ). This carrot is rotten. And there is no other carrot to stick to aside skill progression ( which is rewarding itself too ).
Furthermore, I talked with a few of my friends and a conversion of like 100 glory to 1 gem would not be bad.
What infuriates me the most at the moment though is how I am forced to farm PvE for gems or play gamble with dyes. This means either spend less time on PvP or pray I get some good dye which sells well. This is not satisyfying at all, especially since it has been said that PvE and PvP should be completly seperate. One should not be forced to do stuff he or she does not enjoy in order to be able to purchase or enjoy things.
Also, get any RNG out, it is not in the favor of customers and even PvE’ers are put off.

As for infrastructure and it being a good part of the incentive, divide Solo-Q and Team-Q. As probably a lot competitive players will also play SoloQ, it may put others off, but I guess that will do more good than harm for learning purposes and some challenging matches.
Put in also seasons where one can earn titles, skins, etc., make it even quarter-yearly if it drags out too much. Or half a year.

Edit: Make it much less glory for higher rank points or scrap that system, else it will put off casuals too which have even less chances to get an armor like Nobleman, Dredge or Nightmare. Make the rewards much more accessible but also put in seperate rewards for high ranked/skilled players.
Giving the players freedom of choice to decide what armor or weapon to go for keeps them happier.

Rank is not worth any hour to grind, since competitive play is not rewarded. You can be no. 1 on this worthless ladder and still a hotjoin zerger makes more rank-progression over the day. This game overall feels not rewarding at any point in competitive play, it feels more like a job. As for me I rather enjoy some map-completation on PvE (which is sad) than wasting my time in a stale and repetitive game-mode without any kittening incentive. The only thing that keeps me in this game are my friends.

Regarding an incentive or reward for competitive players I looked upon it in my previous post with suggesting a reward for placings on leaderboards like top 100 after a given period of time. Just that there is a suitable purpose to play for a high ranking on the leaderboards.
About the rank system, I find, from a competitive point of view, it is inherently flawed due to how accessible it is and what value the rewards have. Aesthetics should be optional and I think even Anet said that at some point but I am not sure. Instead we are forced to play PvP-matches to aquire a specific skin and how many of these is determined by the rank we want to reach to unlock it. This is neither fun for casuals nor hardcore players. Especially since casuals are the backbone too. It is just a shallow reward system, nothing more.
I also think the achievement system can be better.
There is a lot of room for improvement including to make it a purposeful reward-system.