Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
To all of you complaining about q sync
Yesterday my brother and i who play pvp on a regular basis tried to q sync several times at around 1 o’clock in the morning
Since we sit next to each other it should have been quite easy for us
It didn’t work three or four times then it worked one time but we were in different teams
SO: guys please stop complaining it’s all just luck
Anet: Very good job on this behalf
You notice there is a small patch recently right? So it could be fix already. It was not luck bf the patch. Now they fix, no more complain pop up. Happy Ending
Ah i see
I just started playing again a few days ago i didn’t realize
it works
i know from 2 ppl yesterday they was all the day in ts and did it – they was in maby 8 matches in same game and i made screenshots from it and it was not the first time
Maybe it works if u have a perfect timing. I myself tried a few times with my friend, it happens just like Sensotix described.
it works
i know from 2 ppl yesterday they was all the day in ts and did it – they was in maby 8 matches in same game and i made screenshots from it and it was not the first time
the same happened to me..being in the same group with the same guy for over 5 matches but i didn’t know him…the reason for this was our rating
It was working a few hours ago. I lost a few games. A couple of things you can try is making sure that you are the very similar rank and also if you disband the Q at all because your friend didn’t Q at the same time and retry. Then that also messes it up sometimes. Along with other tricks but GJ Anet people think its fixed Lol
If your rating is similar then you will get in the same team. If your rating is not similar then you can’t sync. This benefits top people on the leaderboard a lot.
you need to be in the same rating area. it still works
Getting matched up against guys i totally don’t want, like 5-6 times in a ROW.
Yesterday i got a guy in my team like 10 times (at least).
Getting matched up against guys i totally don’t want, like 5-6 times in a ROW.
Yesterday i got a guy in my team like 10 times (at least).
Which actually means that the system has some consistence, that’s the good news. The bad news is, that it obviously doesn’t have enough people to work with, that’s why you keep getting matched-up with the same people…
I guess we have to stay patient and hope for the best. I still like playing soloque… I did not like queing up solo in the old system however, so to me personally, this is a step forward.
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Getting matched up against guys i totally don’t want, like 5-6 times in a ROW.
Yesterday i got a guy in my team like 10 times (at least).
Which actually means that the system has some consistence, that’s the good news. The bad news is, that it obviously doesn’t have enough people to work with, that’s why you keep getting matched-up with the same people…
I guess we have to stay patient and hope for the best. I still like playing soloque… I did not like queing up solo in the old system however, so to me personally, this is a step forward.
Yes, I should definitely be matched up with top 50 guys at top 500 with some r10-20 guys in my team who aren’t even on the leaderboards.
There’s too little rating difference between top and worst players. A guy with 10 matches can earn a better rank than a guy with 1000.
Getting matched up against guys i totally don’t want, like 5-6 times in a ROW.
Yesterday i got a guy in my team like 10 times (at least).
Which actually means that the system has some consistence, that’s the good news. The bad news is, that it obviously doesn’t have enough people to work with, that’s why you keep getting matched-up with the same people…
I guess we have to stay patient and hope for the best. I still like playing soloque… I did not like queing up solo in the old system however, so to me personally, this is a step forward.
Yes, I should definitely be matched up with top 50 guys at top 500 with some r10-20 guys in my team who aren’t even on the leaderboards.
There’s too little rating difference between top and worst players. A guy with 10 matches can earn a better rank than a guy with 1000.
When the only qualifying measure, on a leader board, is wins and losses (for solo play) it will simply never work in a game that you cannot carry people in. If it was death match, you could carry. In conquest, you cannot carry 4 other people. If you get at least 1 other competent person on your team you’ll win more than you’ll lose.
Getting matched up against guys i totally don’t want, like 5-6 times in a ROW.
Yesterday i got a guy in my team like 10 times (at least).
Which actually means that the system has some consistence, that’s the good news. The bad news is, that it obviously doesn’t have enough people to work with, that’s why you keep getting matched-up with the same people…
I guess we have to stay patient and hope for the best. I still like playing soloque… I did not like queing up solo in the old system however, so to me personally, this is a step forward.
Yes, I should definitely be matched up with top 50 guys at top 500 with some r10-20 guys in my team who aren’t even on the leaderboards.
There’s too little rating difference between top and worst players. A guy with 10 matches can earn a better rank than a guy with 1000.
When the only qualifying measure, on a leader board, is wins and losses (for solo play) it will simply never work in a game that you cannot carry people in. If it was death match, you could carry. In conquest, you cannot carry 4 other people. If you get at least 1 other competent person on your team you’ll win more than you’ll lose.
Exactly. They found the only gamemode where soloque doesn’t work. And this is a talent.
It’s not win-loss. It is WHO you won or lost against. Their MMR rating is key.
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
It’s not win-loss. It is WHO you won or lost against. Their MMR rating is key.
It is win loss, if the system is working appropriately, you should be paired with people at or around your mmr. If you win you gain MMR if you lose, you lose it. The degree or point gain vs loss is hidden, so no one can speak of it. Is the gain based on the average mmr of the teams competing or my personal MMR compared to the other team. All of that is problematic, as you can see.
It’s not win-loss. It is WHO you won or lost against. Their MMR rating is key.
It is win loss, if the system is working appropriately, you should be paired with people at or around your mmr. If you win you gain MMR if you lose, you lose it. The degree or point gain vs loss is hidden, so no one can speak of it. Is the gain based on the average mmr of the teams competing or my personal MMR compared to the other team. All of that is problematic, as you can see.
No, it’s WHO you beat. Correlation does not imply causation.
For example my w/l is about 50% but I am 300ish rank.
Someone on my friends list is 19/12 about a 69% winrate and he is in the bottom 35% about 3,500+++ ranks below me. It matters more on WHO you beat and what their MMR is and NOT how many more wins than losses you have.
It’s not win-loss. It is WHO you won or lost against. Their MMR rating is key.
It is win loss, if the system is working appropriately, you should be paired with people at or around your mmr. If you win you gain MMR if you lose, you lose it. The degree or point gain vs loss is hidden, so no one can speak of it. Is the gain based on the average mmr of the teams competing or my personal MMR compared to the other team. All of that is problematic, as you can see.
No, it’s WHO you beat. Correlation does not imply causation.
For example my w/l is about 50% but I am 300ish rank.
Someone on my friends list is 19/12 about a 69% winrate and he is in the bottom 35% about 3,500+++ ranks below me. It matters more on WHO you beat and what their MMR is and NOT how many more wins than losses you have.
Of course it is WHO you beat, but points are driven and lost by whether you win or lose. The degree of point gain or loss should be minimal if the match making is working appropriately. There shouldn’t be these wild gaps in team MMR.
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
If they both started fresh, which they seem to have, they’d have the same MMR.
Of course it’s who you beat? You’re talking as if no one knew it was when you won. Genius observation.
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
If they both started fresh, which they seem to have, they’d have the same MMR.
That’s an assumption he can verify. Regardless ONE single game of playing on different teams can set them apart by THOUSANDS of ranks even if they both won. That alone is enough to make it much more difficult to sync.
Of course it’s who you beat? You’re talking as if no one knew it was when you won. Genius observation.
Your first response was about my statement. The points and loss gains, as described in my statement, was about a soloque which only qualifying measure was points gained through winning and losing…so yes, you’re also pretty genius. You don’t gain/lose ranks/mmr on anything other than a win or loss.
Of course it’s who you beat? You’re talking as if no one knew it was when you won. Genius observation.
Your first response was about my statement. The points and loss gains, as described in my statement, was about a soloque which only qualifying measure was points gained through winning and losing…so yes, you’re also pretty genius. You don’t gain/lose ranks/mmr on anything other than a win or loss.
Did you also know that double clicking the gw2 icon starts the game?
I would love for you to point out who you’re explaining this to? Who didn’t know that you had to win to get a better rank? Please tell me.
Of course it’s who you beat? You’re talking as if no one knew it was when you won. Genius observation.
Your first response was about my statement. The points and loss gains, as described in my statement, was about a soloque which only qualifying measure was points gained through winning and losing…so yes, you’re also pretty genius. You don’t gain/lose ranks/mmr on anything other than a win or loss.
Did you also know that double clicking the gw2 icon starts the game?
I would love for you to point out who you’re explaining this to? Who didn’t know that you had to win to get a better rank? Please tell me.
Why don’t you take 2 seconds to read the post you are referencing. I stated, that a leaderboard for soloque that is driven on points from wins/losses won’t work. Your response? NO IT’S WHO YOU WIN OR LOSE TO…so apparently I’m explaining this to you.
It still works and will continue to work as long as the playerbase stays so small
Of course it’s who you beat? You’re talking as if no one knew it was when you won. Genius observation.
Your first response was about my statement. The points and loss gains, as described in my statement, was about a soloque which only qualifying measure was points gained through winning and losing…so yes, you’re also pretty genius. You don’t gain/lose ranks/mmr on anything other than a win or loss.
Did you also know that double clicking the gw2 icon starts the game?
I would love for you to point out who you’re explaining this to? Who didn’t know that you had to win to get a better rank? Please tell me.
Why don’t you take 2 seconds to read the post you are referencing. I stated, that a leaderboard for soloque that is driven on points from wins/losses won’t work. Your response? NO IT’S WHO YOU WIN OR LOSE TO…so apparently I’m explaining this to you.
What I read was you trying to contradict Silent when he corrected you and as the conversation continues you amend your story.
He corrected saying your rank is based on WHO you beat. You can lose 7,000 matches in a row and then beat the top 10 players 10 times in a row and potentially be in the top 1% of players.
After he corrected you, you argued sating that no it was based on wins and losses which implies a ratio. Regardless, his statement was far more accurate.
If you agreed with him that what matters most is who you beat then why perpetuate it? Now you’ve modified your story to act as if what he was saying is common sense and that what’s truly going over people’s heads is that you have to win to increase MMR and if you lose the your MMR goes down.
Of course it’s who you beat? You’re talking as if no one knew it was when you won. Genius observation.
Your first response was about my statement. The points and loss gains, as described in my statement, was about a soloque which only qualifying measure was points gained through winning and losing…so yes, you’re also pretty genius. You don’t gain/lose ranks/mmr on anything other than a win or loss.
Did you also know that double clicking the gw2 icon starts the game?
I would love for you to point out who you’re explaining this to? Who didn’t know that you had to win to get a better rank? Please tell me.
Why don’t you take 2 seconds to read the post you are referencing. I stated, that a leaderboard for soloque that is driven on points from wins/losses won’t work. Your response? NO IT’S WHO YOU WIN OR LOSE TO…so apparently I’m explaining this to you.
What I read was you trying to contradict Silent when he corrected you and as the conversation continues you amend your story.
He corrected saying your rank is based on WHO you beat. You can lose 7,000 matches in a row and then beat the top 10 players 10 times in a row and potentially be in the top 1% of players.
After he corrected you, you argued sating that no it was based on wins and losses which implies a ratio. Regardless, his statement was far more accurate.
If you agreed with him that what matters most is who you beat then why perpetuate it? Now you’ve modified your story to act as if what he was saying is common sense and that what’s truly going over people’s heads is that you have to win to increase MMR and if you lose the your MMR goes down.
How is he correcting me on statement I didn’t make? I was referencing the qualifying measure of points awarded on a leader board for solo que that doesn’t work (you don’t get points for losing to a team, by a close margin, with a much higher MMR than you). You don’t get points for how well you did within the match despite losing. You don’t get points for anything other than winning. It’s not my fault you jumped mid conversation without reading the original post.
Let me type a little slower so you can understand. If the only way you can get points on the leader board is by virtue of winning, in a solo que based around conquest, then it won’t work. If there were other measures you can gain points from then you have a possibility of making a functioning solo que for conquest. Being that you cannot carry people in the current game mode, a leader board for solo que which is solely based points gain from winning does not work.
(edited by Pyriall.5027)
Of course you can carry people unless you’re playing where you should be.
You’re contradicting yourself as well. You said since the rating method is hidden we don’t know exactly what’s factoring into MMR. Now you’re claiming as fact that personal score and team score have 0 influence on the match. Where’s your proof? Why are you stating it as fact? Why have you changed your story?
Of course you can carry people unless you’re playing where you should be.
You’re contradicting yourself as well. You said since the rating method is hidden we don’t know exactly what’s factoring into MMR. Now you’re claiming as fact that personal score and team score have 0 influence on the match. Where’s your proof? Why are you stating it as fact? Why have you changed your story?
1. Have you gained rank from losing multiple matches but personally doing well in the matches? How do you quantify “doing well”?
2. Team score has 100% influence on the match. Last time I checked if your team score was lower than the other team then you lose.
3. You cannot carry 4 people in conquest. Let’s get 1 single great player and see if he/she wins a 1 v 5. That’s what it ends up being half the time.
4. Are you saying solo que leaderboards reflect a persons abilities in game?
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
If they both started fresh, which they seem to have, they’d have the same MMR.
i spoke about the leaderboard rating not our pvp rank sry for the misunderstanding….our pvp rank is currently 50 both
(edited by Sensotix.4106)
So you’re basing 1 off of an assumption and your own small, limited tests? Where did I say I disagreed? I never once said I did and now your implying that I did. I was pointing out that what you’re stating as a fact in 1 is merely your personal opinion uncertified or disproved.
In 2 you’re incorrectly assuming my point. By team score I was referring to close games with low ranked players on your team against high ranked players. Where did I say I disagreed? You assumed that to.
In point 3 you’re assuming your own definition if carry. No one in these forums who talk about carrying us talking about 1 beating 5 consistently or ever. What I believe to be the general consensus of carrying your team is accomplishing more than what a team should expect of you so much so that you influence the outcome if the match for the better. You’re welcome to point out the bad players in the top 100 to me. Or better yet link me to any pro player with 20+ games not in the top 1,000.
If I said 4 then please show me. You mean to ask if I’m implying it and no, I never said not implied that. There is, however, a correlation.
You never answered my questions. Please, I’d like to see why you keep changing your story. Why do you keep making these assumptions and stating them as fast? Why are you so evasive and defensive about the conversation? When I bring a point up you ignore it and divert the attention elsewhere.
The straw men…. Everywhere.
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
If they both started fresh, which they seem to have, they’d have the same MMR.
i spoke about the leaderboard rating not our pvp rank sry for the misunderstanding….our pvp rank is currently 50 both
You were both rank 11 and 12on the leader board?
(edited by Lux.7169)
So you’re basing 1 off of an assumption and your own small, limited tests? Where did I say I disagreed? I never once said I did and now your implying that I did. I was pointing out that what you’re stating as a fact in 1 is merely your personal opinion uncertified or disproved.
In 2 you’re incorrectly assuming my point. By team score I was referring to close games with low ranked players on your team against high ranked players. Where did I say I disagreed? You assumed that to.
In point 3 you’re assuming your own definition if carry. No one in these forums who talk about carrying us talking about 1 beating 5 consistently or ever. What I believe to be the general consensus of carrying your team is accomplishing more than what a team should expect of you so much so that you influence the outcome if the match for the better. You’re welcome to point out the bad players in the top 100 to me. Or better yet link me to any pro player with 20+ games not in the top 1,000.
If I said 4 then please show me. You mean to ask if I’m implying it and no, I never said not implied that. There is, however, a correlation.
You never answered my questions. Please, I’d like to see why you keep changing your story. Why do you keep making these assumptions and stating them as fast? Why are you so evasive and defensive about the conversation? When I bring a point up you ignore it and divert the attention elsewhere.
The straw men…. Everywhere.
1. I asked you a series of questions. I didn’t imply anything, you assumed that I did.
2. I didn’t say you disagreed. You stated that, “Now you’re claiming as fact that personal score and team score have 0 influence on the match.” when I never said that. I explained why would I have said that, as I pointed out that team score needs to be higher in order for you to win. I misinterpreted your statement? Maybe you misinterpreted mine or are intentionally misrepresenting what I stated.
3. “…is accomplishing more than what a team should expect of you so much so that you influence the outcome if the match” as a victory. I believe that to be more in line with what the general term to carry would mean as it applies to this discussion. No one would care about carrying a team to a loss, as your definition would leave room for.
4. Jesus C. what’s wrong with you? I asked you a question. I didn’t imply anything, I’m trying to get your position on my original statement. You’re removing yourself from ignoring the discussion as it related to the orginal statement.
You want to talk about strawmen…your whole argument has nothing to do with my original post or position regarding solo leader boards and its failure in the current game mode of conquest when the points are awarded for winning.
If you’re not implying them then why would you even ask? Flawgic akittens finest.
Funny how you quote me out of context on the topic of carry. I explicitly said “influence the outcome of the match for the better”
You can be dense, misquote, lie and misrepresent all you want.
With that mentality no wonder you can’t carry.
Add me on Skype if you want to actually discuss this. I’ll be home in 5 hours and will be on all night or I can catch you any time tomorrow.
1. To further the discussion.
2. Please clarify what you mean about quoting you out of context. You can influence a match for the better, that doesn’t mean influence it for a win. If you are saying it does then it references back to my definition which then begs the question of why you would say I have my own definition if yours is in line with mine.
3. You can take your own advice. Again, reference back to the original discussion. Ignoring this, doesn’t some how make it go away.
4. I’m willing to take advice on how to carry in this game when you have people walking in from pve land and asking how do you party chat or where to take the orb.
And Lux, I found someone else who needs advice on how to carry. He/she is awaiting your response.
It was working a few hours ago. I lost a few games. A couple of things you can try is making sure that you are the very similar rank and also if you disband the Q at all because your friend didn’t Q at the same time and retry. Then that also messes it up sometimes. Along with other tricks but GJ Anet people think its fixed Lol
I think you have this guy beat in conspiracy theories
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
If they both started fresh, which they seem to have, they’d have the same MMR.
i spoke about the leaderboard rating not our pvp rank sry for the misunderstanding….our pvp rank is currently 50 both
You were both rank 11 and 12on the leader board?
yes i was 11 with 11:0 and he was 12 with 11:1 wins/loss
we were in the same ranking he was 12 and i was rank 11 so it should have worked
Rating, not PvP rank. Your ladder rating/rank.
If they both started fresh, which they seem to have, they’d have the same MMR.
i spoke about the leaderboard rating not our pvp rank sry for the misunderstanding….our pvp rank is currently 50 both
You were both rank 11 and 12on the leader board?
yes i was 11 with 11:0 and he was 12 with 11:1 wins/loss
The logical explanation while keeping the popular theory in line is that one of you filled a pre-existing queue and the other was placed in a different match-up. From there the rank differentials likely contributed.
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