Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Amaya.1483


Hy Anet, will you bring the Solo Que for sPvP back? I think it is a important feature…

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Soul.9280


The past few days most matches have been the same, my team is a bunch of PUGs, the other is a premade. My team loses. It’s getting to the point where if you can’t bring your own team you might as well stop playing.

Please bring back soloq. If not, you’ll drive away those people who don’t have a team,

(edited by Soul.9280)

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


I wholeheartedly agree. Leagues are the perfect haven for premade parties, offering a haven for solo veterans and newbs alike is very appealing to me.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Collero.7963


The past few days most matches have been the same, my team is a bunch of PUGs, the other is a premade. My team loses. It’s getting to the point where if you can’t bring your own team you might as well stop playing.

Please bring back soloq. If not, you’ll drive away those people who don’t have a team,


also…SoloQ with a ‘League’ system would absolutely blow away ‘Pro League’ in what it can do for GW2 at the moment.

Top 10 TeamQ // Rank 1 & 2 SoloQ // 12,000+ sPvP Games
…and what a waste of time it all was.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: SnowHawk.3615


Bring SoloQ back! It keeps the casuals playing PvP and the more competitive players where they belong which is against challenging teams and not driving out the casual, solo, and new players making them(the premade teams) more OP because they can’t get a decent match up for either sides, imo.
I think they are trying to promote more team play, but they are going the wrong way about it, why not make a solo ranked/unranked and team ranked/unranked? Maybe that won’t fix the initial problem but it might do better than what’s being done- and yes I know we have the option to join random matches that are mostly for dailies and are just troll fests in the dueling servers – but that might not be obvious to new players and casuals giving them another horrible experience.
PvP caters only to the experienced awesome players and maybe that’s what Anet wants.

(edited by SnowHawk.3615)

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Maylo.5892


Please bring back soloq. If not, you’ll drive away those people who don’t have a team,

Already happened. Just saying.

Mr Maylo
Rank #1 Life

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Collero.7963


Please bring back soloq. If not, you’ll drive away those people who don’t have a team,

Already happened. Just saying.


ANet have already lost so many players but they don’t give a kitten…

Top 10 TeamQ // Rank 1 & 2 SoloQ // 12,000+ sPvP Games
…and what a waste of time it all was.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: wux.7314


I don’t see why it ever needed to be removed TBH

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Zalani.9827


I would love a full Solo Que back also.
Atm I’m just waiting for ranked to get unlocked so there’s less premades in unranked.

Jadis Narnia-Sylvari Ranger of [EDGE]

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Amaya.1483


Every succesful E-Sport has a Solo Que … so lets hope for some seriousness here.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Doon.2364


Yes. Solo que is what I want to play most. No more vs premades.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Soul.9280


Could more people who care about this issue reply to this thread? Anet will have a harder time ignoring a thread with hundreds of replies…

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Every succesful E-Sport has a Solo Que … so lets hope for some seriousness here.


DOTA 2 is extremely successful and has no solo Q. It tracks your MMR for playing solo differently than it does for playing with a team but you all get put into the same matches.

CS:GO doesn’t have a solo Q either as far as I know (I stopped playing last year) and it is SUPER successful.

CLEARLY solo Q is not required for a game to be an e-sport or to have a huge casual player base. Now that you see after a match who was partied up and you realize its not all “premades” I would have thought complaints would go down. Baddies will be bad I guess.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Jim.9532


I’d love a solo que. I don’t tend to run into premades a HUGE amount but that could be a my MMR – I’m rank 50 or so.

There is something extremely disheartening when you realise you’re up against a premade team – although it does feel good when you occasionally come out on top.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


Every succesful E-Sport has a Solo Que … so lets hope for some seriousness here.


DOTA 2 is extremely successful and has no solo Q. It tracks your MMR for playing solo differently than it does for playing with a team but you all get put into the same matches.

CS:GO doesn’t have a solo Q either as far as I know (I stopped playing last year) and it is SUPER successful.

CLEARLY solo Q is not required for a game to be an e-sport or to have a huge casual player base. Now that you see after a match who was partied up and you realize its not all “premades” I would have thought complaints would go down. Baddies will be bad I guess.

It doesn’t need a solo queue IF and this is a big IF, the matchmaking works as intended and doesn’t pair solo pug teams against premades. That doesn’t happen in this game mode. So basically ANET has two options:

1. Implement better matchmaking. Given that they’ve tried and failed twice, I don’t really see a third attempt.
2. Implement a solo queue. It’s probably the best solution at this point. Those who want to play as a team can do so. Those who want to play solo can play against other solo players. Works for everyone.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Pizz.3698


There used to be a solo queue a long time ago, it was removed for a reason. I’ve had more issues with duos and trios than 5man premades. 5 man premades get such an MMR boost that they usually end up being a group of baddies.


Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


There used to be a solo queue a long time ago, it was removed for a reason. I’ve had more issues with duos and trios than 5man premades. 5 man premades get such an MMR boost that they usually end up being a group of baddies.

Reason being they needed more solo people to join team queue to feed the premades because double rewards wasn’t enough.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Im going to give my best shot as solo but if i get continously hit by a rockwall vs premades at one point ill consider giving up on spvp. What really is frustrating to a lot of players is that anet is not being transparent about their vision regarding soloq, they remain silent and waste our time.

I do have a feeling tho that if u grind ur kitten off ull eventually get legendary bp, just like how ppl previously managed to stay high on ladderboards despite equal losses.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Photinous.4628


Anet has been completely quiet on this issue since they removed solo q last year. It would be great if they actually showed up and made a statement on the future hopes for this. As it stands now, being esports and implementing a league system will be a huge joke if solo q is not implemented. Anet needs to pickup a few tips from other successful esports games.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Anet has been completely quiet on this issue since they removed solo q last year. It would be great if they actually showed up and made a statement on the future hopes for this. As it stands now, being esports and implementing a league system will be a huge joke if solo q is not implemented. Anet needs to pickup a few tips from other successful esports games.

Again, stop pretending that solo q is required for a good esports game. DOTA2 and CS:GO are INCREDIBLE esports games that don’t have solo q.

You can see who you were matched against at the end of a match. I would put money down that most of the complaints about premades are untrue and people are just using that to scapegoat losing. Also, what would you do about duo and trio groups? Would they be in group or solo q?

The matchmaking probably needs some tweaks but the people in these threads WAY WAY over blow the unbalanced matches due to teaming up. Dunning-Kruger at its finest.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Mak.2657


Yup, you can check premades for both teams at the end of match statistic. IIRC it is something equal.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Photinous.4628


I’m sure those games have built in logic to prevent constant 5 man premade vs 5 man solo games. Guild wars 2 does not. I don’t mind facing duo or even trio’s most of the time, but constantly facing a 4 or 5 man premade team on skype in back to back games is not fun. If there is no solo q to be had, at the very least prevent these 5 man pug vs premade matchups.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Booms.2594


Anet has been completely quiet on this issue since they removed solo q last year. It would be great if they actually showed up and made a statement on the future hopes for this. As it stands now, being esports and implementing a league system will be a huge joke if solo q is not implemented. Anet needs to pickup a few tips from other successful esports games.

Again, stop pretending that solo q is required for a good esports game. DOTA2 and CS:GO are INCREDIBLE esports games that don’t have solo q.

You can see who you were matched against at the end of a match. I would put money down that most of the complaints about premades are untrue and people are just using that to scapegoat losing. Also, what would you do about duo and trio groups? Would they be in group or solo q?

The matchmaking probably needs some tweaks but the people in these threads WAY WAY over blow the unbalanced matches due to teaming up. Dunning-Kruger at its finest.

those games have in game comms.
you have absolutely no idea how hard 1 veteran could carry a soloq team if at the very least he could communicate with his team, as the main reason noobs lose is lack of basic rotation knowledge.


Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Celtus.8456


ArenaNet, will you bring back Solo Arena?

Will you bring back dishonor?

Will you bring back queuing out of heart of the mists?

Will you ever develop another map for conquest?

Will you continue to throw money at ESL while taking away features from the game?

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Jcarp.4250


What kind of joke of a PVP system lets premades stomp pugs and call it ranked?? The real problem here is no one at Anet has ever excelled in any E-sport or else they would know this is a very stupid system that will drive away players.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940



This upcoming season we’re replacing the solo/duo queue with a dynamic group queue, where you’ll be able to climb the ladder with any number of teammates, going from single participation all the way to a full team comp . There’s no longer a penalty for players ranking together, so the benefits of grouping up will always prevail

Some1 is doing a fine job in GW2 , it seems :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


Please bring back soloq. If not, you’ll drive away those people who don’t have a team,

Already happened. Just saying.


ANet have already lost so many players but they don’t give a kitten…

But they wrote on main page that PvP population increased by 135% or more since last November.


Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Badzzi.2635


Bring SoloQ back! It keeps the casuals playing PvP.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Manko.1759


Please bring back solo queue.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073



To be fair, it is not just about having parties on the enemy team – it might very well be on your own. Either way, it is not fun considering that as a solo player you do not expect or want to see this – or at least have the choice to get it or not.

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Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


I’m all for soloq buuuut it’s not that straight forward.

If you add soloq, what will you do with the teamq? Last time we had soloq’ing in teamq because of the better rewards, which kinda ruined the whole idea. I’d like to see a full teamqueue but I don’t know how feasible that is, based on the current competitive scene. Whats left is 2/3mans and 5mans. 4mans should just ask for a fifth in mapchat or LFG. Which, imo, is a good version to start with.

If you add soloq, will you add it for both stronghold and conquest? If so, that’s another 2 splits in the system. If we assume unranked doesn’t change, that would be 6 different queues as opposed to the 2 (4 when ranked opens up) we have now.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Xyqjst.5476


Every succesful E-Sport has a Solo Que … so lets hope for some seriousness here.


DOTA 2 is extremely successful and has no solo Q. It tracks your MMR for playing solo differently than it does for playing with a team but you all get put into the same matches.

CS:GO doesn’t have a solo Q either as far as I know (I stopped playing last year) and it is SUPER successful.

CLEARLY solo Q is not required for a game to be an e-sport or to have a huge casual player base. Now that you see after a match who was partied up and you realize its not all “premades” I would have thought complaints would go down. Baddies will be bad I guess.

This is true. However, solo q’ing in dota you can only get matched with duo-q’rs and play against team with duo-q’rs, and usually the game matchs you all solo x solo. Here you can get 5 solo’s x full premade, thats a big difference

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


I just hope ranked will be teamq only.
I know it will cut out many ppl, but at least will be only premade vs premade ( for unranked and casual, a different queue should be ok )

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


I just hope ranked will be teamq only.
I know it will cut out many ppl, but at least will be only premade vs premade ( for unranked and casual, a different queue should be ok )

Because before we didn’t have successful Ranked SoloQ and TeamQ modes no?

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


endless queue for teamq.

and cause it would be meant for em, allowing pugs to do ranked too would be useless ( will be the same as unranked, and also less ppls will make a team and “try” to teamplay with ts and others voice chats ).

I really would like if they’ll try to bring out casual from ranked ( thanks to pvp reward system now pvp has more players… but mostly, casual farmers playing tanky classes ).

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


But that was Anet’s problem.

Soloq Matchmaking was better than TeamQ anyway.

So, in the end it’s better to punish SoloQ for the sake of TeamQ right?

And here is the outcome – 30% of SoloQ players moved to Unranked/Custom arenas within next week after that change from last year.

Within time population kept decreasing and decreasing.

135% Population increase like on poster – great f2p launch.

Sorry to say that, but PvP needs only a Coffin nail to be fully rekt.

And by experience with Anet – introduction of new Ranked arena will be exactly that Coffin nail.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: Shirlias.8104


Sorry to say that, but PvP needs only a Coffin nail to be fully rekt.

And by experience with Anet – introduction of new Ranked arena will be exactly that Coffin nail.

I agree, but at last i’m giving em a chance to see if something good will turn out.

Spvp were dead since gw2 launch, and they didn’t make anything about.

-Merged queue
-Spvp Reward Tracks
-Celestial gear

all this done for casual players ( and to bring more of em ).
i just don’t get why have to put casual players in every single part of the game.

Q: Will you bring back Solo Que?

in PvP

Posted by: online.1278


yeah, plz. i just don’t like premades. in current system people without team usually have -20% winrate than people with team.

personally idc esports team since i am not progamer and i don’t even want to participate in team pvp since i am casual player. why we should be in team to have better winrate. rip current system and plz seperate. i need soloq where everything is equal.

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(edited by online.1278)