Q about MMR

Q about MMR

in PvP

Posted by: King xiuras.3615

King xiuras.3615

Hello guys

I’m wondering about the new MMR. We have people from different divisions in teams. I’m diamond at the moment, yesterday i gained good pips but today… i’m getting people who can’t play pvp which means pip loss. I was 9 pips from legendary and now i’m 19 from legendary…. Is this wat anet want with the new mmr? Putting people who doesnt know pvp in my team to avoid ppl getting legendary? They cant defend or cap a point.

Is this Anet vision about Solo Queuing or is the MMR worse now then before? If yes, why then?


Khalar Bladestorm – Pugmaster of AoA – Dungeon Master – Event Comander of AoA

Q about MMR

in PvP

Posted by: Deathsilence.3408


yeah same dude. that was my day and i got a match with one offline guy at the beginning. So we fight 4v5 and lost the match. Im also lost 2 pipĀ“s of such a unbalanced 4v5 match. Loseing games of ppl they cant rotate the Game and brainless rush mid and fight again and again mid. That sucks and im no more like to play Season 2. Time to search a new game.



(edited by Deathsilence.3408)

Q about MMR

in PvP

Posted by: morrolan.9608


As has been noted in other threads this is a consequence of widening the mmr range to go with the fix to prevent smurfing. Also as noted in other threads there were other ways of fixing smurfing that maybe wouldn’t have necessitated widening the mmr range.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Q about MMR

in PvP

Posted by: King xiuras.3615

King xiuras.3615

And is arenanet even going to do something about it? Because i have the feeling they dont want me to achieve legendare before end of season 1. I like the backpack so much, but anet is making me to cry and rage etc…. This is not how pvp was like in the beginning of gw2. The meaning of pvp is getting lost with those bunker classes.

Khalar Bladestorm – Pugmaster of AoA – Dungeon Master – Event Comander of AoA