Qualifying Points - farming..

Qualifying Points - farming..

in PvP

Posted by: admiralnlson.2380


In today’s update:

The scoreboard now shows player ranks at the end of a game. It’s another way people can see how awesome you are at sPvP.

Sorry but rank in sPvP is something that you farm… Having a very high rank does not mean you are “awesome at sPvP”.

Same with tourneys. You get tournament tokens from free tourneys. And now, in paid tourneys, you get Qualifying Points.
So again, the more you play, the more QPs you get.
Between 2 people/teams of equivalent skill. The one who plays more often will get more QPs. I don’t really see the point.

Can we get something that actually measures skill?
WTB Elo rating system…

Qualifying Points - farming..

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Well I don’t think QP will be the true rating system…They are something you need to compete in the large tournaments they will eventually run, and in the mean time act as some kind of pseudo rank as well.

I’m sure that they will at some point give some form of an ELO ranking system, as clearly any rank or point system that blatantly favors time played, over player skill is never going to be accurate.

Qualifying Points - farming..

in PvP

Posted by: hackks.3687


… investing more time equates to more rewards… well that’s a new concept, huh…

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Qualifying Points - farming..

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


I wish they removed the scoreboard. The scoreboard only serves to hurt PuGs. PuGs would be more successful if they actually focused on objectives and winning instead of just topping charts.

Keep the scoreboard in paid tPvP if e~peen so desires.