Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

16) What does it mean? “8 times the amount of space”? You mean like database or code where it takes more space and making the game slower?

Might not make the game slower (shouldn’t), but yeah, it would take more space. Essentially each item is listed as having a value of 1 or 0, right now (yes or no). To enable anything else, would require 8x that (computers are binary, so anything more than 1 or 0 [each known as a bit] is represented by a group of more 1s and 0s, with a group of 8 being " byte") to be able to get anything more than a yes/no (aka boolean value) stored.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

Could we also get the option to click links on the forum without having to copy paste everything?!


I can already do this – if it’s offsite it does go though a “We’re not responsible for this!” page first, but I’ve never had to cut/paste unless I wanted to.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


16) What does it mean? “8 times the amount of space”? You mean like database or code where it takes more space and making the game slower?

He meant storage space on the servers. Users would not be affected.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: AnonEMouse.7932


12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

Just pointing out that people can already access the bank from anywhere, all they have to do is map to their home borderland in WvWvW, and go visit the crafting area. Voila instant bank access.

To get back to where they were, they then either log out and back in, or use the HoM stone, and use the green instance star to exit back where they were.

So that being said I don’t see any reason why the bank can’t be accessed in the mists.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Adris.1859


People should be thinking of why we don’t have something entirely better than collections.

Why can’t you make armors and weapons just like runes. If you put it in locker you can take it as many times as you want but you can’t salvage these, you could only salvage stuff straight from chests.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


16) What does it mean? “8 times the amount of space”? You mean like database or code where it takes more space and making the game slower?

He meant storage space on the servers. Users would not be affected.

They should buy some more TeraByte storage then… or if it was only some more GigaByte or MegaByte it probably should not be a problem…


12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

Just pointing out that people can already access the bank from anywhere, all they have to do is map to their home borderland in WvWvW, and go visit the crafting area. Voila instant bank access.

To get back to where they were, they then either log out and back in, or use the HoM stone, and use the green instance star to exit back where they were.

So that being said I don’t see any reason why the bank can’t be accessed in the mists.

Did not know about this. But I’m sure not they’ll fix it.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: AnonEMouse.7932


I happily think that the GW1 way of unlocking items should be used instead (and includes armour) of the way it is now.

There are things in GW1 that should have made it over to GW2, and this is one of them.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


16) What does it mean? “8 times the amount of space”? You mean like database or code where it takes more space and making the game slower?

He meant storage space on the servers. Users would not be affected.

They should buy some more TeraByte storage then… or if it was only some more GigaByte or MegaByte it probably should not be a problem…

Well it depends entirely on what they are running now. If they are using something like 2% of their storage capacity, then the change would not have that big of an impact. Thou usually this is not the case, companies tend to run servers on as minimum specs as possible, god knows why, the cost increase is marginal (specially for this in particular). If they were outsourcing the servers or the storage solutions, then i guess it would make more sense, thou not really.

You have to realize it is times 8 for current accounts, which is then doubled or tripled (or what ever they used) for storage redundancies and safety and so on. So it is more than just plug an extra 5 tera disk and be done with it (thou not that much i admit)

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Halvaard.1034


Depending on the database size, that could be a huge change.
The problem isn’t the size increase per account, it would be the number of accounts and the time it will take to SAFELY and ACCURATELY convert each account to a new format.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Particularly glad to hear about #14 , I really want to be able to swap back and forth between specs and gear instantly.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


10- Option to disable skill queue.

10) Something I started, but never had time to get back to. This is a feature owned by me.

In that case please PLEASE !!!PLEASE!!! find the time to get back to it Imo, that’s the biggest and often-times the most harmful qol issue that can be fixed. As a thief it hurts the most due to double casting Infiltrator’s strike will get you killed (return and attack again), double casting shadowstep will get you killed, spamming hs locks you in place, etc.

Most of that wouldn’t be a problem but I have to fight with skill delay sometimes so I use the ability, nothing happens for a little bit, press it again, it casts twice.

One last thing, DODGE should overwrite any action you’re currently doing. Resing someone? I don’t care, I need to dodge now. Using a skill with a cast time? I don’t care, I need to dodge now.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


only quoted responses I wanted to address to keep it short

1) I agree that targeting has been a point of contention around here since everyone has a different opinion on how it should work. We have not forgotten about this issue, but it is pretty low priority, unfortunately. This polish would fall under the umbrella of a combat team.

4) Vendors and collections were an existing way to get PvP items into the game. Ideally there should be a proper unlock system, but time and tech prevented this from happening. This is a feature owned by the PvP team.

5) I really don’t like suggestions like this, because its a complete band-aid solution to something that should just be redesigned for PvP. Why do you need to even buy free items to apply it 6 times? This is a feature owned by the PvP team.

6) This is some good polish, but it only affects these two specific collections out of the entire game. I would go so far as to say we shouldn’t need these oddly working collections in the first place (see 4). This particular part of collections is a feature owned by the PvP.

9) The reason for making people go to the mists is because the transition from PvE to PvP is a big one. If I new players were to queue directly into a PvP game, they’d have no idea why all their armor, weapons, and traits were different. Making this a two step process helps to eliminate this confusion. However, we realize that the flow of PvP is not efficient, and plan on working on this. This is a lot of features and polish owned by the PvP team.

11) Not sure how this would work. What problem would this solve?

12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

16) The limit of 1 is a technical limitation.

17) This will not happen as it affects way to many things in the game. Why do you have that many things stacked at once as to need a stack size of 1000? The problem is not the stack size.

Thanks for reply! This kind of transparency really helps the community, you should get a raise. Here are my replies:

1) It’s not a point of contention in pvp, unless I have gotten very unlucky with my sample, but from the dozens of pvp players I know (most pretty competitive) this annoys all of them. Is the contention with PVErs? It’s beside the point though. “Toggle targeting on right click on/off” make everyone happy. I disagree with this being low priority, this issue makes pvping less fun and more frustrating… that’s pretty significant and it’s not that hard to fix it’s just a matter of creating an alternate input command for right click and set it to toggle. Am I wrong?

4, 5, 6) I see your point in all of these, I was thinking in terms of bandaids because the team seems pretty busy as it is… but yes the ideal scenario would be for pvp runes/sigils to have a different interface where you can simply select things from drop down menus and not “buy” free stuff and attach manually at all.

9) Then you make the queue from anywhere feature only available once you have gone to the mists, completed all the are tutorials and completed X number of tournaments, so it’s an “unlock”. From that point the player will know it’s different and will still go to the mists to tweak, but making people go talk to the herald every time to queue when they’re rank 40+ is pretty annoying and doesn’t serve a purpose.

11) 0.o pretty surprised at this answer. Movement abilities play a key role in pvp, take Savage Leap, it’s useful for closing in, but also just as important to get away. However, with auto targeting on ability cast it will take you towards the enemy you’re trying to run from. So most serious pvpers with any abilities like that on their bar will turn auto targeting on ability cast off so they can untarget and use abilities like that to get away. But auto targeting would be nice in many other abilities, as a complement to manually targeting. However, that isn’t an option because the option toggle is all or nothing.

12) Fair enough. Ha.

13) Then create double slots for dual wield weapons, that’s where that is most annoying, like dual daggers on ele, you go down the list to find the daggers you want to use but you only have one of each type so… now you have to go find another one like it somewhere in your bags or make one. Double slots for just daggers, pistols, axes, maces and swords would do it for me.

17) I currently have 250 stacks of dust and orbs on a bunch of characters, taking up bag space and needing to be transfered about through the regular bank to make large amounts of dyes or w/e else. Defeats the purpose of the pvp locker which is suppose to minimize that isnt’ it? Maybe then just create multiple slots for just dust and orb? 5 for each would be awesome, if you could store up to 1250 i those separate slots for just those 2 you tend to get a lot of problem solved.


Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

(edited by Julius.1094)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


14) This is a definite must for the future of the game. It is planned. It will come in time. This is a feature owned by the PvP team.

Make sure you sell templates for gems so that pvp can make some profit pvp needs to be more profitable

more money means more pvp content

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

(edited by Kline.9561)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


I think on maps like Foefire it also should display healthbars of the NPCs fighting for your team in the UI(and also display players of your team on minimap and UI regardless of how far they are away).

Also I’d like that annoying “your lord is under attack” every second removed or the timer being different. It really would be enough every few seconds not every second. And sometimes it even is giving the message a few seconds after lord already is dead.

Better would be some voice commandes the players could use like pressing “V” to access voice commands. Then gettign a list with (1) attack (2) defend. Pressing (1) and then being able to choose: Attack (1) graveyard (2) enemy lord or stuff like that. Would help more than spamming “your lord is under attack”.

Edit: Also at the map if I’m dead and press “M” it says “respawn ready” and I have to press “M” again to leave the map and then press the button to respawn at the main base waypoint.

It should be possible to spawn from the “M” map. Also there should be an option for auto respawn.

(edited by Luthan.5236)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


Just a curious question since we’re being transparent. Why did you not try to monotize spvp? It isnt developed to offer any real benefit atm for spending gems.
Like TF2 has the hats, league of legends and dota have their skins, gears of war has its weapon skins/armor skins etc etc….

You can buy one set of armor that can be used in spvp per armor type (the same 3 that have been purchaseable since day one…no more no less).

You have the temporary finishers, but tbh i’ve never actually seen any of them even though all i do is spvp. No one wants to spend 10 bucks for a few hours of a different finisher animation…..these should have unlimited duration for a higher price.

Glory boosters….why is this even in the shop, they’re a joke….you get them like candy and anyone over level 30 probably has a pool of over 80,000 glory they dont know what to do with anyway (cept buy chests to salvage crap and pray for slivers to make dyes with).

So end point, there is next to nothing for me to spend money on in this game. I have spent 100’s of dollars on the other games i mentioned…because i play those games a lot and the purchases enhance my experience and seem worth it. Guild wars 2 offers nothing to someone who is playing primarily for the spvp game mode. This makes no sense to me….is there a reason behind it? A lot of people rumor this is why so few features are out for spvp despite the huge developement of pve, because your not earning money on spvp. A little explanation would go a long way as to why you chose not to profit off it, and if you plan to in the future (i’m assuming custom arenas are your answer to making money…but still feels limited)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: muscarine.5136


Another one > Allow us to target through the UI, i can’t tell you how many times i needed to shadowstep on top of my screen but couldn’t and died because there’s UI there.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Another one > Allow us to target through the UI, i can’t tell you how many times i needed to shadowstep on top of my screen but couldn’t and died because there’s UI there.

Oh please yes.
I will clarify this:
Whenever you use a GT spell, and you move your cursor over any UI element, it doesn’t use the world position data of where the cursor would be without the UI. It defaults back to your character (don’t know if that is [0,0] for the client), meaning whatever AoE you place, when you placed it while hovering over a part of the UI you place the AoE directly beneath your character. While this has it’s uses (like throwing AoE directly under you, even while moving), it comes at a high price. Whenever you want to target something on top, behind the chat etc, you will automatically target it below you instead.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Nunganok.4590


12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

17) This will not happen as it affects way to many things in the game. Why do you have that many things stacked at once as to need a stack size of 1000? The problem is not the stack size.

12) And yet people can port to the mists, walk through the portal into Lions Arch and get to the best bank, trading post and crafting stations for FREE

17) You’re right, the problem is not the stack size. Its the fact theres NOTHING to use our mats on. Theres SO LITTLE crafting/cosmetic content in spvp that you end up with multiples max stacks of PvP crafting items. Ugh, how do you guys not get this…

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


12) And yet people can port to the mists, walk through the portal into Lions Arch and get to the best bank, trading post and crafting stations for FREE

Also they can go to WvW and then port back to Lion’s Arch for free. But they would need to pay gold to port back.

I think from Mists(if you don’t leave to Lion’s Arch) you can just go back to the map you have been before without having to pay port cost.

But someone above mentioned something how you can port back without having to pay port cost if going to WvW(using crafting station there) and then logging out or using HoM stone.

@Zinwrath: I think they want to make money with that “Custom Arenas” they are working on. I only hope they are not too expensive and it still is not too hard to get them ingame by playing(they said they could also be obtained by playing without gems). If they were hard too obain or too expensive and only offered basic featueres they wouldn’t be worth the gems. Would not help the game. I think they should make some “free” Custom Arenas and then add premium featueres so everyone can just have some basic custom arena.

Also regarding the crafing stuff: I think they just should add Mystic Forge recipes that use the tournament chests to turn them into maybe instant glory or something. Lol. Glory and the stuff from daily rewards and the chests from vendors(just don’t buy them if you have storage problems) are not the problem…

Only that tournament chests you get tons of. Always troublesome to open them… then salvage… and people already suggested auto salvage.

If we could just place them Mystic Forge it would be easier and solve all the trouble(just open until you got enough to have all the skins you can get from tournaments and then use the other at Mystic Forge).

Edit: Maybe make Mystic Forge recipes using 1-match-tournament chests to get Custom Arena tokens or whatever the stuff is called you need to buy to get a Custom Arena?

(edited by Luthan.5236)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


There’s only a bank in WvW if the keep has the upgrade for a bank.

So if your on a decent server where your world can control its keeps like mine JQ, then you’ll always have access to a bank, but if your one of the servers that cant hold its on keeps, then tough luck for you.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Varonth.5830


12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

17) This will not happen as it affects way to many things in the game. Why do you have that many things stacked at once as to need a stack size of 1000? The problem is not the stack size.

12) And yet people can port to the mists, walk through the portal into Lions Arch and get to the best bank, trading post and crafting stations for FREE

17) You’re right, the problem is not the stack size. Its the fact theres NOTHING to use our mats on. Theres SO LITTLE crafting/cosmetic content in spvp that you end up with multiples max stacks of PvP crafting items. Ugh, how do you guys not get this…

12) And when you want to go back to your previous location you either run or pay the waypoint cost. The Mist → Lion’s Arch seems as it is for free, but it isn’t. It comes at the cost of giving up your position in the world.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Zhentar.6810


which is then doubled or tripled (or what ever they used) for storage redundancies and safety and so on.

Probably even more than that. Depending on your needs, you can end up with quite a few copies of the data, especially if you’re using fancy database features like mirroring to improve performance (For a product I work with, the average is something like 17 live copies of the production data).

And it’s got extra costs on top of that; a bigger database takes longer to back up (and consumes more backup space), longer to verify, longer to mirror, and you can’t fit as much of your database in memory, so you need more RAM too.

At home, I can store a terabyte of data for under $100. At work, I can spend as much as $100,000 on a terabyte of storage.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


be able to join a hotjoin or tourney from ANYwhere. this means more ppl playing pvp cuz they can do pve stuff while waiting for queues. they also dont have the hassle of warping to mists, then trying to get back to their PVE place

might end up with empty mists tho

(edited by gwawer.9805)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: sirflamesword.3896


12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

17) This will not happen as it affects way to many things in the game. Why do you have that many things stacked at once as to need a stack size of 1000? The problem is not the stack size.

12) And yet people can port to the mists, walk through the portal into Lions Arch and get to the best bank, trading post and crafting stations for FREE

17) You’re right, the problem is not the stack size. Its the fact theres NOTHING to use our mats on. Theres SO LITTLE crafting/cosmetic content in spvp that you end up with multiples max stacks of PvP crafting items. Ugh, how do you guys not get this…

12) And when you want to go back to your previous location you either run or pay the waypoint cost. The Mist -> Lion’s Arch seems as it is for free, but it isn’t. It comes at the cost of giving up your position in the world.

Or you could you know…go to a borderland for the crafting station use the Bank there and then log out to char select to get back to where you were. This comment from Evan made me completely stop reading and disregard his whole post because it is complete BS.

Pinnacle of Responsibility[Mom]-Yaks Bend
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


be able to join a hotjoin or tourney from ANYwhere. this means more ppl playing pvp cuz they can do pve stuff while waiting for queues. they also dont have the hassle of warping to mists, then trying to get back to their PVE place

might end up with empty mists tho

You already are able to do this. goto hearts of mist, que up, leave hearts of mist and resume pve play. Or go join a hotjoin while que’ed to glory farm.

Another thing you can switch characters durning tournament play as well. So if your que’ed with nothing but bunkers, you can change your class to be a non bunker class.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Kabangers.7263


Please make boons and condition durations show above the icon instead of having to hover over each one to know durations. For example having to hover over my poison condi to see how long I need to wait to use my heal. This information should be available at a glance.

(edited by Kabangers.7263)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


Instead of storing multiple items, why not just make them item unlocks? Where we click an unlocked skin and can then apply it to a pvp item as much as we want.

This x10000000….someone bring this man beer!

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

16- Ability to stack more than one piece of the same gear in locker, 2 would be ideal.

16) The limit of 1 is a technical limitation.

I thank you for your time here, but dude that is plain sad, where did you outsource the code for this to?.

Collections can clearly support more than 1 item per slot, as seen elsewhere in the game. The problem is that it takes 8 times the amount of space to support more than 1, and PvP has a ton of items. In this case, “technical limitation” means size constraints.

in that case, could we make the PvP Locker to behave like the Hall of Monuments ghost who hand out PvP Skins once we unlocked those skins?

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


Instead of storing multiple items, why not just make them item unlocks? Where we click an unlocked skin and can then apply it to a pvp item as much as we want.

This x10000000….someone bring this man beer!

They would have to add an entire new system because you won’t be able to salvage those things an “infinite” amount of times to get as many dust/orbs/crystals/etc that you want, they would have to rework their entire mystic forge recipes and add new collectibles, which isn’t going to happen.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Instead of storing multiple items, why not just make them item unlocks? Where we click an unlocked skin and can then apply it to a pvp item as much as we want.

This x10000000….someone bring this man beer!

They would have to add an entire new system because you won’t be able to salvage those things an “infinite” amount of times to get as many dust/orbs/crystals/etc that you want, they would have to rework their entire mystic forge recipes and add new collectibles, which isn’t going to happen.

at least let us stack more than one copy of each armor / weapon.

say 10 or 20 or even 50 instead of just 1.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


Instead of storing multiple items, why not just make them item unlocks? Where we click an unlocked skin and can then apply it to a pvp item as much as we want.

This x10000000….someone bring this man beer!

They would have to add an entire new system because you won’t be able to salvage those things an “infinite” amount of times to get as many dust/orbs/crystals/etc that you want, they would have to rework their entire mystic forge recipes and add new collectibles, which isn’t going to happen.

Already have x item? give mats instead.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


11- Enable auto target on cast to be set on a per skill basis (sort of like auto cast is now) as opposed to all or none.

Hi, I would like to see something like this:

When I fight anyone with pets, autotargetting is my worst enemy. If I pull a Ranger with Magnet pull and I try to follow that up with a prybar, and the pet is standing right next to me, auto-targetting switches my target to the pet and I go for the pet instead. That was when I turned off auto-T.

5- If you have at least 6 of the same rune in your inventory and you apply one to an armor piece a pop screen appears that says “would you like to apply this rune to the rest of your armor? ‘yes’ or ‘no’ " and if you click yes, you guessed it, it automatically puts it on the rest of your armor.

5) I really don’t like suggestions like this, because its a complete band-aid solution to something that should just be redesigned for PvP. Why do you need to even buy free items to apply it 6 times? This is a feature owned by the PvP team.

This is the moment where I ask you guys why you didn’t have it the way you had it in GW1. Where all your gear was in the PvP equipment menu and you could mix and match to your heart’s content.

Weapons were paired with Inscriptions and other accessories, armour was paired with runes and insignias, no need for vendors or even saving 250 of everything you use in your inventory (only to mistakenly deposit everything later on), you just had everything in that nice menu and it was all good.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

(edited by Dirame.8521)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Scrolling Combat Text. If I could just have that, I’d be set.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Viprek.6730


- A toggle that would allow you to deactivate losing target when left clicking empty space, and pressing escape should work 100% of the time if you want to lose target. Other games call this sticky targeting. Spamming ground targeting skills shouldn’t make you lose target…

- Disable ground targeting on a per skill basis (want to ground target attacks but not teleport).

- Salvage items on bulk.

- Character bound skill bindings.


Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


1) I agree that targeting has been a point of contention around here since everyone has a different opinion on how it should work. We have not forgotten about this issue, but it is pretty low priority, unfortunately. This polish would fall under the umbrella of a combat team.

Is there really a substantial portion of the population that finds right-click targeting useful? Because there have been many of us complaining about this for the past 7 months or so. In fact, there are currently 8 pages of it.

I guess it’s possible that if you’re standing next to a vendor, it could be more convenient to right-click on them than to left-click and press F.
However, I would think this minor convenience would be crushed by the colossal inconvenience of unintentionally mis-targeting in combat.

I would go into greater detail, but really, I have little to say that wasn’t covered in the linked thread. All I would add is that many of us feel very passionately about it.

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


12) You cannot have bank access in the mists because anyone can port there for free.

Just pointing out that people can already access the bank from anywhere, all they have to do is map to their home borderland in WvWvW, and go visit the crafting area. Voila instant bank access.

To get back to where they were, they then either log out and back in, or use the HoM stone, and use the green instance star to exit back where they were.

So that being said I don’t see any reason why the bank can’t be accessed in the mists.

Not quite the same. WvW potentially has queues. WvW → LA is one way and HotM → LA is also one way.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


1) I agree that targeting has been a point of contention around here since everyone has a different opinion on how it should work. We have not forgotten about this issue, but it is pretty low priority, unfortunately. This polish would fall under the umbrella of a combat team.

There is no point of contention. Those posting in this thread are largely unanimous in their criticism of mouse right-click targeting. If the devs feel there is some advantage to keeping it the way it is, then simply add a toggle for those of us who don’t want it.

In a game in which a large portion of it is devoted to killing virtual foes, the ability to accurately and consistently target a foe and remain locked on that target is a fundamental precept; not a polish issue.

Some other fundamental precepts:

1) Don’t tie two unrelated functions (such as targeting and character movement) to the same control by default. Instead, tie each function to a discreet control. For example, you don’t press the H key open your hero panel and witness your inventory panel open at the same time, right? So why are movement and target selection tied to the same mouse right-click?

2) Allow players to customize their controls as they see fit. This way, if #1 is violated, then at least players have the option to correct the situation by changing the default control setup.

Perhaps the devs have some sound reasons for tying mouse right-click targeting and movement together. I can’t personally think of a good one, but I’d be curious to hear their arguments in favor of it. Instead, all we get is it “has been a point of contention around here since everyone has a different opinion on how it should work”. Care to share those opinions with us so we – as players – can then discuss the pros and cons?

The only reason I can think of – outside of simply running out of time before launch and it being pushed down the list as lower priority when compared to game breaking bugs – is they don’t want more seasoned players with the skill and experience to target while in motion having an advantage over more casual players. Thus, the two functions were tied to one control and made immutable so as to level the playing field.

As far fetched at that sounds, in the absence of dev feedback it’s the only explanation I can think of outside of technical limitations (which would be a lame excuse) or simply running out of time to implement it before launch (which would be understandable; but after 7 months it’s time to fix it).

That summarizes the feedback I’ve seen for #1. I’ve never seen a response aside from “We have more important things to work on right now than being able to attack the right target consistently… like making titles display for everyone!”

I mean, really… Who thought it was a good idea to tie character rotation and target selection to the same button? If they feel strongly enough for it to be “a point of contention,” then they really ought to explain it to us— because I just love having my world map bound to the same key as my heal skill, and having “dodge” bound to the Esc key. Being able to do so many things with a single button is awesome, right?

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Fiffelina.2734


I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what "This is a feature owned by the [insert person(s) here] " means…

Really good list, number 14 and 15 needs to come asap, not only for pvp but for pve aswell:
Hit the respec button, get acess to +- buttons, confirm and pay the price (in pve) getting disconnected/going offline would revert the spec without cost in order to battle abuse.

Speaking of traiting:
When will we see tooltip adjustments for traits taken?
Some examples;
Illusions 15 – “Illusionary Retribution” – All shatter skills inflict confusion.
Virtues 5 – “Inspired Virtue” – Virtues now also apply the following boos (snip)
Honor X – “Writ of the Merciful” – All symbols heal allies.
Tactics XII – “Vigorous Shouts” – Shouts heal

If you pick those nothing happends with the tooltips, you have to go out and try them on some NPC and then go “oh it was this much for that amount of time with those stats”.

Aaaand ofc with spvp and traits in mind where people number crunch traits like
“Elite skills lasts longer”, “Deal extra damage for each boon you have”, “Pet skills recharge faster”, “Increase damage of symbols”, “deal more damage at low/not full endurance”, “Burst skills costs less”, “Run faster while wielding melee weapons” etc etc etc
Those aren’t really good descriptions are they? Is there any plans to change the text to actually reflect specifically what the trait actually does?

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what "This is a feature owned by the [insert person(s) here] " means…

Really good list, number 14 and 15 needs to come asap, not only for pvp but for pve aswell:
Hit the respec button, get acess to +- buttons, confirm and pay the price (in pve) getting disconnected/going offline would revert the spec without cost in order to battle abuse.

Speaking of traiting:
When will we see tooltip adjustments for traits taken?
Some examples;
Illusions 15 – “Illusionary Retribution” – All shatter skills inflict confusion.
Virtues 5 – “Inspired Virtue” – Virtues now also apply the following boos (snip)
Honor X – “Writ of the Merciful” – All symbols heal allies.
Tactics XII – “Vigorous Shouts” – Shouts heal

If you pick those nothing happends with the tooltips, you have to go out and try them on some NPC and then go “oh it was this much for that amount of time with those stats”.

Aaaand ofc with spvp and traits in mind where people number crunch traits like
“Elite skills lasts longer”, “Deal extra damage for each boon you have”, “Pet skills recharge faster”, “Increase damage of symbols”, “deal more damage at low/not full endurance”, “Burst skills costs less”, “Run faster while wielding melee weapons” etc etc etc
Those aren’t really good descriptions are they? Is there any plans to change the text to actually reflect specifically what the trait actually does?

Yes to all of that, it’s kind LOL. I mean, I’m not sure what the excuse is. If you know the numbers, you have to you wrote the game, and you’re writing a tooltip for a trait it doesn’t take you longer to type in “Deals 2% extra damage for each boon you have” as opposed to “Deal extra damage for each boon you have”, so why would one opt to go with the vague version, which is bound to annoy players and force you to fix it later, just puzzles me.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


11- Enable auto target on cast to be set on a per skill basis (sort of like auto cast is now) as opposed to all or none.

When I fight anyone with pets, autotargetting is my worst enemy. If I pull a Ranger with Magnet pull and I try to follow that up with a prybar, and the pet is standing right next to me, auto-targetting switches my target to the pet and I go for the pet instead. That was when I turned off auto-T.

Hmm, even with auto-targeting enabled, you can override it by just clicking on the target you want, auto-targeting however will prevent you from firing an ability at “nothing” in case you lose your manual target. And in a team fight, or even in a 1v1 where a pet is involved hitting the pet/an unitended player is better than firing the skill at thin air and putting it on CD. This would be less of an issue if this game didn’t have so many issues that make you lose your target unexpectantly, but still, auto-targeting as an OPTION would be great. But it isn’t really an option right now because you can’t use disengage skill with it on, so until you can do toggle individually it has to be be off.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


UPDATED main post with new player suggestions/edits to make suggestions better.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I want a “salvage all items” button next to the “deposit all collectibles” button.

Now, mr. dev, do that for me


Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Mauricio.1932


These refinements are mandatory for a game that wants to be successful and anyone playing this game has felt how annoying it can be when something simple is badly designed. Thanks for bringing this up Julius.1094!

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Sigmatics.7056


I must say I disagree with his reasoning on #12, because anyone can go to the WvW home borderlands for free for bank access at the crafting vendors. It is not as obvious, it’s still free though.

So either they should put it in the mists too, or move crafting stations out of WvW. Consistency is key here.

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.1094


Bumping this thread to get some more suggestions from people/remind devs since yet another patch comes out addressing none of the issues. Edited original post.

Vidallis – 50 Shades of Pink – Engi/Warrior

(edited by Julius.1094)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Pugster.6249


Bring back Random Arenas DM.

I bought this game with the expectation that this awesome mode of PvP, would have stayed with GW2. The current 8v8 CP is kinda boring.

(edited by Pugster.6249)

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


18- Make “interact” stomp only and tie rezing to a keybind so they are separated. Not being able to choose whether you want to rez or stomp when a downed enemy and team player are next to each other is just really… bad.

You can choose by targetting what you want interact with

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Veldan.4637


4- Rather than vendors and manual assignment, in spvp runes and sigils should be selected from a pvp only interface where they are coherently organized and can be set up on the go with minimal clicking.

14- Build templates for easy swapping.

15- Ability to move trait points in pvp without having to reset the whole tree (+5 and -5 buttons?)

These would be great, anything that makes build changing easier is appreciated.