Quality of life PvP and UI changes

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Hey, i have 1 major gripe about your game… Really, when you play Guild Wars 2 it feels like you’re fighting against UI and some annoying game mechanics and not other players. I would really like things that i’ll note further to be considered when you will continue making changes to your game in future patches.

List of things:
1. Casting aoe skills outside of max range. Really, this one is huge… it’s sooo annoying to spam your rocket jump engineer skill, only to get it cancelled again and again because you clicked slightly outside of max range, which may lead to your death, considering that even 0.5 second delay means death in pvp.
2. Max camera distance. Yeah, if you play big character, all you usually see on your screen is his huge back. I want max camera distance increased at least a little bit, it’s really kitten impossible to play big characters in your game.
3. Smoke field blast finishers… This is one of reasons you never see squishy stealth builds melle in team vs team fights, even if they are tanky enough for it. Really, nothing is as frustrating as recieving random revealed debuff because someone blasted in your smoke field, which lead to your death. Worst part about it that you just CAN’T EVEN GET STEALTH like that, all you get for blasting smoke field is revealed, which screws up any class and build that relies on stealth(mesmers/thiefs/some engi builds, etc)
4. All huge cooldown on low hp traits have no visuals indicating their cooldowns. Really, how i’m even supposed to tell if i have my elixir s on cooldown or not when i engage in fight? Are we supercomputers that count 90 seconds on each proc or what? Add buff timers to all such traits if you even want to think about your game being competitive.

Class specific problems now:
Engineer(aka the most buggy profession, which lead to it being the weakest and the most ignored)
1. Engineer grenade kit autocast… Who even though about removing autocast from it? Do you want all your players to have a tunnel syndrome and hate you forever just for playing your game or what? Give us autocast on our ONLY viable dps kit already kitten …
2. Engineer speedy kits trait. Yet another example of horrible, annoying and boring mechanics that nobody likes. It’s not fun to click your utilities every 5 seconds whole time. It’s ANNOYING, nothing else. And what you get? Perma swiftness… zzz, why you can’t just increase it’s duration to like 30 seconds or something? It’s the same effect if you click it every 5 seconds anyway, still perma swiftness, but just much less annoyance with your game and less pain in fingers after that.
3. Static discharge with most of toolkit skills… and it flies in the way where your screen is centered… Really? Who keeps his camera like that in a 3rd person game without a 1st person mode? Change it please! It always should fly in direction of your currently targeted player, or at least a cursor, if no target is selected.
4. Rocket boots… Sometimes they bug out and turn your character backwards or to the side during roll animation, nullifying all distance you covered in first seconds. Really, it’s the most underpowered blink type skill of all classes, and it’s the buggiest one to boot! I really have no idea why this happens, but i assume it has something to do with ground elevation or may be nearby walls, you guys have to figure it out. I won’t even mention that it usually gets cancelled by random roots/slows/stuns at the start, making it a worthless utility(adding evade on it could help with that problem)
1.Last refuge. Really, nobody likes that proc that randomly screws you up. You were fighting but then someone randomly did a big hit on you, so it procced in the middle of your attack animation and now you have a free sign called kill me on you for 4 seconds? Yeah that’s an awesome game design right there, definitely makes it more fun.
2.Expeditious dodger. Yet another annoying trait, you’re basicly forced to spam your dodge button to have swiftness up all the time, and even if you don’t even opt for perma swiftness, it screws you up by making it unpredictable when you have enough range on your heartseeker to reach your target or not. But yeah, it’s just yet another spam this button whole time while you play trait. Those types of traits you have to avoid in any mmo.

Other classes… well i play only warrior aside from those 2, and warriors seem fine in that aspect. But yeah, i can’t tell what other annoying things other classes have, but i’ll add more here if other forumites will mention them in this thread.

So, this is it for now, if you guys really want to improve your game you will listen. It will make your game more competitive by removing random and unpredictable procs aspect from your pvp, and improving UI by making it something that actually helps players, instead of something that you have to fight against each time you log in, making you hate yourself for doing it.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Despite getting a little worked up you do raise some valid concerns

In fact I concur with all that you’ve said.

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: Kentrey.3251


Despite getting a little worked up you do raise some valid concerns

I agree you might wanna take a breather first next time.

I don’t play engi. But i don’t know what you meant about thieves and smoke fields. When i’m WvWing with 2 other thieves and a ele we get up to 15 seconds of stealth just using smoke field and clusterbombs. Now if you’re attacking while their doing that i don’t really think that is a design error. If you see a thief throw down a smoke field and you don’t want to get AoE stealth you should move away from it.

But the revealed Debuff is just the risk you run when playing with other thieves. It’s balanced (quite well in fact) for a reason.

Edit : I forgot to mention that things like the revealed Debuff is to keep 5 thieves (who can all perma stealth on their own) from running together and just being broken. 5 thieves just running shadows refuge and blinding powder with pistol off hand. Would just never be able to be taken down. But by having revealed on targets who aren’t being wary of when their attacking and when their stealth gives teams in open world or pvp who don’t have that luxury a chance to throw their opponents off guard. I believe its suppose to be like that and it works well.

And i (i’m sure with a lot of other people) like Expeditious Dodger. It is almost perma swiftness and adds action to it. My WvW build is mostly built around evades and its nice to have a niche inside of my traits that helps me use it. If i wanted 1 min of swiftness i would hope on my guardian or my warrior and just spam their swiftness skills. I personally think just making that trait perma would be boring and over homogenizing a class that doesn’t actually need it.

You do raise some good points. But you gotta remember that there is an entire player base out there, a lot of which enjoys the thought that the team put into it. Besides terrible venoms, A lack of weapon options, terrible pistol mechanics, and not many ‘non stealth’ builds. Thieves are in a pretty good place.

(edited by Kentrey.3251)

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


1. Turn on fast-cast ground targeting so you don’t have to re-select your skill after clicking just out of range.
2. Could be helpful.
3. Not sure about this—it’s annoying but at the same time I wouldn’t want it to be super easy to get stealth from a smoke field when people are right on top of you.
4. Yes, that would be helpful.

About engineers:
I don’t think they’re even the most buggy profession anymore. They are certainly not the weakest and absolutely not being ignored.
1. Confirmed options for continuous ground targeting coming in 6 days.
2. Perma swiftness from a single trait isn’t something I’d complain about.
3. Would be helpful.
4. Haven’t experienced that, but sounds like a problem.

tl;dr hidden cooldown timers would be useful. Ground targeting changes have already been announced. Having to press a button every few seconds for swiftness is not really a huge problem.

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


1. Turn on fast-cast ground targeting so you don’t have to re-select your skill after clicking just out of range.

About engineers:
1. Confirmed options for continuous ground targeting coming in 6 days.

1. Actually i have it on, and that’s why i have to spam skills nonstop to make them work at max range. really, you ALWAYS want to use your rocket jump or grenades at max range, but you always have to waste time clicking those skills many times before you finally finda point at the screen that is a max range for this skill.

E1.It’s still clicking, be that holding button or spamming it, still an unneeded hassle for players. Why i’m forced to even click grenades when this game has autocast for everything else? I want them to work be spammed all the time, no matter what. After all, if you don’t like it JUST TURN OFF AUTOCAST ON IT, nobody forces you to use it, what’s the problem with that really?
E2. It’s not perma swiftness i complain about, it’s bad implementation of game mechanics that i complain about. Nothing is as annoying as spamming same 2 buttons 24/7 while you’re playing the game. Yes, EVERY 5 seconds while you play it, just imagine amount of unnecessary clicks you have to do every day.

I want to use my skills with a thought behind each action, choose what i want to press for each situation, and not just brainlessly spam 111111 or 22222 whole game, that doesn’t lead to fun pvp, it only leads to boredom, annoyance and disappointment with the game.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Devs please read this thread!

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Bump, and gonna be doing that till you finally read it.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Out of range clicking shoud just cast the spell at maximum distance..
problem solved.

NB: good efford trying to catch attention..


54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Bumping against forum rulesBut I definitely agree we need a better camera for our Norn/Charr characters…

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984


Well i don’t care if they’ll ban me, as long as they’ll fix these problems i may consider my job done here (at least for now). If they have no common sense themselves, i’ll bring it to them.

(edited by dragonkain.3984)

Quality of life PvP and UI changes

in PvP

Posted by: dragonkain.3984



1.Speaking of low hp traits and runes… can you please make them proc when you REACH hp threshold, and not get hit while being under it? It just… makes sense really to make them work that way, considering that any random power build hit can 1 shot u from up to 50% hp, making your low hp traits NEVER proc….
2.Only i think that all stun breaks should give you 1 second of stability? Most of the time it doesn’t matter if you clicked it or not, because right in the next moment you get stunned again, so, may be add 1 sec buff on them to make it worth picking them in your builds at all?
3.And another UI thing… devs, do you even realize that melle autoattacks go off only at 100 range, while melle range in your game is actually 130? So unless we spam 1 like monkeys in a fight, we lose alot of potential damage while melleing. Fix that too please.
4.4 sec revealed in sPvP compared to 3 seconds in WvW… make up your mind already mb? Normalize them to either 3 or 4 seconds BOTH. It’s pretty funny considering that stealth is severly underpowered and ignored in sPvP but it gets punished more there, compared to WvW.
5.Shadow step on thief should have 0.5 sec cooldown on first use to avoid accedential double clicking and returning to your first position. Simple as that.
(That’s especially annoying considering amount of lag happening in your game lately)