Question For Angry Posters

Question For Angry Posters

in PvP

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

and I’ve been an angry poster last couple days, so trust me, I feel you. I think one concerns voiced that is shared among devs, happy posters, angry posters, etc. is: Keeping good #s of players in PvP/nurturing PvP. The other areas are important too of course, they just don’t potentially have this problem at this time.

Honestly, some of these updates could be pretty cool(Check my posts, I have been pessimistic poster, so I am with you people that have concerns). I do have an idea for planting in Earth with Stone Heart with the staff, and boys n girls, it’s not going to be for low damage/bunkering. =) Also, I’m not sharing this build idea at this time, cause I’m gonna try n kick butt with it first. =) The problem then, is even if these updates end up working out great, there are already some unhappy campers here at this point(me included, but trying to be Optimistic), and 3 weeks longer might really see the Mists close to empty. =(

So my question for you posters wanting change is:

If they just loaded up the new TeamDeathMatch as seperate que RIGHT NOW, like, TOMORROW, but as a ‘beta’ with Zero/Zilch/Nada for rewards so they didn’t have to worry about all the balancing and whatnot, would that be a good hold off until the rest of these changes arrive with the next update?

I figure they would get feedback they need on it anyway, we would have something totally fresh to play with, and we could give Anet the rest of the time they need to get this stuff done.

I remember GW1 constantly developing as I played, and that was totally cool. I still remember when the enchantments got timer bars, it was super. Just stick things like that in with a huge BETA stamp on them, with no rewards, and just let us slaughter each other. =)

So, players, would that be cool, or not so?

Devs, I know it’s ‘not the plan’, but you could be like that slick parent that decides the family’s going to DairyQueen on a whim, just to be kewl. What do you think?

Question For Angry Posters

in PvP

Posted by: Vuuh.8254


I think it’s a great idea to put it in right now as a beta test, heck even over a weekend would be good.

Because honestly, it doesn’t matter how good internal testers or devs you have. Players will always manage to break the game in ways they didn’t think of

Question For Angry Posters

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


I am actually more curious about that build you don’t want to reveal. We could help you out?

Alerie Despins

Question For Angry Posters

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I definitely think that a ‘beta’-like atmosphere simply because the meta is such a fickle thing that takes so long to really outline what is OP and what isn’t.

For example: So many people thought Diamond Skin would be wildly OP, but 3 months later, it’s a pretty forgotten trait.

There’s a lot of factors that go into play before areas of improvement can really be identified that I think we really need to have a longer, larger-scale testing environment for changes that affect balance.

Question For Angry Posters

in PvP

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


at least something to try out.