Question about Level 1's and Structured PVP

Question about Level 1's and Structured PVP

in PvP

Posted by: EMChamp.8976


I am new to GW2 (despite having bought the game at launch) and am wondering if I can easily make new level 1’s of different classes for sPVP and have the exact same skills/stats/etc as a decked out level 80 of the same class. Basically, is a fresh level 1 the same as a seasoned level 80 in sPVP?

Question about Level 1's and Structured PVP

in PvP

Posted by: sirflamesword.3896



Pinnacle of Responsibility[Mom]-Yaks Bend
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light

Question about Level 1's and Structured PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Kaldra.4035


Yes you can, the only limitation is that you can’t immediately enter the mists upon creation. When you make a new character you are put into and instance and you have to complete this instance before you can enter the mists.

You can however circumvent this by being in a party and joining on one of them in a tourney (could possibly be on by joining a friend in pvp as well, haven’t tried this myself.).

You get access to the same gear STATWISE as someone who has reached pvp 60+. The only differences are cosmetic although graphical advantages can come into play for example with Asura being so tiny.

(Why the hell haven’t you nerfed this Arenanet? Add an option to normalize character models into humans in spvp, this has been a problem since beta…)