Question about MMR.

Question about MMR.

in PvP

Posted by: Pantoufle.9015


Hey all,

Rather new to GW2. I started playing about two months ago (had GW2 since launch and nevver played it). I rolled an ELE and life’s been good. Well……. not really. At first, I sucked. I still am not super great, but I can hold my own now in most 2v1s, many 3v1s. I only play Ele, so I’m really focusing on learning the abilities and how to play my profession well.

Because I started right off the bat learning (played a few unranked games to get an idea of how to run but then jumped in ranked), I lost a lot of games. I currently have about a 30% win rate right now. That’s becasue I’m trying to raise it. But it’s difficult. I’m getting a lot of crap teams. I find that if there’s one other person on the team that’s good, we’re generally able to carry a loss to within 50-100 points below winning team – or to pull a win by our bootstraps. I’ve made it to Sapphire and am working on t3 but it’s one win, 3 losses. 2 wins, 6 losses. I’m not complaining about matchmaking or whatnot: team setups are clear and I can predict with accuracy which team will take it as soon as I see how the teams behave at team fight. And I’m not complainnig saying I should be in legendary… I def shouldn’t. STill learning my class and all: but being able to 2v1 without going down or even stressing along with frequently holding my ground 3v1 lets me know I’m probably good enough for at least ruby/diamond.

But my MMR is low . So my question is: as a solo queuer, am I basically doomed with my MMR now a chain of losing games? Should I game the system by queuing with a TS team to win? And how many wins would I need to raise my MMR enough that soloQ is not an endless stream of losses?

Thanks for replies.

Question about MMR.

in PvP

Posted by: kin korn karn.9023

kin korn karn.9023

Being able to survive 1v2 as support ele is not exactly an indication of skill. It’s just what the build should be able to do, at minimum. I don’t mean to be condescending, but understanding that you’re a new player and will be facing people who have thousands of hours logged ingame, ask yourself the following questions before making assumptions about what division you’re “good enough” to be in:

-Have I memorized my build completely? Skills, traits, sigils, runes, everything in its entirety? Do I ever feel like I’m just pressing buttons, or do I know precisely what each skill activation is doing and why I’m choosing it?

-Do I have a firm grasp on where I should (or at least should NOT be) at all times? Do I know when to engage and when to move on? Do I ever fight for extended times for points that remain capped by the enemy?

-Do I play my class to its full potential? As a support ele, am I rotating with my team, or am I engaging the enemy alone, negating the effectiveness of my support? Do I provide maximum benefit to my team, or do I focus mostly on keeping myself alive? Do I share my auras and boons? Do I keep an eye on team health? Am I keenly aware of my positioning in relation to both my teammates and the enemy at all times?

-Do I have a deep understanding of the meta? Can I identify what build a player is likely using simply by looking at his class? Do I know the most common alternatives to the meta builds? Do I know how I should engage each build? Do I know their strengths and weaknesses? Do I know when they’ve used a burst or defensive skill with a high cool down? Do I know which teammates are likely going to need the most condi clear?

I could go on, but you get the idea. If you can’t answer favorably to all (or at least most) of these questions, then a low win % is probably what you should expect. In any case, teaming up with coms is a good idea, but it doesn’t “game the system.” It really only ensures that you know who you’re playing with.

My recommendation for queuing solo is to keep realistic expectations, i.e. lots of losses at least til you’ve mastered the fundamentals of pvp. Honestly I’d probably stay in unranked for a while.

Question about MMR.

in PvP

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Should I game the system by queuing with a TS team to win?

Yes. Even one decent person grouped with you, on voice comm, is going to visibly raise your win rate. 3-manning it is likely the best. Honestly, fast communication is god in this mode, if you have it, and your opponents do not, you can win games with it even if you’re all below their average individual skill level.

Actions, not words.
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