Questions about PvP

Questions about PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Togur.9306


E. L. – Question

1. What’s the point of PvP in GW2?
2. Will there be a new ranking system in near future?
3. Will the Paid Tournament system come back in new form?
4. Whats the point of playing PvP for top players? Farming glory on the newbs?
5. Was this patch intended to kill GW2 PvP?
6. Is it so hard to calculate the reward for Tournaments? 2 Team tournament = 200 glory(1 match), 8 Team tournament = 400 glory(3 matches).
7. What’s the difference now between hot-join and tournaments?

(edited by Moderator)

Questions about PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


It would be awesome if we got some answers for those questions from ANet .

Also, how are you guys planning to keep players from leaving the game? Because the latest patch really encouraged them to do so.

(edited by Dorregaray.7126)

Questions about PvP

in PvP

Posted by: DragonM.2170


Gw2 pvp is dying , epic matchmaking 10 games ( im rank 40 + team vs 1-20+ ) , never playing equal lvl.

Questions about PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Togur.9306


It would be awesome if we got some answers for those questions from ANet, we still w8!