Questions for tonights talks.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


Since I firmly believe that tonights talks arn’t only about the competitive community and that everyone should at least get a chance to have their opinions voiced. I would like to see what questions the community wants to ask the developers, I can’t promise that there will be answers to all the questions but I will try and voice them to the best of my ability.
So if you have any questions or suggestions for tonights talks with the devs please feel free to post them below and I will try to the best of my ability to bring them up, sadly can’t promise that all the questions will be answered.

Team Paradigm.

(edited by Xeph.4513)

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


I am sure that you guys, as players in some of the more serious competitive teams, have a pretty good idea what questions is wanted out of the community about the current PvP state of the game. But just in case I will add some points that me and my team considers being some key topics/questions:

1: Can Arena Net narrow down the whole “it is being worked on”/“coming soon” about the very core features for PvP. With these features I mean private servers, observer mode, ranking/matchmaking etc.
2: What is Arena Net’s stand point on balance. Will they keep doing it the slow and careful way they have up to date or will they fall for the pressure of the community and make hasted and big changes?
3: What is their stand point on bunkers/glass cannons? Will these be kept in the game within balance or will they start moving towards removing these builds completely?
4: Can we get a statement from Arena Net about the recent interest made about picking up GW2 for their amateur league? Will this impact their work in any way? Will they support this side by side with the community?
5: Do they have any plans/thoughts about how to make PvP feel more rewarding/progressing? With the current (and Good!) lack of gear/level grinding in PvP it does leave a bit of a missing feeling of progression. Glory ranks just does not cut it.
6: What is their thoughts on the current tournament system? I don’t think I am alone to not think that it can support a ranked/match making system. Plans on moving away from that as the “go to” play style?
7: What happened to the Gem lottery. I personally don’t mind that it does not seem to work (considered it being a lame and weak attempt to get people back to P tournaments). After 2 weeks+ of paid tournaments my team has still to win a single lottery. Will this be scrapped or repaired?

I have probably missed a load of things. But this is what I can think of now, and hence should be the most important in my opinion.

With regards Rythgar Vell

(edited by Rythgar.2896)

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


  1. Why is it only EU players being interviewed?
  2. On a more serious note, why severely nerf and leave balanced or unviable builds untouched such as thieves’ sword/dagger and pistol/pistol buids respectively?
  3. Why wait until most of the competitive playerbase has already left to even say a word about ranked queues and spectator mode?
  4. I should be expecting some end-of-the-year grand tournament announcement worth ~$100k+ soon to bring back competition yes?
  5. Any goals or expectations for the pvp team as far as Twitch viewership goes pending ranked games?
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


With the addition of private servers coming soon (I hope) will there be any implementation of private tournaments?

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Thank you Xeph for this opportunity !

my question – ane actually question from whole Czech / Slovak sPvP community.

What short term actions will Arenanet take in order to improve current tournaments? I mean what short terms actions will we see in order to fix issue where solo players are matched against organized premades, also where low level premades are matched against high level ones.
Also what actions can we expect in PAID tournaments? i mean the queue are pretty much long but still better and at this point i believe NA players are in much worst situation.

last question
Is there something for us comming in next windersday patch? 14.12.2012?

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Dexxer.3174


1. Plans to switch gw2 pvp in a MOBA game?
2. Plans to bring banning pick im torn. pvp gw2… lets say every team can ban 1 utility spell or one weapon fpr each class ? – will provide more competitove aspekts
3. Same question lile jumper…big tornm. with Prize momey ?

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Nemiros.3590


hey xeph, good idea.
Im pretty sure these questions are going to come up, but anyways i would like to know what does arenanet have planned to boost the competitive pvp play. They said they’re releasing some sort of spectator mode and private servers, but from what we can see that seems to be very secondary on their priorities, they seem to be putting alot more effort in pve.
The tPvP playerbase is dwindling fast, by the time this game reaches any competitive capabilities there will only be like 8 teams left playing each other over and over on paids and private tourneys.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Jericho.4521


A couple questions question I have would be:

1. Are there any plans for a release of a beta-test server? Something that perhaps some of the more dedicated players could test out upcoming changes in mechanics, find bugs, and report on them before actual release?

2. When will we begin to see more communication from the devs related to class balancing and PvP? As it stands now, people are tired of the “Yeah yeah, we’re working on it.” canned responses over and over with no real answer to people’s questions, only to find out the following patch that they have done nothing to address many people’s concerns. At least a rough time table would be good.

3. Why is the PvP aspect of this game treated like the red-headed step child?

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


Some great idea’s here, I will try my best to pass them along

Team Paradigm.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: PaZZo.5724


Question, or rather suggestion:
- An in game guild browser – application – recruitment tool. I’m seeing a lot of players struggling to find a competitive team, and i’m seeing a lot of teams disbanding because they can’t find a player to fill their roster if another chap leaves. Frankly, shouting in the Mists isn’t enough: chances there are slim, either because when you shout your message no one interested is reading or he’s not even there because in a match, or afk, kidnapped by aliens, on another server, offline and so on. Forums aren’t that much use either to be honest, when it’s about tPvP teams.

A tool allowing people to set some parameters for the team/applicants they’re looking for would help immensely.

Example, player A is looking for team playing x days a week. Team B is looking for a player rank x, with x tourny wins, playing a certain class(es). BAM, system founds you the guys you’re looking for for you to try out/contact. That’d be sweet.

I for one i’m getting kinda tired after my team disbanded of looking around trying to find a bunch akin to what i wanna do, and mostly finding casual-ish people, or people with experience level way too different from each others to work.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Mattio.4190


Will there be all PvP fixes/balance changes only in big monthly patches or it will be more regularly during month?

Because some bugs or clearly broken things was there for too long without fixing in past. (for example guardian block bug, svanir rune capping point)

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Shay.7534


To the other posters – don’t forget that except Jonathan Sharp , there are 5 more people there which are players. So don’t shoot all your questions to Jon, but to the others as well.
I posted this on the gw2guru forums as well , but just want to add them here too.

1) QP Inflation @ All
This week’s Leaderboards for Qualifying Points has shown a huge inflation. More then all the other weeks combined. The minimum number QP to be on the leaderboard has gone from 22 to 58, while rank 1 has gone up from 189 to 370. In a few weeks, this will make reaching the QP leaderboard for a new team a colossal task. People want to be on top and need their achievements to be recognized. Isn’t this an issue itself in the sense it provides a counter-incentive for a new team to play paid tournaments? Does the QP system make you play less then you would with a ladder/ELO system?

2) Tournament Tickets @ J. Sharp
The current system promotes a “rich get richer, poor get poorer” type of environment. New teams will struggle with tournament tickets, while teams on the Leaderboard have already amassed thousands of gems and hundreds of tournament tickets. Isn’t this another stop for “new blood” to join the PVP scene? What are your ideas for encouraging more people to join Paid Tournaments?

3) Area of Effect Damage @ Players
What is your view on Area of Effect damage? As someone on the official forums stated : the team with the best AoE wins. Does it feel this way ? What are your thoughts on Epidemic centered teams?

4) Burst @ Players
Some players have voiced concerns that the Time to kill is too low in GW2 and burst is to easy to setup with too few risks and a lot of rewards. Do you feel that toughness is a weak stat? What are your thoughts in increasing TTK without making bunkers immortals?

5) New respawn timers @ Players
Has this created issues for you and has this changed your encounters and strategies – do you feel the current 15s system is a good replacement or it needs change?

6) Revitalize the PVP scene @ Players
If you were to chose one thing to implement in hopes of revitalizing the PVP community, what would it be

A personal question to Xeph : Paradigm has seen little presence in tPVP lately and on streams. As someone on gw2guru mentioned – paradigm is a community team. People like to see you play. The decrease of your presence in tPVP is linked to the state of the game ?

(edited by Shay.7534)

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


nope I just had exams XD

Team Paradigm.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: IDarko.4709


Despite the fact that the game would launch when it “it’s done,” the PvP side of the game was not even close to being ready. It still lacks most things to actually become an Esport. Not only that, but the sPvP playerbase is shrinking with the day. Do you guys feel this pressure and the need to hurry or are we really whining too much?

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


  • This:
    [quote=Rythgar.2896]Can we get a statement from Arena Net about the recent interest made about picking up GW2 for their amateur league? Will this impact their work in any way?[/quote]
  • What is the position from arenanet about introducing a rating system in tpvp? (like wvw has)
EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


I would be very surprised if we get anything but the same old PR bullkitten anwsers. All i would like to know is when they plan on starting to put more focus into pvp develpment, just a straight anwser plz (i dont expect to get it).

aka Subl

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


Most of the questions I’ld like to ask have already been posted, but here’s one I’ld really love to see answered.

- Is ANet thinking on any way to improve communication with PvP community? IMO lack of communication is one of the main reasons PvPers are leaving GW2. I think we all agree occasional post from Jon, Jonathan or Evan plus a blog post once a month is just not enough. How about introducing someone like PvP Community Manager, person who would handle communication between PvP devs and community through all avaliable channels?


“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


Oh, almost forgot… 6: Is the “miss” on targets outside of LOS such as behind walls or cliffs intended? It seems almost like a cheat.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Demon.7832


1. Can we expect to see more communication with arenanet on the forums about what exactly is going on in the pvp side of things? The community desperately wants more transparency.

2. What balance fixes do they feel need to be changed next? Can we expect any significant ranger buffs that will help them better fit into a role in TPvP? What about bug fixes for the necromancer or engineer?

3. How soon can we expect the next balance patch or big pvp update and what do you plan to include in it?

4. Loading screen bug?

5. there is a lack of earning points for point holding builds, the glory system doesn’t encourage smart play but rather a zergfest.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


This was a great idea Xeph. My only question would be (sorry if it’s already been mentioned):

Do they have any plans to revamp the current tourney system? The spvp population has decreased significantly and it doesn’t really support the current system. Long queues are a problem, especially for NA players.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Demon.7832


Are there any plans on bringing back game modes similar to guild wars 1?
-Random and team arenas

I went up against a team in free tournaments the other day that included something like a rank 1 rank 4 rank 8 rank 14 and rank 24; I am rank 21 and the other members of my team were either in there mid 20s, 30s, or 40s is anything going to be implemented to try and prevent these kinds of matchups?

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


For J. Sharp: is there any intention or consideration of introducing a non-tournament competitive match type? For example, once we have glicko, might we see ranked single matches?

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: SAtaarcoeny.8476


hey can you ask if we will be getting a advanced playlist soon.

a place were preemades can play and learn to get better and build up tickets for paids. and practice so they get better so there is more good teams in paid.

a link to it is here

i had over a 1.000 ppl tell me they wanted this and that doesnt count all the ppl that randomly say it in chat because they are new to game and dont know were to voice there opinion.



Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


hey can you ask if we will be getting a advanced playlist soon.

a place were preemades can play and learn to get better and build up tickets for paids. and practice so they get better so there is more good teams in paid.

a link to it is here

i had over a 1.000 ppl tell me they wanted this and that doesnt count all the ppl that randomly say it in chat because they are new to game and dont know were to voice there opinion.

We REALLY don’t need to spread players between hotjoin, free, adv, paid, customs, soloq rank, premade ranked.
Should just do-away with the whole tournament system. It was an awful idea to start.
Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


I completely agree— while there should be some type of match making system set in place causing more artificial barriers between people doing the same thing is a terrible concept. Get them all on the same page.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Will the burst damage increase from the discipline line ever be adjusted or is the 3% at 30 points the final tweak of this stat line?

Also comments the risk reward for playing melee builds vs ranged, caster, or AoE builds, and whether or not you think melee damage needs to be increased due to the fact that you must be in the middle of everything to hit with melee attacks?

A warrior specific question. All classes have access to damage mitigation. Most obvious ones in tiers
(eles and guards) blocks, regenerations, and large heals
(rangers and engineers) vigor and regenerations
(mesmers and thieves) teleportations and stealth – deception basically
(necro) secondary life pool minor regeneration
(war) high life pool and toughness
As a warrior player, I feel like we do not have a mechanic for extending survival. I would like comments on this please.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

(edited by Interpret Interrupt.3824)

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Please ask if they plan on changing the scoring system in SPVP to make it reward for winning and actually playing conquest.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


Well good news, john has read the thread and we managed to discuss most of the stuff said on here; maybe not all of it but most.
Hopefully the interview will be up in an hour if not check in the morning.
I apologise to the people who we couldn’t get to :< time was limited.
Much love pvp’rs!

Team Paradigm.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


@Xeph thanks for the transparency so far.

Could you tell us if they gave any surprising answers/news?

Up Rerroll

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


all I am going to say is that there is a lot of good news in there and really good discussion; but most important is that we got a lot of issues that Arenanet has avoided answered, so all in all I am very happy with how things went down.
look forward to it soon last I know its uploaded on youtube, but they are waiting for the okay to release it to the public.

Team Paradigm.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Nerf PvPet

Nerf PvDoor

Nerf PvNPC

Let’s get back to PvP please

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


Nerf PvPet

Nerf PvDoor

Nerf PvNPC

Let’s get back to PvP please

Let’s just keep it constructive please

Team Paradigm.

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Any firm dates for needed feature releases or was it more of teasing everyone with the “tip” again?

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


any plans to improve the “pointing” system in spvp and tpvp, just gaining points for killing etc seems abit “kiddie” surely certain actions should make you lose points such as dying? something like overall kills and kill death ratio is much more accurate a standard of skill rather then how many points, though i appreciate this isnt teamdeath match you must admit that simply “playing more = better rank” is a flawed system.

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)