Questions on "Lick Wounds" for Devs
What makes a downed necromancer unique, then, if a downed ranger out-damages them? What makes a downed engineer unique if a downed ranger has the potential for more devastating CC? And what makes warrior’s downed state unique if they simply have an equalizer effect (un-traited), while the downed ranger has the potential to actually revive fully?
This game is all just abilities slapped onto a class with very poor insight on the developers part. Dont try to find reasons for why things are as they are.
Also, while you’re at it, fix all of the other 500 problems with PvP/WvW please.
No matter what combo of fear, kd, stun, and lick wounds that I do will get me rezzed if you stomp.
Many single players have easily killed my pet when it tried to rez me.
Am I good?… I’m good.
yeah I’ve got to say this is a weak one, the pet doesn’t heal fast enough to out do someone elses damage in most cases or we have 1 interupt you can easily flag plant us faster.
Not underwater.
yeah I’ve got to say this is a weak one, the pet doesn’t heal fast enough to out do someone elses damage in most cases or we have 1 interupt you can easily flag plant us faster.
Using the argument of “living player vs downed ranger” is not a good way to measure the power of the ranger’s downed state abilities.
Rather, you need to compare the downed state of other classes side by side with the ranger in order to truly understand how powerful the ranger’s downed state is. Downed rangers beat everyone who is downed also, and they can even beat downed warriors depending on the initial distance between the two.
Even in the “living player vs downed ranger” scenario, rangers have a significant advantage over other classes who are downed vs a living opponent. Rangers with dual DPS pets can burst living opponents with back-to-back F2 pet skills while downed (6-8k burst from the first pet, another 6-8k burst from second pet). If the ranger went with the CC pet route, they have the potential to interrupt the opponent’s stomp enough times to easily gain access to Lick Wounds (fear, knockdown, #2 daze, swap pets, fear, knockdown). In a team fight situation, this makes it much easier for allies to assist the downed ranger.
(edited by zone.1073)
Underwater is a known bug that even Rangers want fixed Vanthian. On land however Lick Wounds is in serious need of a fix (due to that 50% chance of it actually working).
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Underwater is a known bug that even Rangers want fixed Vanthian. On land however Lick Wounds is in serious need of a fix (due to that 50% chance of it actually working).
Lick Wounds only fails if the terrain does not permit the pet to return to the downed ranger smoothly. To 100% counter this issue, simply swap pets before using Lick Wounds. Pet appears next to the ranger upon swap. Problem solved.
yeah I’ve got to say this is a weak one, the pet doesn’t heal fast enough to out do someone elses damage in most cases or we have 1 interupt you can easily flag plant us faster.
Using the argument of “living player vs downed ranger” is not a good way to measure the power of the ranger’s downed state abilities.
Rather, you need to compare the downed state of other classes side by side with the ranger in order to truly understand how powerful the ranger’s downed state is. Downed rangers beat everyone who is downed also, and they can even beat downed warriors depending on the initial distance between the two.
Even in the “living player vs downed ranger” scenario, rangers have a significant advantage over other classes who are downed vs a living opponent. Rangers with dual DPS pets can burst living opponents with back-to-back F2 pet skills while downed (6-8k burst from the first pet, another 6-8k burst from second pet). If the ranger went with the CC pet route, they have the potential to interrupt the opponent’s stomp enough times to easily gain access to Lick Wounds (fear, knockdown, #2 daze, swap pets, fear, knockdown). In a team fight situation, this makes it much easier for allies to assist the downed ranger.
I love how people when they want to say rangers are too strong they talk about rangers like they have every ability and pet at their disposal no matter what talents they have.
Sure ranger vs other down players is strong, but warriors can beat us, as well consider for a second the rangers alive vs dead abilities. Other classes can disappear or any variety of things to plant a player. How about a aoe invis to heal people, as you said you can not look at it in just 1 way. In all the downed player scenario’s at best were very good in downed vs downed compared to most classes, but easily not as good in others.
I am just asking to fix a cheese skill that is truly ruining sPvP for me in the Raid of Cap map. Since Rangers are a “Hot Stuff” now everyone and their mothers are hopping on the Ranger band wagon trying to evade their way to victory. It is annoying seeing 5 Rangers on the same team; just like it was when everyone was a Thief/Elemenatlist. I don’t care how they fix it: Remove it, adjust the values, cap the healing, etc. I honestly don’t care. Just fix it. It is match breaking to have one Ranger sit on the point and just revive himself against one or two opponents ( I have heard claims of some reviving themselves under focus fire from three people).
Sure ranger vs other down players is strong, but warriors can beat us, as well consider for a second the rangers alive vs dead abilities. Other classes can disappear or any variety of things to plant a player. How about a aoe invis to heal people, as you said you can not look at it in just 1 way. In all the downed player scenario’s at best were very good in downed vs downed compared to most classes, but easily not as good in others.
It should not be surprising that the warrior’s downed state “beats” (more like “equalizes”) ranger in downed state, but it does not necessarily mean the warrior’s downed state is better.
In LoL terms, ranger’s downed state = Karthus + Anivia when killed. A downed ranger can either deal a massive amount of burst to opponents in a small time frame, or offer enough CC to sway the tide of a fight in the form of 2 fears, 2 knockdowns, and an AoE daze. In other words, a downed ranger deals more damage to opponents than a downed necromancer, and more CC disruption than a downed engineer.
What makes a downed necromancer unique, then, if a downed ranger out-damages them? What makes a downed engineer unique if a downed ranger has the potential for more devastating CC? And what makes warrior’s downed state unique if they simply have an equalizer effect (un-traited), while the downed ranger has the potential to actually revive fully?
(edited by zone.1073)
There is no denying that the downed ranger’s lick wounds is incredibly powerful and effective. The only way to stop a pet from completing the revive is to kill the pet. However, time spent damaging the pet is time spent not stomping or dealing damage to the downed ranger, which further opens the window of opportunity for him to get assistance from teammates. The only definitive way to quickly take out the downed ranger is stability, but even then, the downed ranger can contribute either a huge chunk of damage, or a huge amount of CC to opponents before they die.
While most other downed classes will simply chuck a few rocks and then die to a stability stomp, downed rangers can do much, much, MUCH more before being ended by a stability stomp.
i am a mesmer, and when i am in a situation where it down state vs down state, the out come is fairly 50:50, only ranger i have never been able to do anything about….
Underwater is a known bug that even Rangers want fixed Vanthian. On land however Lick Wounds is in serious need of a fix (due to that 50% chance of it actually working).
Lick Wounds only fails if the terrain does not permit the pet to return to the downed ranger smoothly. To 100% counter this issue, simply swap pets before using Lick Wounds. Pet appears next to the ranger upon swap. Problem solved.
I’ve done that and actually have had Lick Wounds fail.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Rangers with dual DPS pets can burst living opponents with back-to-back F2 pet skills while downed (6-8k burst from the first pet, another 6-8k burst from second pet). If the ranger went with the CC pet route, they have the potential to interrupt the opponent’s stomp enough times to easily gain access to Lick Wounds (fear, knockdown, #2 daze, swap pets, fear, knockdown). In a team fight situation, this makes it much easier for allies to assist the downed ranger.
Omg, rofl!
This post right here is so full of fail I don’t even know where to begin. Yeah zone, we can all see you’re frustrated to tears with your whining posts. Keep’em coming, it’s amusing as hell to read.
Thanks for posting stuff like this, it sure made my day!
“fear, knockdown, #2 daze, swap pets, fear, knockdown” – LOL! God, my stomach hurts after reading your posts!
Rangers with dual DPS pets can burst living opponents with back-to-back F2 pet skills while downed (6-8k burst from the first pet, another 6-8k burst from second pet). If the ranger went with the CC pet route, they have the potential to interrupt the opponent’s stomp enough times to easily gain access to Lick Wounds (fear, knockdown, #2 daze, swap pets, fear, knockdown). In a team fight situation, this makes it much easier for allies to assist the downed ranger.
Omg, rofl!
This post right here is so full of fail I don’t even know where to begin. Yeah zone, we can all see you’re frustrated to tears with your whining posts. Keep’em coming, it’s amusing as hell to read.
Thanks for posting stuff like this, it sure made my day!
“fear, knockdown, #2 daze, swap pets, fear, knockdown” – LOL! God, my stomach hurts after reading your posts!
I’m glad you find facts to be amusing. I do this all the time on my Ranger.
Ranger pet heal out heals a 100 blades. As I have tried this and I was in awe. Healing per tick to damage per tick.
The issue I have is rangers maintaining their f1-f4 mechanics while downed. I can’t count how many times I’ve won a fight then had a ranger come at me with my CDs going but I down him to… However he got me down before I could stomp because he can use his pet f2 command. After that it simply becomes me accepting my fate because their downed state is simply the best in the game and even tho I have more health than him when I downed him the pet out heals everything and is not interrupted by damaging the player or the pet unlike you know every other downed state
This game is all just abilities slapped onto a class with very poor insight on the developers part. Dont try to find reasons for why things are as they are.
The more I play this game the more this statement comes true sadly.
They just need to make it so interrupting the pet stops the healing.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz
www.twitch.tv/Follidus – Team Absolute Legends
Yeah zone, we can all see you’re frustrated to tears with your whining posts.
I got to my place on the leaderboard by playing a ranger, son.
Your post sums up the reasons why there is such a small competitive community right now. Majority of players are just knuckleheads unwilling to learn or listen.
Funny thing is that you have to work hard to bring one down…and even harder to keep him down while you’re trying to stomp….not talkin’ about underwater, you just can’t kill a downed ranger underwater. Fact.
Yeah zone, we can all see you’re frustrated to tears with your whining posts.
I got to my place on the leaderboard by playing a ranger, son.
Your post sums up the reasons why there is such a small competitive community right now. Majority of players are just knuckleheads unwilling to learn or listen.
So tell me, how do you get two fears off against someone trying to stomp you? Also, your pet swap AND all of your pets abilities is apparently off cooldown exactly the moment you go down? Yeah right.
(edited by OGDeadHead.8326)
Also, your pet swap AND your all of your pets abilities is apparently off cooldown exactly the moment you go down? Yeah right.
What is this argument?..
We may have a good downed state but EVERY other class has aids to help stomps. We only have RaO. Quickness stomp does not stomp any faster. Despite the fact the animation appears faster the stake hits at the same time as a normal stomp’s stake.
Am I good?… I’m good.
This question will die with no answer…as usual, just like mine..
Stomp once – get interrupted. Stomp again- win. Underwater there is a problem but on land I think it’s pretty fair. If the pet is healing, stomp, if the pet is attacking kill the player.
The problem with stomp once get interrupted is what if your health was already some what low also depending on the pet the ranger can have two interrupts…. What annoys me is if any other stomp turns into a down v down usually the last person down still has a chance if you are in a down v down against a ranger…. You are done… Which doesn’t seem very fair.