Queue Times

Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Noticed that queue times have gone up. Beginning of the week they were 30 seconds to minute average with me waiting less than that. Now they 2:30 minute average and will pop anywhere from a 30 seconds to up to 4 minutes. What’s going on?

Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: dominik.9721


4 minutes is completly fine I had average q-times of 25 minutes this evening

Grimkram [sS]

Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: Piney.3076


The matchmaking is crap and people are not queuing. It will get worse the longer it goes on. ANET fix your garbage pvp.

Want specifics? At end of last season I pvped for 2-4 hours a day. Matches were normally within 100 points and fun win or lose. It was frustratingly slow to advance to diamond but I did it.

Now I plan on queueing 1-3 matches tops in protest of brutally punishing matchmaking. I solo queue against neverending teams of necros and engys, not kidding, 50 in row. The system never gives you a chance. My win rate is down to one in ten. Viciously punishing solo queuers in this way, I’ve been stuck in emerald t2 since day 2. DO THE MATH ANET. Thanks for the two points breaking my 10 loss streak. THE NEXT TEN POINTS LOST TAKE IT ALL AWAY. THERE IS NO WAY TO ADVANCE.

Enough. Hand the tops, the teams and the trendy build rollers their wings. And FINALLY BE HONEST, you will NEVER give us a chance at the final reward. EVER.

The jerk that designed this should get as many punches in the face as I got learning how brutally unfair your system is against solo queues.

Queue Times

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


4 minutes is completly fine I had average q-times of 25 minutes this evening

I’m sorry that is rough. Hope the game was at least close.

I’m truly curious to if the queue increase is due to lack of population, lack suitable opponents, or changes made to matchmaking that they are trying out.

I would guess either the first or the last, since I am by all accounts an average player so it can’t be that hard to find me a matching player especially since I’m only an Emerald.