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in PvP

Posted by: Zatria.5783


Since you feel the need to run this forum via Hitler Style, I’ll post in here.

Please, do not delete posts that are giving you feedback. You may not like how it was delivered, but nonetheless it is very good feedback. Some people prefer to give it to you straight vs. beating around the bush and coloring all the BS in pretty rainbows. Not everyone is a liberal (aka blind sheep). Most people prefer not to follow a shepherd in blindness, if at all.

What I am telling you is true and very current as to the state of this game.

People are bored. People have tried flocking to PvP to ease the boredom of PvE. Problem here though is, even they are leaving. I have tried all night in regular PvP and tPvp. It is very difficult to get a full game in either. Why? Because the game is Broke D… They have been telling you this for quite a long time now. Something should have been done, aside from deleting the posts you don’t like.

This game is Pay to Play. There is no monthly subscription. You can’t “lock” people in here. If you want to keep them, you need to listen to them.

I have read so many good posts on things that should be considered. Funny though, how the posts that make complete sense and not only tell you the problem, but offer you ideas to fix it – get deleted.

If this is what AN is all about, let us know now. We have better places to spend our money with.

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in PvP

Posted by: slacker.9352


But the blogpost and fixxes are comming! oh wait…

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in PvP

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


please if there is any deletion it is due to arguing or some other forum rule was broken.

for instance your post could be locked and deleted for calling people blind sheep liberals.

and the fact that you can state absolutes leads me to believe your quite full of yourself to do that while also leaving a blanket insult for half the people on these forums.

theres a lot of good games out right now, borderlands 2, mists of pandaria (no monthly fee here means people can play both, i do) just to name a couple.

heck im trying to play all 3 atm (failing i might add lol)

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in PvP

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


You tried pvp for one night and you are saying it is broken?

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in PvP

Posted by: Ecliptica.7509


Im bored.

Im playing Borderlands 2, but sometimes i come here to zerg in sPVP killing ppl farming score dont care if i win or lose style.