"Quickness", what do you think?
And in one foul swoop, Warriors lose 30% of their viability.
I think Quickness should be disabled on sPvP/tPvP.
Don’t need to say much about it, since everyone knows what it does and how it works. As well how we like it on ourself and dislike taking hit by it.
But overall I think this is a boon that should be disabled since it helps instant-high damage builds which are the easier way to not show the skills of players but get easy kills.
What do you think?
You sound new. If you aren’t new then..
You are really simple-minded if you think Quickness should be removed. This is why casual input is often dismissed, its because most casuals including you don’t even try to explore the game more and proceed to cry without evaluating classes that REQUIRE quickness to be effective.
Its like you want EVERYTHING to be handed to you on a silver platter. Pretty sad and pathetic that you don’t even “try to understand.”
If anything the only classes that should ever have quickness is Ranger, Warrior, and Thief. It is a core mechanic on those classes. You don’t just say REMOVE QUICKNESS PLEASE without actually looking at the Warrior or Ranger perspective.
If its an issue with time-warp however, then YES get rid of time-warp.
(edited by Nier.2478)
Quickness is not a “core mechanic” for any class. I think you may be trying to say that it’s a vital aspect of specific builds but that’s far from the same thing as a core mechanic.
In any case.. with adjustments, other types of builds can become viable which would make for healthier gameplay and one of those adjustments could be a change to Quickness. I don’t think it’s necessarily one of the most important thing to give a second look but it could help.
Burst is good for competitive modes when it requires a set up that makes it’s use a legitimate payoff. Popping some CD’s and activating a Sigil simultaneously isn’t enough in my book and Quickness is one of those things that gives too much strength for a single key press for me.
Getting ride of Quickness isnt, of itself, a bad idea.
The issue is, you’d have to correctly compensate those classes who rely on it, to be viable. Warriors and Rangers would both need compensation in terms of sustained and burst damage.
Thieves on the other hand can suck it :P
they should remove quickness in every form they put in game and just fix some skill atk speed
I think Quickness should be disabled on sPvP/tPvP.
Don’t need to say much about it, since everyone knows what it does and how it works. As well how we like it on ourself and dislike taking hit by it.
But overall I think this is a boon that should be disabled since it helps instant-high damage builds which are the easier way to not show the skills of players but get easy kills.
What do you think?
Two changes i would prefer
1. make it removable
2. forget making it removable but have the other quickness skills that don’t have negative effects ‘actually’ have them and make them more give and take.
So theres a 5 pt talent that gives quickness on pet swap for Rangers. Every ranger build has it and it’s about the only thing that keeps them decent.
Remove Quickness and you remove Rangers.
quickness is an integral part to many warrior and ranger builds… i’d argue engy too but im an engineer newb, and maybe thief?
and we all know time warp can change a fight.
i have no problem with it as a mechanic, those physical dps classes do need it to make certain load outs viable, and it is generally balanced (short duration, negative effects often).
the main/only annoyance i sorta have with it is quickness getting off a stomp before i can hit my interrupt (sometimes due to lag or slightly slow reaction). tho as a ranger i do abuse that a lot myself.
i’d be down for changing it to 50-75% quickness and extending the duration (which would slightly lower burst, but make more sustain / utility combos utilizing quickness)
I know Quickness is one of the reasons two of my friends and I lost the interest into the game. We are PvPers and Quickness is one of the biggest issues we have with PvP.
Quickness turns the combat in this game from MMO-like to Call of Duty : Fantasy combat.
Guild Wars 1 was awesome because fights lasted for minutes. In GW2 some build can down certain other builds in less than 1s. That required a team efford with countdowns etc on GW1.
You sound new. If you aren’t new then..
You are really simple-minded if you think Quickness should be removed. This is why casual input is often dismissed, its because most casuals including you don’t even try to explore the game more and proceed to cry without evaluating classes that REQUIRE quickness to be effective.
The only input that should be dismissed are posts such as yours, where apparently anyone with a different opinion is either simple minded or a “casual”, funnily enough the subject of quickness came up on a stream I was watching last night, they didn’t think it was a very good mechanic either, some thought the game would be better off without it, some thought it should be limited to things like rez/stomp, but I guess they must of been casuals
Incidentally anyone with a modicum of sense should be able to work out if quickness was ever removed, then certain classes would be adjusted, without having it spelt out for them.
I’ve said it on other posts and I feel it needs reiterated here… Before quickness is removed or any efforts are made to bring new aspects in they need to fix the unintended consequences of the buggy traits/weap skills/slot skills…. That should be top priority one before consciously adding or removing any skills traits or attributes.
I think its funny that a lot of folks are calling for aoe quickness to be removed from mesmers but when it comes to their main classes its “Oh Noes that will ruin my class mechanics” lol haters gunna hate. They should make it so everyone just has an autoattack, thats it, just your autoattack maybe that will bring balance.
Removing quickness=buffing bunkers
Quickness is more broken than the “ kitten gift of oneshotting” that was so maligned in WAR a few events back.
I still don’t understand how the idea of an ability that doubles the speed of everything you do (100% damage increase… wtf?) came up in a room full of (theoretically) professional game designers and the person wasn’t immediately fired and blacklisted from the game development community.
It’s that bad.
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
Takes Warriors from crippled to crazy in 0.2 seconds
Keeps Rangers and Engineers burst viable
Makes thieves and mesmers over the top
Take quickness away from Warriors, Thieves, and Mesmers, and the complaints will stop. Except it doesn’t work that way. Only Rangers and Engineers utilize Quickness in such a way that it doesn’t make them appear overdone.
And mesmer quickness is a group skill and honestly pst mesmer autoattack… joke at best.
Was to lazy to read all the responses but IMO i think you should ABSOLUTELY keep quickness in PvP. The only thing that might need to be questioned is the ability to quick stomp downed players. Quick stomp inhibits some skill cap and team unity aspects because what it brings to the table. I’m in favor of removing that aspect, but only that. Keep quick revives and all class mechanics and so forth but quick down is a legitimate talking point.
Was to lazy to read all the responses but IMO i think you should ABSOLUTELY keep quickness in PvP. The only thing that might need to be questioned is the ability to quick stomp downed players. Quick stomp inhibits some skill cap and team unity aspects because what it brings to the table. I’m in favor of removing that aspect, but only that. Keep quick revives and all class mechanics and so forth but quick down is a legitimate talking point.
How is quick up any better than quick down? Quick up negates the vulnerability inherent in reviving someone in the down state. If you’re going to get rid of one, get rid of both.
And in one foul swoop, Warriors lose 30% of their viability.
30% is a bit low.
Why ppl always crying about everything in the game. Looks like you want the game to be with only autoattack…then it’s balanced.
What is all the Fuss about Quickness? I really don’t get why ppl want it removed or changed.
The only thing that’s maybe a little bit off about Quickness is that the Ranger gets it a bit too easy.
Oh yes – and that 50% of quickness-stomps don’t hit…. -.-°
Quickness is needed for eg warriors to be viable.
But this is exactly why quickness is a bad thing. It’s part of what pigeon-holes certain professions to one spec.
Maybe reduce it to 50%, halve the cooldown.
This would have to be done along with other class changes to counterbalance the loss of burst, including a major toning down of bunker builds.
In my opinion, this topic should be handled like this: quickness for everyone or nothing.
Plain and simple. Having double speed on some guys and not on others is just lame in the context of this game (fast paced combat) and quick stomp should be looked at.
Don’t remove quickness, just remove quick stomp and give quickness to everyone (necromancers, elementalists and guardians) and the complains will stop inmediately.
In my opinion, this topic should be handled like this: quickness for everyone or nothing.
Plain and simple. Having double speed on some guys and not on others is just lame in the context of this game (fast paced combat) and quick stomp should be looked at.
Don’t remove quickness, just remove quick stomp and give quickness to everyone (necromancers, elementalists and guardians) and the complains will stop inmediately.
That makes no sense.
It’s like saying every class should have aegis, protection, equal numbers of knockdowns, and a pet.
The classes don’t all need the same abilities, they just need to be balanced against each other.
And right now the strongest classes are the ones without quickness, so giving them quickness would make things worse, not better.
Was to lazy to read all the responses but IMO i think you should ABSOLUTELY keep quickness in PvP. The only thing that might need to be questioned is the ability to quick stomp downed players. Quick stomp inhibits some skill cap and team unity aspects because what it brings to the table. I’m in favor of removing that aspect, but only that. Keep quick revives and all class mechanics and so forth but quick down is a legitimate talking point.
How is quick up any better than quick down? Quick up negates the vulnerability inherent in reviving someone in the down state. If you’re going to get rid of one, get rid of both.
Quick Up is viable because if your class blows its biggest offensive cooldown to revive and contribute to the team than that is a skill play. In contrast to do that to get a down, it only negates team sacrifice and the skill element.
I think quickness is given to the wrong places and missing from classes that could use it. Thief has no reason to have it, they already have the highest burst in the game. Warriors should have it, they kinda need it sadly. Necros should also get it, would give them more options with weapons instead of condi and nothing else. Rangers need it of course.
Mesmer elite is honestly not a real problem. Its on perhaps the longest cooldown in the game, and its an AoE, so its very easy to avoid it (hint, move out of the bubble, or LoS, dodge, enact some defense). I would bring the cooldown down, and also the duration, so its not so blanket feeling for people.
Or even better for mesmer, move the portal to elite so its portal OR frenzy, you would see the numbers decrease)
quickness is a goofy little abillity that acts very differently across several classes
and by differently i mean it simply does not scale equally, in both pve and pvp quickness is too strong for some classes and too weak for others
and that is basically the issue with quickness, not everyone accesses it easily and not everyone benefits equally, its a balance nightmare in buff form, classes are weakened so quickness is not as dominating, other classes are buffed due to lack of quickness
warriors being dependent on the skill for viability is bad design
Quickness is fine to my eyes.
I’m running a full support guardian with cleric gear. Best heals around and beefy enough to tank more than most.
I love it when someone runs at me with quickness up. I just put protection and retaliation down and watch them kill themselves.
I still remember that time when I tanked a quickness warrior and a quickness thief at the same time and without doing much at all they simply suicided (note how quick warriors take even more damage from retaliation whilst quick). A THIRD warrior came with quickness while my boons were on cooldown and all I could still knock him back, immobilize, ward, block with shelter heal, blind and go invincible with elite.
Any class has stun / fear / block / cloak / phantasm abilities. If you get owned by quickness then you probably need either better planning on those abilities, a new internet connection or to work on your reflexes.
I forgot to mention you can also roll and evade or just run.
Make it a boon that counter condi is Chill.
A lot of professions got boon removals, so there would be a possible to counterplay it.
Quickness, and all other forms of burst for the matter, needs to be better projected. If ANet decides to leave it in, they’ll need to give it some sort of visual cue.
Make it a boon that counter condi is Chill.
A lot of professions got boon removals, so there would be a possible to counterplay it.
When a specific buff is present amongst more than half the current classes, it should just be a boon. Basilisk Venom is unique to Thieves, Warriors and Engineers have their blocks, Elementalists have their unique auras, it just makes sense that something like Quickness be a boon.
In regards to people depending on quickness for engineers, I have never once used quickness in any of my burst builds. With all the CC we have it really isn’t needed. If you’re having trouble doing massive damage then give 100nades a shot.
If Quickness gets removed, Warriors are going to get some major buffs so that they are incredibly strong all the time.
Would you rather have Warriors be super cool every now and then when the stars align and the combos land, or would you rather have Warriors be godly all the time.
People are quick to think “Solution: let’s get rid of Quickness” but fail to think about the repercussions that would result.
That makes no sense.
It’s like saying every class should have aegis, protection, equal numbers of knockdowns, and a pet.
The classes don’t all need the same abilities, they just need to be balanced against each other.
And right now the strongest classes are the ones without quickness, so giving them quickness would make things worse, not better.
I didn’t say that. What you are saying doesn’t make sense as well. I didn’t say every class should have aegis or protection, it’s not the same thing. You are comparing aegis to quickness? Very funny.
So thieves with appears on you from stealth and kill you with 2-3 attacks in 1-2 seconds and quick-stomps you is not bad?
Me, as a necromancer (main character, I play guardian and ranger too) can’t do that.
That’s why I said quick-stomp should be removed and everyone should have quickness, since aegis, like yourself said, is an specific guardians’ boon from their class mechanic. Quickness isn’t specific to a mechanic, it’s a type of non-removable boon which is pretty OP and only 5 professions have access to it.
If Quickness gets removed, Warriors are going to get some major buffs so that they are incredibly strong all the time.
Would you rather have Warriors be super cool every now and then when the stars align and the combos land, or would you rather have Warriors be godly all the time.
People are quick to think “Solution: let’s get rid of Quickness” but fail to think about the repercussions that would result.
Same goes for bunker, with less return from healing spells and defensive skills I would expect an increase in base HP and base dmg as compensation….
Yeah people are quick to cry Wolf, but they’re never ready to face the consequences in doing so
In a team fight or in a 1v1 quickness damage can be avoided. I think the problem is it requires more coordination and skill to avoid it than it is to deal it. I actually do not know what should be done with it. Personally, I like the higher pressure of fighting against someone with quickness. But I can understand why people get frustrated from it. WvW zergs especially since aoes are limited to 5 people. It’s harder to cc the quickened targets. IMO at least make it removable <- says me the necro
It should be a 50% speed increase, not a 100% speed increase.
That’s all.
I agree with lowering the speed increase to 50%, but take away the negative effects and/or add a duration boost in exchange. That way it doesn’t hurt classes that need it as badly.
If Quickness gets removed, Warriors are going to get some major buffs so that they are incredibly strong all the time.
Would you rather have Warriors be super cool every now and then when the stars align and the combos land, or would you rather have Warriors be godly all the time.
People are quick to think “Solution: let’s get rid of Quickness” but fail to think about the repercussions that would result.
Same goes for bunker, with less return from healing spells and defensive skills I would expect an increase in base HP and base dmg as compensation….
Yeah people are quick to cry Wolf, but they’re never ready to face the consequences in doing so
I don’t know why everyone assumes that classes MUST play the same or similar to the way they do currently. The point of making changes like a Reduction to Quickness is to move away from the current way the game plays.
Force classes to move further away from the extremes of Burst and Bunker and you’ll get more viable builds all the way around and more entertaining fights, both to play and to watch.