[REQUEST] A guide to teamfights.

[REQUEST] A guide to teamfights.

in PvP

Posted by: kaplis.7195



Can someone write up some tips and tricks to teamfights (i’m talking 3+v3+)? Preferably for people without VOIP.
When it comes to 1v1 i usually know where i screwed up so i can improve (except against a BS proffesion like mesmer) but i’m kinda lost in a teamfight. So far my filter, in general, for targets is: (no particular order)

  1. When possible drop AoE where most people are (usually when resurrecting).
  2. Target the guy who does the most harm.
  3. Target the bunker last. (kinda includes ele’s)
  4. Target the one with the lowest health.

Kinda like that.


[REQUEST] A guide to teamfights.

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


Dont let the thiefs do what they want
CC and then spike your target
When someone is downed 1 guy stomps with stability/invulnerability. The others deal damage (preferably aoe)
Be careful with enemy timewarp & necro wells
Only the guardian should stay inside the node

Up Rerroll

[REQUEST] A guide to teamfights.

in PvP

Posted by: Oareo.1604


One tactic that’s popular and effective is a engi/necro/ranger hurling conditions from afar or on top of a ledge. If you don’t pressure them, they can free cast all fight which adds a lot of sustain for their side.

If you see an engi with 10-20 might stacks lobbing nades on the point – don’t let him! If they are worried about their own survival they’ll do a lot less damage.

Another big tactic is knowing when to clump up and when to spread out. Clumping up helps you share boons and basically makes you immune to thieves, but vulnerable to AoE and spreading out is the opposite.