Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: fikii.9458


if you didn’t notice that these sharks are friendly for those who have Ruins under control man. So that makes another sense of tactic (just like one man camping the ruins and rely on the sharks to help him if he has to fight against enemies whose want to cap Ruins). Anyway if you have a Ruins, enemy can’t get through water so easy, eg.: from the Dock to the Beach and they should run around all map to get to the place.

I don’t mind this map, it’s fun to play.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: moiraine.2753


No it’s not the worst map.Sharks are not hard if you are alone vs them.You just go and capture ruins.If you go alone and if there is 1 or 2 guarding now it’s your own fault that you are alone.
I always go to ruins 1st and i had problems only when there were 2 or more people guarding.Sharks are not hard even if they attack you while you are fighting a player in the water.
1vs1 + sharks is not so hard if you know what you are doing.The hard part begins if it’s 2 or more + sharks.Now THAT is hard.Everything else are nonsence.
And one more thing people often leave ruins unguarded so it’s easy to grip it fast in your fist.
It’s not hard map at all.People just like to solo things and sPvP is meant to be done in groups and if you ignore that aspect of the game then ofcourse you will find the map hard.

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


it is so fun that i can find about 3-4 similar thread in the first 2-3 forum pages pages. .too lazy eh?

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


Sorry but once it is capped it takes 1 player to pretty much sit and hold the point.
As I said, such a bad map. You can rush him with 3 people but you are going to die.
Get all your team to take it? Ok but the hassle you will have here means the other team caps the other points if they don’t already have them.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: moiraine.2753


1 player can be killed easily by 3 people they just need to fight at the point so they can cap it.It’s not hard at all

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


the map is not necessarily bad, the sharks are not the best design for a map that isn’t even in tournaments but the main problem is that underwater combat is worse than rotten garbage tbh

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The map is completely fine, no changes necessary.
The sharks are easy to dodge and fight when on you rown, but if trying to solo cap to farm glory and you get ganked…it’s ok for you to die because you deserve it

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Connatic.2751


The sharks are a great idea. The real problem is underwater PvP isn’t fun. Even though it’s the best under water combat I’ve seen in a MMORPG, I still want to keep it out if PvP?

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


People defending the map?…The sharks are part of the map, so yes the map is horrible.

I’ll explain what happens in every game on this map. 1-3 from each side goes to ruins, rest go to base objective, there will be a 2min death match at ruins until 1 team caps it. 1 will then procede to camp the objective (pray it’s not a thief) meaning it’s impossible to cap without 3+ people. Meanwhile the rest of the people will be constantly running back and forward between dock and beach creating a living a breathing ball of zerg.

When I do random 8vs8, I just join a game in legacy and leave 2 games later when the match on forest ends. This way I get to avoid the map.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Aesa.4819


Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Prince.3682


Such negativity within this thread wont incite a positive response from Anet. But I will certainly add that avoid this map whenever I can. Thankfully 95% of my pvp is tourney focused. I’d probably /wrists if this was ever in a tourney rotation.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: theoriginalaks.4159


How about the fact that almost nothing on that map counts as skirmisher OR defensive kill? I earn less than half the points as normal because even if I stomp someone five feet from a point I don’t get the defensive kill and even stomping people around the cannon doesn’t give you a skirmisher.

Never mind how a good 40% of the map from the ship and the entire area of water around it is mostly useless space.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Xhaiden.3891


Its an awful map, Water pvp combat is just bad, period and the sharks make it all the worse. It needs to be removed from rotation frankly.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: dogwhisper.6045


Its a fine map, just learn how to play it. And water pvp is fine, dont blame the map or game mechanics just learn how to play it.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Draw.7529


The only reason I hate this map is because I always have a bad team, who doesn’t even want to try.


Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: cursed.5619


who needs ruins? grab the side’s and get some cannonballs and blow people up. its super fun.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Scaryman.2847


Step 1 capture water Step 2 defend water 1v1/2/3 Step 3 win
Stupid map Sharks were a nice idea but should be removed. Sharks do way to much dmg and the fact that they do more dmg based on armor type makes them impossible for light armor classes. If I try to capture the water on an ele the sharks will do 20k dmg by the time it caps. they only do 11k to heavy which is still insane. They also make any outlast/condition builds weaker because that means you have to tank the sharks for longer.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

I don’t like underwater combat, i don’t like map design , i don’t like sharks .
I just skip this map and everyone in my guild do the same .
I accept different points of view but if there are so many people disliking the map you should realize that there is something wrong in it .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


personally when i first was learning to play the game i didnt like this map either but after a few matches and i actually learned my underwater abilities i found that its actually the most important node in the map and its not that hard to take.
the sharks are easy as hell to kill they are minor annoyances at best.
honestly even with a defender it becomes alot more balanced if you push or lure the defender off of the node while your friend comes in behind and neutralizes the node now both sides have sharks to deal with.

this map is one of my favorites because it encourages point defense as opposed to the other maps which encourages zerg fighting.

in fact my issue with the hotjoin matches is that they do not encourage point defense since they can have more than a 5v5 battle. hence zerging becomes the most important thing.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Shalashaska.4803


since when was sPvP browser games about winning anyway? for 24 win bonus pts? …..ok

Browser matches are for farming 8v8

Tournaments are for winning

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I just avoid the water, even as a Thief who is OP under water.

I can live with a single underwater point in all the current maps. But the sharks are obnoxious and take ages to kill.

There really should only be 2 sharks. Currently we have…what?….4 or 5? That’s just insane.

(edited by Dee Jay.2460)

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Elloni.2473


I have to agree about the map…it’s terrible. Take the mid point early and win. Why exactly does the map need 100 sharks?

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Lionthrone.7805


I definitely dislike this map more than any other and do my best to avoid it. The sharks do way too much damage and once a team takes the point, it becomes a nigh impregnable fortress if it’s guarded by even one defender. Awful design.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Kso.6458


The only reason I hate this map is because I always have a bad team, who doesn’t even want to try.

I say blame anet. Coming from DAoC I know one thing, deathmatch, killing other players. This stand on a node and knockback people is hella boring after a while. I want to go roam and fight so I really dont care about who wins. And if you do win who cares, I dont care about glory its for nothing really. I feel if there were more of a selection of maps/gamemodes people wouldnt be like that. Why we cant queue for individual maps is beyond me, I would think it would be better to see what maps the players were using and make more and or improve the ones that no one plays. i literally press H every time i get in capricorn.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

It’s a good map the only problem is there is a bit too many sharks that swarm the ruins, or they could cut down the damage a bit on the sharks, so one person camping the ruins can usually hold it for the win but for no points in the game.

“I say blame anet. Coming from DAoC I know one thing, deathmatch, killing other players. This stand on a node and knockback people is hella boring after a while”

If you played guildwars 1 thats kind of all you know, and this stand on a point and get 1v5ed gets boring fast, not after a while. It wouldn’t be a big complaint if we had the other formats I’d go there casually but it being the only one makes it very complaint worthy of having.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Draw.7529


I just think they shouldn’t have put both features in one map. If it was only underwater pvp, people wouldn’t mind that much. If it was only one terrain spot where you have to kite mobs, people wouldn’t mind that much. But both at the same time? Really? Since my first match on that map I knew people would hate it. I try to enjoy it but people don’t even try to make a good match out of it, why should I?

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

People who are good at underwater combat really enjoy that map (atleast I do, it’s the best thing spvp has to offer really) other than the op sharks (I don’t want them removed just not swarm the ruins as bad as they do or damage cut down.

Sharks are more bearable than a treb that only one hits opponents and requires no team communication to use.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Not my favorite map either but I don’t know if it’s that bad.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


I don’t see the problem with it. I really wish it were in the tournament rotation, the current 3 get boring, and it would throw in an element of surprise as to what maps you could get in tournament.

Underwater combat adds another dimension to this game (read: skill), and currently it’s missing from tournaments.

Perhaps if they were to add it to tournaments they could do away with the sharks. I actually really dislike when the sharks intervene in my fight, be it allies or foes.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Zyrusticae.7245


How about the fact that almost nothing on that map counts as skirmisher OR defensive kill? I earn less than half the points as normal because even if I stomp someone five feet from a point I don’t get the defensive kill and even stomping people around the cannon doesn’t give you a skirmisher.

Never mind how a good 40% of the map from the ship and the entire area of water around it is mostly useless space.


This is the absolute worst map in the rotation. Bar none. It needs to be either dramatically fixed (preferably with the removal of the Ruins because underwater PvP SUCKS) or just outright replaced by something that doesn’t suck.

I just skip it every time now. No point to it. It’s just masochistic.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Grizor.6543


I don’t like this map either purely because it has underwater combat, I notice servers tend to empty when it flips to this map also.

Grizor – Charr Engineer – Gandara

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Yoki.3904


I really hate this map, same with some of my friends. Whenever it comes up where always like, “Look its the Raid on the sh !t! yay so much fun.” it just annoys me to death.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


They should just replace it with Huttball.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Rusha.4725


They should just replace it with Huttball.

Oh noes…. I did enough huttballs already…(still 10x more fun than capricon though)

About capricon. I just skip ruins and try farming as much glory as possible.

Btw we need mods not maps imo.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


i feel we need more underwater maps imho i am not trolling at all either i feel that more underwater combat will perhaps show you guys what you are doing wrong… underwater combat is diferent , but classes such as guardians and thieves have disadvantages down there.

jsut because you dont understand 3rd dimension fighting or maybe you havent read and understand your abilities underwater or maybe they dont coincide with your current fotm build, but i feel that this is truly a get used to it situation, i did and its fun as hell

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


What they need to do is remove this map from most of the servers…. i HATE IT and always have to leave and join another server. Some people may like it so leave it on some servers… but remove it from most.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Since I started using the cannon and learning how to use the ship to my advantage it’s become pretty fun again.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Aghar.6127


seems quite a bunch of people don’t know how to adapt to a 3d environment, so therefore underwater combat must suck, cant be that they are just bad at it or something.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

There’s only one major problem with the map :

When you swim too far above the ruins it stops capping it.

The minor problem with the map would be :

Sharks are a bit op.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Mojo.2691


Sharks would not be half as bad if they didn’t have such a large aggro radius.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Rehk.6574


They really need to let us Que for Specific Maps. Give us a check box for each map we want to que for and leave out the ones we dont.


Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Step 1: completely overhaul underwater combat
Step 2: adjust shark balancing?

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


i like that map, its quite fun to play… its not problem to cap undefended ruins and when they are defending them, you can fight 5v4 for other 2 basis or rush ruins

but sharks need some tweaking indeed, they do more dmg then players…

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


Best you can do is go with the zerg on this map, actually pretty much every map since you’ll earn more glory than trying to cap points, which often gets you jumped by 2 people rolling together.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo –

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Mr Magoo.9065

Mr Magoo.9065

The sharks are a great idea. The real problem is underwater PvP isn’t fun. Even though it’s the best under water combat I’ve seen in a MMORPG, I still want to keep it out if PvP?

This is exactly it. The underwater combat in GW2 is about 10 times more fun than any other game – ever.

It’s a huge steaming pile of crap though that is not fun in the most remote meaning of the word fun.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: CruelDuck.6985


I definitely hate here, a waste of time, you get glory very less also.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Mekboss.5069


I love having to attack people for 15+ seconds to kill them in their downed state underwater, and if there are any enemy sharks around you can kiss your kitten goodbye because there’s no way you will finish your opponent before the sharks down you.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


I love having to attack people for 15+ seconds to kill them in their downed state underwater, and if there are any enemy sharks around you can kiss your kitten goodbye because there’s no way you will finish your opponent before the sharks down you.

Yeah pretty annoying that there isn’t a finish him command underwater then you have people going to get air and jumping out of the water while in down state it’s pretty dumb, then the guy you took 20 secs to kill a while ago comes back and the fight for the ruins start over again, while the sharks start respawning lol it’s chaos but sucks when you’re trying to actually win the game.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo –

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I actually don’t mind the map all that much.

I have to wonder which classes are having problems underwater because all the one’s I’ve played and played against seem to do fairly well.

People just don’t seem to get the idea of playing on anything besides solid ground. Aion caught a lot of flack for their aerial combat as well.

The sharks can get really annoying though. To be honest I don’t mind their damage but they are fairly tanky is a well, so you either waste time trying to get rid of them, or they crowd you and make it impossible to have a fair underwater fight.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


this is very disheartening, the one mechanic in this game that encourages point defense as opposed to zerging, i will tell you that underwater combat is fluid and smooth, if you understand your abilitys, alot of times the abilities you have are different than what you actually spec for (hundredblades,backstab,) but if you cna actually learn to play this game in all aspects and use all of your abilities except 2,2,2,2 then underwater combat becomes so much better. the sharks are not a huge challenge they are very squishy and take next to nothing to kill

if you have to take the point from a defender+sharks you are going to have to grab that point with more than one guy, bring 3 guys and you will usually win…no matter how many sharks are there…this is a learn to play issue as much as i hate to say it …learn your class learn your abilities and dont go up against 4 sharks and a player by yourself, that is just silly

(edited by Psychrome.9281)