"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Box Face.2041

Box Face.2041

Alright so this map is driving me crazy. First off, I dread seeing the loading screen for this map for one simple reason. SHARKS. Who the actual hell thought this was a good idea. Putting team-oriented AI on an objective point, and having it so one, single person can defend the point indefinitely against almost any assault because of the insane shark damage, is masochistic.

Secondly, there’s the whole underwater schtick. I personally think underwater combat is a farce, feels floaty and unnatural, makes positioning difficult in three dimensions. My opinion seems to be shared among many SPvP goers, so putting the central point of one of your (very few) maps underwater means annoying the hell out of people who can’t manage your underwater combat gimmick.

Thirdly, there’s the basic design of the map and what it means to players. First off, someone captures the central point, usually the team who sent the most people there at the start. Because of the aforementioned lolSHARKS (seriously who thought of this) no one can retake the point without a decent amount of players. No one wants to go underwater to retake it however because of the bloody sharks and underwater combat. As such players just mindlessly jump back and forth between the two land maps all game until the team with the ruins wins because they control the central point and the other route through the water between sides.

Please remove or significantly change this map or give me an option not to play on it Anet because it’s really bad.


"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Sharpclaw.7510


ANet loves PvE in their PvP. It’s like they saw a Reese’s Cup and thought: “Yes! That!”.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: cursed.5619


Seems like to me if you constantly strafe, the sharks can never actually hit you.

That’s how it goes in the PvE world against veteran mobs underwater. Usually it takes me somewhere in the ball-park of 5000 harpoon shots to kill one (lol) so I have to strafe forever.

It works similar in the PvP zone. Just strafe and shoot the enemy until they swim to the surface and become invulnerable.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Box Face.2041

Box Face.2041

I do strafe constantly but even then on the death report I see Shark Bite at 17500 damage and facepalm.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Kishandreth.2798


oookay… first off, I LOVE THAT MAP. I’m THAT guy, who gets down to ruins and caps it, then sits on it the whole match. In defense of the map, DUDE it has a friggin CANNON. Also, If we’re removing npc’s from PVP then 2 other maps are out the window, and we just fight at clocktower the rest of the game.

It just takes a little knowledge and strategy to fight against a team holding the ruins, and i’m gunna be nice and let you in on the secrets to whipping my tush while i camp ruins.
1)bring at least 2 people if its guarded
2)kill the sharks before rushing to the ruins (I depend on the sharks to do most of the damage)
3)get in the circle, most players swim around and never even start capping, once the ruins are neutral the sharks are hostile to both teams.
4)kill ranger pets once the ranger tells them to heal said ranger in the downed state.
5)a player with decent hp/ toughness can cap the ruins if its undefended without even attacking the sharks, then they instantly become friendly.
6) you can slot different utility skills and elites for underwater combat
7) single target skills are better then aoe’s, you may want to kill the sharks but its better to focus on the player and not pissing off the sharks if you dont have to

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Sjach Darasv.3729

Sjach Darasv.3729


7) single target skills are better then aoe’s, you may want to kill the sharks but its better to focus on the player and not pissing off the sharks if you dont have to

Wish it were that simple, tell that to a necromancer who has maybe 3 total underwater attacks between 2 weapons that aren’t AoE. Also, I’m pretty sure the aggro rdius on the sharks is rediculous as in, no matter which side you come from when you reach the ruins there will always be at least 2-3 of them attacking you if not killed beforehand.

~Lone Shadow~

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

more like…. lack of skirmisher rewards leads to there being ridiculously low glory gain.

I added up glory and averaged it over two different hours of play, one with playing capricorn and one with just leaving on capricorn and joining another game on a diff map. I average ~500 glory per hour higher without capricorn than with it. lol.

Team Shanghai Alice

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Kishandreth.2798



7) single target skills are better then aoe’s, you may want to kill the sharks but its better to focus on the player and not pissing off the sharks if you dont have to

Wish it were that simple, tell that to a necromancer who has maybe 3 total underwater attacks between 2 weapons that aren’t AoE. Also, I’m pretty sure the aggro rdius on the sharks is rediculous as in, no matter which side you come from when you reach the ruins there will always be at least 2-3 of them attacking you if not killed beforehand.

See points 2 and 5, but yeah the aggro range on sharks is obscene, but then again sharks do smell blood. If you swim behind the ruins and take out the sharks (should be 2 total) then head to the circle you should only have one to deal with while you cap

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Kishandreth.2798


more like…. lack of skirmisher rewards leads to there being ridiculously low glory gain.

I added up glory and averaged it over two different hours of play, one with playing capricorn and one with just leaving on capricorn and joining another game on a diff map. I average ~500 glory per hour higher without capricorn than with it. lol.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re that concerned with the rewards for playing. Playing should be reward enough.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Project Shrine Maiden.9623

Project Shrine Maiden.9623

it’s silly that you can get skirmisher on every other map but capricorn… i can only think it’s related to ruins being underwater and thus there is no distance away from a cap point for you to get it.

i just don’t like to feel like i’m being shorted while enjoying myself.

Team Shanghai Alice

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Qtin.6940


Sharks ! yay ! Also, yey for 12k trebuchet hits

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

People farm the 8v8 for points, many do it with gimmick builds.
There is no pistol whip, 100b, etc underwater. I just laugh how thieves/hb_warriors chase you underwater,with sharks being (neutral/friendly/hostile) and have no idea what to do since the push 2 keys for win does not work.
The cannon is not even used by anyone in 99% of the matches, except me, muhahahaha. It screws the ping-pong zerg over so bad. and it’s worse than the sharks.
Just that sharks trigger if they are hostile without player input, cannons need to be manned.
Furthermore, 8v8 is not about winning (see auto-balance).

I think ANET should make a map that is 1v8, where the 8 man team is perma rooted/stunned the whole match, so that the enemy 1 man team could just faceroll them like the dummies in the Hearts of the Mists.
That map would probably be voted the best by prolly most of the crybabies hating Capricorn right now.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

People farm the 8v8 for points, many do it with gimmick builds.
There is no pistol whip, 100b, etc underwater. I just laugh how thieves/hb_warriors chase you underwater,with sharks being (neutral/friendly/hostile) and have no idea what to do since the push 2 keys for win does not work.
The cannon is not even used by anyone in 99% of the matches, except me, muhahahaha. It screws the ping-pong zerg over so bad. and it’s worse than the sharks.
Just that sharks trigger if they are hostile without player input, cannons need to be manned.
Furthermore, 8v8 is not about winning (see auto-balance).

I think ANET should make a map that is 1v8, where the 8 man team is perma rooted/stunned the whole match, so that the enemy 1 man team could just faceroll them like the dummies in the Hearts of the Mists.
That map would probably be voted the best by prolly most of the crybabies hating Capricorn right now.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

People farm the 8v8 for points, many do it with gimmick builds.
There is no pistol whip, 100b, etc underwater. I just laugh how thieves/hb_warriors chase you underwater,with sharks being (neutral/friendly/hostile) and have no idea what to do since the push 2 keys for win does not work.
The cannon is not even used by anyone in 99% of the matches, except me, muhahahaha. It screws the ping-pong zerg over so bad. and it’s worse than the sharks.
Just that sharks trigger if they are hostile without player input, cannons need to be manned.
Furthermore, 8v8 is not about winning (see auto-balance).

I think ANET should make a map that is 1v8, where the 8 man team is perma rooted/stunned the whole match, so that the enemy 1 man team could just faceroll them like the dummies in the Hearts of the Mists.
That map would probably be voted the best by prolly most of the crybabies hating Capricorn right now.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Ryuk.5912


Ownd by them sharks much ?
I don’t understand why are you creating a QQ thread about a map that yoU can leave without any penalty and whenever you want to ?
I’m sure you’re the kind of player who also likes to complain about pistol whip and hundred blades. Stop whining and start getting better when yoU encounter something dificult ig or irl you don’t give up and polute a froums with a QQ thread.
Have a nice day.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Box Face.2041

Box Face.2041

Ownd by them sharks much ?

>Strawman with no basis

I don’t understand why are you creating a QQ thread about a map that yoU can leave without any penalty and whenever you want to ?

>Because of what I stated in the OP.

I’m sure you’re the kind of player who also likes to complain about pistol whip and hundred blades.
>Another strawman with no basis

Stop whining and start getting better when yoU encounter something dificult ig or irl you don’t give up and polute a froums with a QQ thread.
>Don’t fix what’s broken, just learn to act around it

Have a nice day.

You too you self-righteous smarmy kitten.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Ryuk.5912


The sharks are broken ?
Please go whine somewehere else kid.
If you whining about a map that doesn’t even exist in tournaments and wich you can leave at any point in the game well then your just a spoiled noob and this game isn’t for you <3
Anet did give you a way to not playing on this map by simply leaving it.

"Raid on the Capricorn" horrible map

in PvP

Posted by: Nyota.7062


The map would be significantly better, if they fixed that annoying invisible obstacle at the beginning of the ramp, that leads from spawn to beach.

And why does it have only two nodes…xD

Dolyak Engineer/Thief – Kodash (EU)