Raid on the Capricorn

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630


Game Design Lead


How about fewer sharks, please!

Coming soon(about 2 weeks) to a game near you…

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Vayyy.5420


will there be a pvp blog update, before the next content patch on November 15? Any balance changes coming before that?

Ava – Chieftain Ninjas

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Furbs.9054


Thank you for some communication. However, I still want nothing to do with this cesspool of a map… trying to balance underwater PvP is a joke and the cannon is more trouble than its worth.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: lothrodel.3540


Will there be any new maps?

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Kronos.4876


Oh please, the map is still unplayable, with sharks on it or not. Underwater combat is just NOT in a state that is remotely fun. Please, please, please, dont think that removing the sharks will make the map fun.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Kousetsu.1627


yay shark nerfs

Edit: Ps Mr Peters, i never found Raid on the capricorn an atrocious map, i actually liked it but not having sharkbites as topping damage in my death log would be a welcome change indeed haha

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630



Game Design Lead


We are doing some underwater balance work as well, but it felt pointless with all the sharks anyway so we removed about half of them

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Kouryuu.4213


Hope we can ban maps at some point, banning water maps on sight.

Forever unranked.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Thank you! There were a few too many for my liking, nice to see underwater combat is getting a look at too

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


I would much rather see you spent time and money on fixing stuff that actually matters, please!

99% dislike underwater combat, balancer or not. And the map is just awfull for competetive play!
Give us rented arenas so we can start some real e-sporting. Give us spectator mode for the same reason. Start doing some tournaments/events for e-sporting and please work some more on camera/renderings.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Sirevanac.3178


Oh man, no more spamming 5 with the thief and letting the sharks do the work ahahah

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


Please add it to the tournament rotation. People would hate underwater less if they actually got to play it regularly. The 3 maps get very boring.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Please add it to the tournament rotation.

Please do not……..if you want to keep the vast majority of PvP’ers happy never add it to tournament rotations. Even if underwater was completely balanced and all the sharks were removed, I do not feel this map would offer anything positive.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Stin.9781


Please add it to the tournament rotation. People would hate underwater less if they actually got to play it regularly. The 3 maps get very boring.

I always feel having serious advantage when i spawn in blue side. Thief shadowsteps lets me get to the point about 5 seconds faster the other side, It also has better uphill, wider and more capacity to defend point from up above, more space to move in the area. That map is still very much leaning towards blue advantage to me.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Yay. Serves them right. I already see enough sharks on Animal Planet.

Another thing that pisses me off is how the water is just used as an escape. Right before death people just jump in praying their pursuer will get bored and give up. Downed state is so drawn out underwater.

Not to poke sticks at Ele’s but kitten its kitten when you down them and they just mist form into the water and can suddenly start moving around again. Oooh first i couldnt even move, but now that im drowning and cant breathe in addition to bleeding out, I GOT THE POWER. Wtf.

Please add it to the tournament rotation.

I rather jump into a pool with sharks

(edited by GankSinatra.2653)

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: JonPeters.5630



Game Design Lead


Live every week like it’s shark week!

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Furbs.9054


We are doing some underwater balance work as well, but it felt pointless with all the sharks anyway so we removed about half of them

My two cents is that trying to balance this is a waste of your very valuable time. Focus on regular combat balance. Leave underwater combat in Hotjoin/WvW as a casual mode, but it is going to be a big dev time sink to try and fully balance this for competitive play.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: MeTx.6712


What’s the reason for not just removing all of them? :/

Ranger: My Main Man Ray

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Live every week like it’s shark week!

Lol im impressed. I like long walks on the beach you know. And long dips in the ocean with a minimal amount of sharks. Catch my…drift?

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094



Game Design Lead


And yes we’ll be doing another PvP blog post to coincide with the next patch.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Did the Christmas event start early?

Cant wait. Thanks for the update.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


I agree. It’s the worst of 4 maps, sharks or not. The day it’s added to tournament rotation is the day most of the serious PvPers go looking for a new game.

As Furbs said, trying to balance underwater combat just for 1 hot-join map seems like a waste of time. I can easily think of a dozen more important matters in pvp.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Ecliptica.7509


Cool !!! less sharks

the game doesn’t have serious balance issues and bugs.. its all our imagination…..

BTW, are you going to touch Rangers? the last patch did not even have a nerf, nothing :S

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094



Game Design Lead

We’ll be touching most of the classes, if not all.

Capricorn is more geared for pub fun, and it’s not in our tournament rotation for a reason.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Kronos.4876


Is there some kind of office party going on at Anet where youre all drunk and stuff? Looks like drunk-level of communication to me.

Not that I dislike it, but its just so unusual.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


We’ll be touching most of the classes, if not all.

Capricorn is more geared for pub fun, and it’s not in our tournament rotation for a reason.

Glad to hear.
Could you elaborate what you mean by ‘touching’? Bug fixes, big balance changes, or perhaps just some small things?

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: fiesta.3964


And what about getting some 5v5 hotjoin also? Lots of people dont like the 8v8 zerg format, maps are way too small for this many players.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Zetesofos.1724


Is there some kind of office party going on at Anet where youre all drunk and stuff? Looks like drunk-level of communication to me.

Not that I dislike it, but its just so unusual.

I’ll take it where I can get it.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Master Charles.7093

Master Charles.7093

Capricorn and water combat, while perhaps not suitable for current tpvp, could find more accessibility in other formats.

I really want to see some epic battles on the pirate ship

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I love capricorn. It is a super cool designed map and just the gameplay in it is excellent. Despite underwater combat being very one-sided for most classes, it’s one of my favorite maps.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Yay….I was really hoping to see less sharks. It’s good to see our voices were heard.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

Great, too bad its about 2 months late. I cant wait to see the new balances tho! Should be a good one!

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483


Less sharks at least gives you a better chance at retaking the point.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Ezekial.9186


I hope they fix the skirmish zones in it as well. It doesn’t seem to matter where you kill someone, you never get skirmish bonus.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


Half of the sharks only? :S
Remove all should be better,it’s not like kill svanir or the chieftain,they don’t provide any bonus,and they just ruin the occasional underwater fight.

Anyway,is it possible to move this map in the last position of the 4 map rotation?
Actualy,RotC is the 3th map.
Peoples like me,that don’t like RotC ,quit the pvp,and lose the chance to have a full game in “Legacy of Foefire”.
We are forced join Legacy of foefire when the game is already started.
8v8 hotjoin is the only chance i have for pvp…but this map interrupt my experience over and over because is the 3th in succession.

So,any chance to have Raid of the Capricorn as the last one of the 8v8?

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Kat.5982


I would really love it if you could somehow make this map avoidable. I mean it’s great that you are trying to balance underwater combat, but a lot of people, myself included, just think it is generally awful and want nothing to do with it. I’m not taking a shot at your implementation; I just don’t think water combat has any place in MMOs.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


I do like under water combat but caprica is just badly designed… The map is way to small for 8v8 and the capture points are too close to eachoter…

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: NeHoMaR.9812


That “big guys” you kill for points, or the Lord, etc, that’s OK. But the sharks? come on! 100% annoying, REMOVE sharks completely, seriously.

(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Asmodean.7123


Capricorn is the most unfun map, and the underwater part is the worst part of the map.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


I’m really, REALLY happy to hear about underwater balance. My necro won’t go near the water. However, I still wouldn’t play the map even w/sharks removed, IMO the map is just too small and the land portion of the map is like one small tug-of-war style of area. On top of that Spvp is 8v8.

But that’s just my opinion/feedback.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Nijiura.1702


My necro wont go near the water as my pet will despwn and when i get up to the the surface and on to land i get a CD on the skill…

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


My necro wont go near the water as my pet will despwn and when i get up to the the surface and on to land i get a CD on the skill…

That’s only because they’re not slotted, unless you’re talking about Flesh Golem.

Necro underwater just bloooows though. =p

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Pray.9751


And yes we’ll be doing another PvP blog post to coincide with the next patch.

“And yes we’ll be doing another PvP blog post soon to coincide with the next patch.”

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Sniser.1297


I’m glad you are fixing underwater combat but why only half sharks? No sharks please!
I would be double glad

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

The sharks are the only pve monsters that I like out of all the monsters on the maps except the guild lord and really I was a fan of gvg but i don’t even like the guild lord on that map. I do agree with thinning them down because they are too overwhelming, and not many people use elixer, but then again they still would need to be thinned. I don’t even want to get started on the svanirs.

On the topic of sharks the numbers of them may even be fine, somewhow though it just seems every single shark in the water even out of range will swarm to the ruins even the ones under the boat, it’s been a while since I’ve played it and payed attention but pretty sure that is what is happening..

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

(edited by R E F L H E X.8413)

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


good to hear this, they were incredibly over powered

will you add this map to tournament rotation after this balance or some time later? i would like to see more maps and different sequence of maps in tournaments

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


I hope they fix the skirmish zones in it as well. It doesn’t seem to matter where you kill someone, you never get skirmish bonus.

Just wanted to post about this. Something weird going on in that map. Maybe its related to the water (and its edges)? Add in people jumping into the water to escape and the whole map just feels like a waste of time.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Hey Mr. Jon and Mr. Jon 2, :P

One of the things I find more interesting in this map is the existance of a pirate ship, but there’s almost never a good reason to go into it, outside of cannon balls. The entire map is all about running between the beach and the “town”, with the occasional ruins capping.

I agree underwater needs polishing and that combined with less sharks should make underwater play a bigger role (although I don’t like the current state of the elementalist’s underwater, it’s very underwhelming).

But what about the pirate ship? Gives us more reasons to go into there. :P Give us reasons to assault that ship, or maybe put cannons in ti so we can ravage from that place. I always felt redudant to put the cannon in the position where it is now, because everyone goes through that way with or without the cannon. Putting one cannon at each side of the ship sounds cooler, and maybe the cannon balls in the room bellow?

I do love the map, though.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Psychrome.9281


removing ALL of the sharks will make capricron just another map where zerg mentality works for hot join. at least now the sharks really make you have to commit against a guarded ruins node. learning underwater combat abilities helped me improve alot better. as a matter of fact the only issue i see is that some builds become completely irrelavent underwater. anything like ranger traps or necro wells becomes useless as they are unavailable underwater. there are ways to work around this but its just a pain. thief 5 ability is the last over powered ability thieves have now and its probably time to fix that.

seriously the sharks are not that bad. almsot all underwater abilities are AOE and they melt so fast.

removing the sharks will once again discourage point defense in 8v8 matches for all maps. that is the only map where a person can actually hold a node long enough for friends to arrive in 8v8. if you are taking away the sharks, take away 8v8 as well make all spvp 5v5 like tournaments and it will be a great improvement over all. the amount of empty servers screams that 5v5 wouldnt change the availability of servers to join so i am still not sure why spvp is still 8v8.

Raid on the Capricorn

in PvP

Posted by: Sky.9347


That’s good, because those sharks swarm and hit like a truck.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.