Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Bloodtau.4672


Worst map in existence.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


agreed, just scrap it, it bad.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Lauder.1467


I used to think the same way.

Then I learned how to effectively do combat and evade underwater.

I actually like this map now, it’s still tied with my least favourite map with Kyhlo (bloody catapults…), but I do have fun on it.

You aware?

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


At least be grateful it’s not in the tournament rotation… yet.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Balticataz.6305


Its pretty terrible. Its the biggest reason to ending any play session I’m doing. Ill just be doing spvp and then i’ll hit capricorn and then suddenly I don’t want to play anymore.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Jerry Higmenson.5817

Jerry Higmenson.5817

It’s really not that bad. Loss the sharks, it really doesn’t make sense that one point out of 12 has NPCs. Then give us a finish underwater and I would be fine with this map.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: metaphorm.6904


i agree. i HATE this map. its extremely unfun and i almost always quit when it comes up.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Lauder.1467


Okay yeah, I retract my previous statements. The sharks are actually really annoying if you’re not a tank class.

The water is fun in terms of combat, but the sharks have to go to, it makes it really imbalanced when one team can control the Ruins really easily because the opposing team needs to send a fair few people to take it over due to sharks… leaving dock/beach open

You aware?

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Pawstruck.9708


Signed. This map is the most imbalanced thing I’ve ever seen. Imagine playing Dominion on League of legends, but only the top node had a turret. Or 8 turrets. Guess what the only important node on the map would be?

A-net, PLEASE remove the sharks. They were a decent idea on paper, but in reality they ruin my life. T_T

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

Remove the map and improve it for later re-addition. I see no reason to scrap something you’ve spent valuable resources on coding, but this map is literally unplayable in its current state.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Djdomestic.7381


So no maps involve water combat… so I consider it a pve element. Then you bring it into pvp, so I now have 20 abilities as an ele that I have no idea what they are, and sharkskittenthe kitten out of me. What was the thought behind this map?

I also refuse to go in the water (which seems like a lot of people avoid it).

(edited by Djdomestic.7381)

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


What’s wrong with it? I find it to be pretty enjoyable and underwater combat is a pretty large portion of the game itself, so pretending it doesn’t exist seems…silly in my eyes, to say the least!

As for the sharks? They’re a nice touch. If you’re playing strategically they’re easy enough to avoid, anyway. I also can’t help but notice that most people haven’t even brought up solid points to back up their concerns. This is a board for discussion, not whining.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: RhysSebastian.7651


I can see how stacking bleeds could be exploitive with the sharks, but honestly the point is easy to nullify. If the enemy team has the ruins, just grab a cannon ball stack from the ship, and support your team with cannon fire. I bet you will soon hold both land filled points :P.

The only real problem with the sharks aside the bleed damage, is that controlling the ruins gives you a serious map mobility advantage. Essentially forcing the enemy team to hug their points with a roamer on the cannon.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Balticataz.6305


What’s wrong with it? I find it to be pretty enjoyable and underwater combat is a pretty large portion of the game itself, so pretending it doesn’t exist seems…silly in my eyes, to say the least!

As for the sharks? They’re a nice touch. If you’re playing strategically they’re easy enough to avoid, anyway. I also can’t help but notice that most people haven’t even brought up solid points to back up their concerns. This is a board for discussion, not whining.

Its quite simple. Water combat isnt even close to balanced, some classes are just better then others. Also alot of the water weapons dont sync up with builds you run, maybe you are a condition spammer and your underwater weapons dont have bleeds, or the opposite, a power build but your weapons are bleed, kinda screwed then. Shark stack bleeds on you that just devastate you. You go to attack ruins once the other team has it, you have to deal with 3 or so sharks attacking you + whatever defence they have. So if you dont cap ruins at the start you then have to try and control your near point and the enemies near point or bring enough people with you to deal with the sharks. That point just dominates the map completely and influences all strategy.

Also there is no underwater finisher, so people can just swim up to the top them then go immune for 2 seconds then go under again back up top go immune and repeat for a while. Really dumb. Same thing happens when people get low on land they just run and jump into the water, you cant finish them, and they just sirface somewhere else and revive. If they control the ruins you cant even follow for the kills because the sharks once again will destroy you.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Boogle.8204


Map is fine, but the sharks are not. Get rid of them, they make no sense and do not add anything to the experience.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I like the map, it looks pretty nice and I don’t mind the sharks. They serve a pretty obvious purpose but are still easy to bypass if you have even the slightest bit of sense

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: DoYourBestBear.6810


Underwater combat is a non-viable s/tPvP route, IMO – for the things mentioned and some that I’m not about to go into here. The only way to save a map like Raid on the Capricorn is to make the underwater node on the ship deck instead. I actually like the layout and art of the map, but I also refuse to play the objective on it. If the center node were on the deck of the ship, rather than underwater, I would actually participate.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Ergo Proxy.6219

Ergo Proxy.6219

The problem is that one person usually gets stuck guarding the ruins, and that player will get almost no points since nobody will show up to take the ruins if its guarded.

But if you leave the ruins they will take it and its a huge pain to get it back unless they just abandon it. So it really boils down to is one of your teammates going to sacrifice their ability to earn points so that the rest of the team can get a win.

They either need to make you feel like less of a martyr when your guarding ruins by getting rid of sharks, so the place isn’t any more of a nightmare to take than normal nodes, or giving you points for guarding.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: kishter.9578


agreed, stupid map..i always evade underwater combat is the most ridicolous stuff about this game, so imbalance! i think we may need another 5 year untill anet really fix this game. i bet i get one infraction

We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I love Raid of the Capricorn.

People are very stupid in not getting cannonballs. Cannons are clearly OP. It can kill anyone, from squishy class to tank. If a zerg fights two teammates. The two teammates will win because I will be firing 5 cannonballs to their face.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


underwater combat will always be annoying. especially for melee.

dont scrap the map, some people may like it. the rest, just dont pick it.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

underwater combat will always be annoying. especially for melee.

dont scrap the map, some people may like it. the rest, just dont pick it.

Then remove it from all rotations. Make it a special game mode.

Noone likes seeing half of the players that they’ve been gaming with instantly leave because the map inevitably shifted to Raid on Capricorn.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

The sharks are actually extremely easy to kite. I don’t even attack them at all so that they’ll be at full health when they switch to my team. If there’s an enemy around, however, I usually just leave.

A few things, though…

The sharks should neutralize when the point is neutralized. I don’t see any reason to leave the water in control of one team after they’ve lost control of the point.

People are never (ever) properly introduced to underwater combat. You simply begin the game with a breather and all your aquatic weapons. Most regions have extremely few underwater components, and the ones they have are very easy to miss. In Ashford there’s one heart and event chain that involves underwater combat, and it’s quite out of the way. In Wayfarer there’s a tiny bit of water that takes you to a skill point, but there are not even enough enemies in the water along the way and back to unlock all of your weapon skills. There wasn’t any water in my personal story until around level 35-40, and they didn’t even point out that I was to go underwater. The mission was also one of the more difficult ones I’d played. Had I not previous experience with underwater combat (which would have been easily possible), the mission would have been extremely frustrating. Finally, in The Heart of the Mists, the underwater training area is far out of the way and has very few training NPCs. I imagine most people don’t even know it’s there, as it’s also the only area that isn’t visible from the starting area.

All this result in people be plunged (heh) into RotC with absolutely no prior underwater combat experience, not knowing what any of their weapon skills do, and not even having their utilities, healing, and elites set. Even if you wanted to, taking a short time out to set your skills is difficult because the sharks put you into combat as soon as you enter the water.

Once you finally get accustomed to underwater combat, it isn’t nearly as bad, but I won’t pretend that it’s vaguely balanced. You don’t feel likely you’re trying to steer an unarmed submarine anymore, but your build probably doesn’t work very well at all.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Atticus Creed.4062

Atticus Creed.4062

I agree with the others on a reworking. I actually don’t like the map layout a whole lot but I’m willing to deal with it if the sharks are gone. The other maps have a gimmick (trebs, Svanir & Chieftan & guild lord) but this map has sharks & the cannon combined with the whole underwater combat mechanic and it’s just too much. Fixed or no, I still hope it doesn’t make it’s way into tournament play.

[Res] The Prestige

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Wildcard.3068


I like the map in general. 1) Remove sharks, 2) make boat more important and I’d be happy. As of right now boat is only useful for its lower deck openings to each team’s node. Maybe even change the cannons location/range so it affects ruin control as opposed to not being very useful. Maybe make it work like a turret so it wouldn’t feel too much like an aqua-themed treb.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


I play the worst class(necro) and I can still take it from an average joe with sharks helping him.
What most people never realize is that once you take ruins most people wont even bother to take/re-take it. So who ever gets it first usually wins. Other then that underwater combat is part of game deal with it. Underwater deathshroud is next to jagged horrors on the list of most kitten up jokes played on necro class but i’d rather have underwater combat then not.
Kinda wish they would add kegbrawl in spvp rotation that stuff is awesome lol.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: miracle.4216


Just tired of cap points. How could they release a game without TDM or other game types like Capture the Leader? Never liked cap points to begin with.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: hauskamies.9683


I don’t really mind the underwater combat, that’s fine. But the sharks

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Kokako.5791



totally oppostite to awse-balls

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


I solo cap Ruins on a power built Ranger. I don’t run glass cannon, so maybe that’s why I don’t die to sharks. Though I don’t have any problems dealing with the sharks themselves, I do find them to be more than a problem if the enemy even has one defender on Ruins.

The one game I decided to defend ruins, only 3 people came to cap it. I 3v1’d with shark help, won it no problem, and at 480 points (after sitting there for the entire match only getting to fight once) I got autobalanced. Honestly, it was lame all around.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640



I think underwater combat is boring and bad on most classes, but the map it’s self isn’t (in my opinion) poorly designed.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfgang Michael.8217

Wolfgang Michael.8217

PvP needs a complete makeover! That’s all I am going to say.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Malakree.5912


I don’t mind it, sharks/ruins are just to important.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Mine Laces.7108

Mine Laces.7108

The map is so bad designed , mostly due to sharks , that i just avoid ruins .

“Smashing doors at 5am … fun fun fun fun fun” Rebecca Black

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


The worst part about this map is the way the downed state is underwater. It is 100% unavoidable to have to kill them or else they can just remain in downed state and keep the point contested.. since there is no finish them option.


Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: ladyosheep.3548


I quite like this map as it’s quite novel, agree with the posts about underwater downed state and finish option though.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Shalashaska.4803


I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Raid of Capricorn bullkitten.

I was going to make a post like this. This map is so bad i dont understand why its even in rotation.

Its not like I dislike it but I actually only join Foefire maps on browser just so Capricorn is the last map and I can leave.

That map is broken. Water combat is so broken and NOT FUN. I can go on and on. If they get rid of that map my life would some how be better.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Shroom Mage.9410

Shroom Mage.9410

Another huge problem with the map is the layout. When moving from point to point, players will intuitively follow the path. Unfortunately, the path takes players far out of the way. Players brawl on that stone platform far away from any of the control points. The fastest path from one point to another is directly under the ship. If you make a beeline, the sharks can’t even catch you.

There’s also the cannons. Nothing indicates that you should ever actually go on the ship. I doubt most players even realize you can go on the ship, and I expect even fewer to know that there are usable cannons on board.

There are a lot of problems with the map. The sharks are the least of them.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


its terrible, remove it from rotation

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Lewk.8359


I really like this map. It is one of my favorites actually. I find the water combat to be a refreshing change of pace, and i like the way the other two control points have highground that are led into from the spawn (rocks by the beach, platform by the docks). I love the shark mechanic because it adds a dynamic to the water fights as well. Seriously, i do not understand at all why people are complaining about this map. Do you want a flat, open, 2 point map or something? o.O?

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Smurf.9430


Either buff the sharks or remove them entirely. They’re annoying during the actual underwater combat; as if underwater combat wasn’t tedious enough.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: AXEL.8362


This thread really smells like

No items.
Final destination.

Stop being scrubs, the sharks have low hp and the point can be capped by just 1 member if its not defended and 2 people if its guarded by some enemy. Like any other point.

You are mostly complaining about underwater fight, not about the sharks itself. Its obvious that if a great part of the game happens underwater, you even have 2 skill sets for it, they would give at least 1 map some underwater parts.

I really hope they pull a 100% underwater map so we can see who learns to adapt and who just complains.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Jackal.7432


This map is great. It’s a seriously strategic map, and teams need to work cohesively to win. In some maps, you can get away with a run-and-gun team where everybody does their own thing, but this map requires players to think a little harder than that.

Hopefully Anet doesn’t turn this game into WoW by catering to every whine on the forums. GW has always been about a rich and varied PvP culture.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: broken.5871


The. Sharks. dies

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Sjach Darasv.3729

Sjach Darasv.3729

The problem is really the damage output from the sharks, 1 or 2 hitting at a time isn’t bad but get 4 aggroed onto you and that 4 sharks hitting for 1k critting for 2k and stacking bleeds. Not to mention Underwater weapon sets and utilities completely bork over some class build. My well specced necro, so much fun to go underwater and pick placeholder icons in my util slots, save for plague which i use wherever, but don’t really touch the other buttons aside from 1-5 except maybe 6 because most heal skills have a realatively short cd anyways.

~Lone Shadow~

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: buttski.6135


when im opened a thread like this they deleted it instanly… oO

A day without blood is a day without sunshine.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Pete.6037


I avoid this map whenever possible.

The main problem is the sharks. Too many, too much damage. A tanky class can just sit on the ruins, 3 enemies attack, and the tanky class will win. Just get rid of the sharks. Problem solved.

Another problem is not being able to stomp underwater. A player can just swim to the top and, by some miracle, become invunerable.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: MaxChaos.3825


If you make a poll, u will see that at least 80% of the ppl find this map dull, boring, and kitten.
Players join legacy of foefire and leave on Capricorn.
Suggestion – loose the ruins cap point and move in on the ship – that would make the map interesting instead.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Iplaytokill.1674


Raise the point to be the ship instead.

Keep sharks (if you must) but make them hostile to everyone.

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: jimmyimo.2089


I would like this map to stay in the rotation, the Ruins and Sharks add a lot to the game tactically speaking ( I have turned around entire games because of it ).

If the opponent has it captured, and they feel like defending it with 1-2 people the entire game long.. well, that is good news for you.

1-2 more people on the ground is a huge advantage, and should give you 2/3 points the majority of the time.