Random DMG outside of combat ?
Karthus got buffed. He hits people playing different games now with his ult.
On a more serious note, what map were you playing?
i respawned in combat a couple times on foefire but i did not notice actually taking damage or anything.
you didn’t check your combat log to see what hit you?
What did your combat log say? I’ve not encountered it myself but next time check the log to see what its called.
What class were you?
I’ve been hit randomly by direct damage (sounds like lightning) and I’ve been thrown in combat randomly. All without there being anyone near me.
I’m still convinced it’s related to Plague Signet as I honestly can’t recall having these issues on my Ranger which is the only other class I’ve played in PvP lately.
i did check the log, but nothing slowed up, was just the combat from the fight before i spawned.
It does not happen allot mind, but i have seen this now a few times.
Me and my friend play together and use skype, she also noticed it and there was another team member at the spawn with me, i saw him also taking this dmg the same time as me, my friend was on the other side of the map and she was also affected. IT’s like the whole team gets affected by this (“ghostly dmg event”)
There is also some graphical effect, looks like someone slashed you with a GS. It only does 1 hit for 600dmg and makes you go into combat
it happens to all classes
On a related note, I’d like to know why I’m sometimes in combat on respawn, having to deal with the combat speed debuff when leaving base.
On a related note, I’d like to know why I’m sometimes in combat on respawn, having to deal with the combat speed debuff when leaving base.
Maybe you applied a 16 second damaging condition before you died?
As for the random damage, it’s only a visual bug with floaters. I see it occasionally, but it doesn’t put me in combat.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
On a related note, I’d like to know why I’m sometimes in combat on respawn, having to deal with the combat speed debuff when leaving base.
Maybe you applied a 16 second damaging condition before you died?
As for the random damage, it’s only a visual bug with floaters. I see it occasionally, but it doesn’t put me in combat.
applying a condition that is still in effect when you respawn does seem like the most likely…
however it happens to me on bunker guardian. im pretty sure i dont have any condition that lasts 16 seconds….. unless i added onto a duration that existed already and its a LILO setup???
unless i added onto a duration that existed already and its a LILO setup???
That’s an interesting idea, I’m not sure how that works…
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
On a related note, I’d like to know why I’m sometimes in combat on respawn, having to deal with the combat speed debuff when leaving base.
Maybe you applied a 16 second damaging condition before you died?
As for the random damage, it’s only a visual bug with floaters. I see it occasionally, but it doesn’t put me in combat.
im often put in combat upon respawn as engi, the mines from the minor master explosives trait often get triggered post mortem, making me dish out vuln stacks that last until after respawn.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
This happens to me sometimes too. Last time, I checked the combat log – player hit you for 233 (or something) using Long Range Shot. I was fighting a ranger when I died and lagging really bad, so I assumed it was just lag. It’s happened before too and I didn’t bother to check combat log, but I do have lag spikes somewhat frequently (my ISP is terrible). It does put me in combat and remove health; it’s not just floaters. If I can grab a screenshot next time I will share.
im often put in combat upon respawn as engi, the mines from the minor master explosives trait often get triggered post mortem, making me dish out vuln stacks that last until after respawn.
This happens to me sometimes as well, though it’s unrelated to the lagdamage problem. Sometimes the turrets from my elite linger a little past death, keeping me in combat too. Not often, but worth mentioning.
i respawned in combat a couple times on foefire but i did not notice actually taking damage or anything.
On a related note, I’d like to know why I’m sometimes in combat on respawn, having to deal with the combat speed debuff when leaving base.
Are you playing as ranger? There’s a bug where ranger pets respawn at the location that the player died before being teleported back to that player. If the pet gets hit, it puts you in combat.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
No, I was playing engineer, so it was probably those reserve mines applying vuln/burning as insanemaniac said.
I haven’t read a lot of this thread but I thought I’d just come by and mention my experience with this bug.
It’s been happening to me since GW2’s release but it actually does nothing. It just shows a flinch animation and maybe a damage number on your screen but you don’t actually take damage or enter combat.
So overall no big deal, just some weird animation you may run into every so often.
no i definitely get the in combat slowness sometimes on respawn
and i know 100% because my weapon swap sigils activated. i was like why am i so slow am i in combat? so i swapped weapon and yep 3 stacks of might bam.
I like it when I kill a ranger and when he spawns his pet hits me. I’ll be waiting on a point (for me to get out of combat so my hp goes back up) and then it’s like,
haha just kidding you’re in combat again
But everybody is way the kitten over there!?!
So?…run slow, mofo, run slow
On a related note, I’d like to know why I’m sometimes in combat on respawn, having to deal with the combat speed debuff when leaving base.
Maybe you applied a 16 second damaging condition before you died?
As for the random damage, it’s only a visual bug with floaters. I see it occasionally, but it doesn’t put me in combat.
I’ve had this bug several times and it has only ever occurred on Foefire upon respawn. I take around 400-600 damage and my health ping-pongs instantly back up. For a few seconds I go into combat but quickly drop out of it again.
If I die as engi my reserve mines do not disappear. If someone trigger a mine after my respawn I am slow no matter how far I am.
Same for ranger pet. You can hit the pet once the ranger repop. …
It happens to me too. Only when an enemy guardian hits me with Whirling Wrath. They hit me with whirling wrath, we continue fighting, they lose, they die. I walk off, am halfway across the map, when I, while being OOC, get hit by whirling wrath of said guardian. It puts me in combat, I can hear the whirling wrath, see the damage floaters, see my health get lower, and see it in my combat log. The guardian also sees it in his combat log.
As for the random damage, it’s only a visual bug with floaters. I see it occasionally, but it doesn’t put me in combat.
Happens to me too.
And it’s funny, because it does give sound + number, but no damage and no combat.
Occasionally when fighting a guardian with a greatsword, a short time after uses whirling wrath I randomly take a bunch of damage and when I check the combat log it says I’ve been hit by whirling wrath. This only happens with that one particular skill. Unfortunately I’ve never thought to record it but it has happened to me more then once.
same for me I was on red team
yesterday, I was on foefire. just respawn and a 392 citical dmg (red number) apear on my screen. it was direct dmg cause my build didn’t play with condi
not the first time, maybe it was the 2nd or 3rd time it’s happens to me
and I notice one glitch, sometime, enemy spawn in our base.
JQ Commander