Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Tambu.9506


Ranger don’t have overpowered attacking skills like thief or warrior
ranger has not really strong defensive skills like guardian.
Ranger cannot move quickly or run away in stealth.
only small funny plus – shooting radius 1500? )
Why funny? because it is an advantage that can be overcome
with any other class in a few moments.
This class plays a supporting role and will remain so?
my question is – how to play and win with Ranger in spvp?

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Tambu.9506


1. like every class has a ranger melee and range weapon to use, and if other classes, at least melee-weapon is strong, the ranger melee weapons is a weakest at all and range weapon skills is not particularly strong.

2. you’re right! but the problem is that the ranger in comparison with other classes has a very limited set of really usefull skills.
Spirits, shout or signet? ok, they give something, but not really able to influence the course of the battle, especially if the action must be taken within a few seconds of battle

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Jumper.9482


They bring a MASSIVE water field to the fight. That’s pretty huge.

Winner of Curse’s NA Masters Tournament

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Ive met a couple that were very powerful on kyhlo and crushed me with traps/conditions they are not as kittenome people think but I could never call them overpowered.

Guess I can’t have some with as in front of it :/

(edited by Immo.9217)

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Duke.9054


I have also played ranger a whole lot and I have to agree there is something wrong. I guess its a mixture of things, having a pet constantly and without having to trait or use a skill to bring a pet along I suppose has affected the overall standing of the ranger. The trait line is not balanced build friendly it seems to force you to be a certain spec. And finally the skills on the bows seems uninteresting since usefulness of anything but crossfire on the shortbow for example can be argued for tourneys. In terms of combining combo fields and relevant skills with other classes; it just goes back to what I said about the limitations of the trait line.

BUT.. I have had really good fun with the one handed sword and evasion does work for me. In terms of damage the greatsword is also very viable. Maybe an ability for switching between 3 weapons could help ? maybe the ability to equip two types of bows with a third optional melee type weapon could make all the difference. Im not a good judge you tell me

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Ranger don’t have overpowered attacking skills like thief or warrior
ranger has not really strong defensive skills like guardian.
Ranger cannot move quickly or run away in stealth.
only small funny plus – shooting radius 1500? )
Why funny? because it is an advantage that can be overcome
with any other class in a few moments.
This class plays a supporting role and will remain so?
my question is – how to play and win with Ranger in spvp?

Ask Vinhas (Bloodbath.0000 dont know the numbers), he destroy in pvp and can easily win a 2v1. don’t ask me how, i never played one but he plays on my team and kitten he is good!

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Ranger is just the weakest sPVP class period. Doesn’t mean you can’t do decent with one if you know what you’re doing. But it is the worst class at the moment for more organized team pvp.

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Dallason.7859


I spec my Ranger for condition damage mainly using axe/torch with Carrion amulet.
My other weapon set is sword/warhorn. The only way I (personally) can do anything with shortbow is by going almost glass cannon.
The reason I like torch if mainly for helping my team take out bunkers which seem to always be a problem. The Aoe burning you can get with axe 1 and bonfire is usually pretty decent too.

That’s just my take on the Ranger though, I still see most people running the shortbow though which is probably better 1v1 but I cant seem to find a build that works for me with it.

The Ranger didn’t get any updates this patch but there’s a dev post on the forum assuring us Rangers will be getting some significant updates and that they are coming soon.

Feel free to hit me up in game and try not to get discouraged by all the negativity on the Ranger forums

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Bossa.2871


I spec condition damage, power and precision with a mix of vitality. I run a shortbow boosted with bleed chance on crit (along with the trait passive) and sit around 60% crit chance. I can keep anywhere from 10-15 bleed stacks up on a single target if im behind them and 8~ if its a normal duel. My bleeds are 90-100~ damage a tick. Mixed with the cripple, swiftness and rupt/stun id say that a ranger is the most versatile skirmisher with just the shortbow alone. I run a sword/dagger secondary set for the evasion (mostly to deal with warriors/thiefs/mesmers) and the added poison effects (though i wish the dagger bled instead of poisoned, would be an awesome utilty/skirmishing buff for melee combat). I havent played around much with a long bow but it seems more like a control weapon. Push backs, burst and aoe cripple/dps for blocking paths. Seems like rangers just need small utility workarounds in their skills and a pet rework/fix to make them sit comfprtably in the usability department.

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Without having played a Ranger they just all seem so…similar. Like Mesmer clones. Whenever there is a Ranger arrows just start flying quickly but it doesnt appear like he does much else. Rarely do i see one laying a trap to kite but that still doesnt amount to much. I just dont see their oomph when one appears in pvp. One never makes me go ‘wow this guy is skilled, hes using those skills in a really smart way’.

Just something i feel. Rangers need to be more..impressive? Does seem like their utilities could use some work to me. They just dont seem to have major gamechanging abilities like aoe stealths or knockbacks that they can use a lot. Maybe thats because i never played one but it appears this way to a bystander.

Ranger is the weakest support class for spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Ranger don’t have overpowered attacking skills like thief or warrior
ranger has not really strong defensive skills like guardian.
Ranger cannot move quickly or run away in stealth.
only small funny plus – shooting radius 1500? )
Why funny? because it is an advantage that can be overcome
with any other class in a few moments.
This class plays a supporting role and will remain so?
my question is – how to play and win with Ranger in spvp?

  • The Rangers OP skills comes mainly from the pets. The F2 skills of the River Drake and Jaguar (100% crit) hits very hard.
  • Why would the Ranger have defensive skills like the Guardian? Healing Spring is one of the best healing skills in the game, Protect Me makes the pet take all damage dealt to you, Signet of Stone with the master trait Signet of the Beastmaster means you take no damage for 6 seconds, Signet of Renewal can remove conditions from all nearby allies, Spirit of Nature can rally yourself and allies plus give you health, and so on…
  • Swoop on the greatsword is an amazing travel/escape skill that even beats having constant swiftness, because of it’s short cooldown. If you combine the traits ‘Shared Anguish’ with ‘Hide in Plain Sight’ you can get stealth when an opponent cast a control skill on you, without the skill affecting you.
80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope