Ranger pets lifespan

Ranger pets lifespan

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


is about 2 seconds atm with anything less than bears.
that is all I got to say atm.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger pets lifespan

in PvP

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Ive been able to effectively use BM infused pets with guard and bark skin (generally NM WS BM power builds) to significant success.. Recently had my pet tail swipe someone for over 10k. And I havnt had any issue getting them to survive on point. Also had my drake pretty much facetank archdiviner in fractal 40.

Guard+barkskin seems to be the golden ticket for pet survivability. And if you have guard your running a pet focused build ANYWAY so its golden there as well.

Even helps with conditions now. Which was a big pet peave before.

Been able to make good use of my pets sense the patch. I still wish they didn’t get cleaved down in zergs. but hey. If a player dies instantly in that kinda area it makes a bit of sense for pets to as well. Sadly I still cant direct paths for pets (I swear If I could make my pet take a wide path around a zerg to hit someone behind it would be golden. On the other hand drakes can usually make it to there target with the barkskin guard combo as well as long as they don’t get immobd)

MORE THAN ANYTHING. A way to clear immobilize off my pet. Like. If sic em removed movement impairing conditions. That would solve 99% of my current issues and improve there survivability in wvw massively for those that invest in the pet.

Ghost Yak