Rangers counter mesmers in PvP
Are you talking about Trap or Zerk?
Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager
zerk. i just stand in a good position and rapid fire them from far.
they end up going totally defensive and either die or blink and run.
condi ranger is stupendously overpowered just watched some fights….condi ranger lvl2 284 ap (no guild) capable of going 1v3 without any trouble (including rank 80 players) more then once….in fact continuously, just spams condis and perma dodges 24/7.
Condi rangers: nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf and nerf, the cleansing doesn’t stand a chance vs this cheap spammery nerf
Rangers OP, please nerf.
Mesmer UP, please buff.
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
That’s all the PvP forums are here, lol. People saying something is OP or something is UP. I come here to laugh.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
stop lying….2012 is over long time ago….condi ranger are brokenly OP just cause they aren’t massively present on official tournies doesn’t mean they don’t count condi ranger spammabilty is just childischly easy and it’s near perma dodging is tireing your logic about them being bottom tier is plain lying and flawed and based on nothing for matches in game prove the totall opposite thing almost all classes autofail horrendously in a fight vs condi ranger……all of them yes each and every single class….think im joking? prove me otherwise: you can’t
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
i am very serious here. please stop with your nonsensical posts that makes this look like a joke thread.
Why just mesmers? They can pick of anyone if they have the high ground, spam 2 and nobody goes after them.
Why just mesmers? They can pick of anyone if they have the high ground, spam 2 and nobody goes after them.
How can Rangers spam Rapid Fire? They aren’t Thieves, they can’t spam their skills.
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
stop lying….2012 is over long time ago….condi ranger are brokenly OP just cause they aren’t massively present on official tournies doesn’t mean they don’t count condi ranger spammabilty is just childischly easy and it’s near perma dodging is tireing your logic about them being bottom tier is plain lying and flawed and based on nothing for matches in game prove the totall opposite thing almost all classes autofail horrendously in a fight vs condi ranger……all of them yes each and every single class….think im joking? prove me otherwise: you can’t
Based on this reply I would probably steamroll over you with my condi ranger, as you seem to base your observations on a fight between a good player and what I assume were 3 5 year olds that like to stand in condi fields, which leads me to the assumption that your expeirence isn’t that high and you lack a deeper understanding of what is good and not in this format. Also why do you bring WvW observations in PvP, WvW is unbalanced as hell as everybody knows.
condi ranger is stupendously overpowered just watched some fights….condi ranger lvl2 284 ap (no guild) capable of going 1v3 without any trouble (including rank 80 players) more then once….in fact continuously, just spams condis and perma dodges 24/7.
Condi rangers: nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf and nerf, the cleansing doesn’t stand a chance vs this cheap spammery nerf
Condi rangers are balanced like most condi specs on necro, engi, mes, by being generally unkillable and overpowered in 1v1s but absolute poop in team fights since conditions don’t do anything when your team can’t stack them as well as your enemy tram can passively AoE cleanse eachother.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I just realize that with good positioning, my ranger was picking off mesmers easily in PvP.
90% of the fights, the mesmer dies.
The better ones run.
Rangers have always given mesmers a hard time if they can initiate the fight on open ground from max range. What’s the issue here? Everything has a counter.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
condi rangers and mesmers have always been the apex predators of 1v1 combat. problem with condi rangers in organized tournaments is they get focused early on. solo queues, they are one of my favorite builds to play.
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
condi rangers and mesmers have always been the apex predators of 1v1 combat. problem with condi rangers in organized tournaments is they get focused early on. solo queues, they are one of my favorite builds to play.
but they are countered by a signet necro now.
Why just mesmers? They can pick of anyone if they have the high ground, spam 2 and nobody goes after them.
How can Rangers spam Rapid Fire? They aren’t Thieves, they can’t spam their skills.
skills below 10 sec cd….are spammable buddy….they are, especially if they have lasting effects (wich rf doesn;t ik, just saying)….yes ranger spams
condi rangers and mesmers have always been the apex predators of 1v1 combat. problem with condi rangers in organized tournaments is they get focused early on. solo queues, they are one of my favorite builds to play.
but they are countered by a signet necro now.
Don’t be so sure.
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
stop lying….2012 is over long time ago….condi ranger are brokenly OP just cause they aren’t massively present on official tournies doesn’t mean they don’t count condi ranger spammabilty is just childischly easy and it’s near perma dodging is tireing your logic about them being bottom tier is plain lying and flawed and based on nothing for matches in game prove the totall opposite thing almost all classes autofail horrendously in a fight vs condi ranger……all of them yes each and every single class….think im joking? prove me otherwise: you can’t. ps saying that i dont now the game lol….hmmhmm…..i know for sure in tpvp ill outperform you on each and every lvl…anyway not going on about this kiddo discussion wether its true or not im quite well known in gw2 and my followerslist skyrockets into space and there are quite few very very good gw2 players that know for long time…
Based on this reply I would probably steamroll over you with my condi ranger, as you seem to base your observations on a fight between a good player and what I assume were 3 5 year olds that like to stand in condi fields, which leads me to the assumption that your expeirence isn’t that high and you lack a deeper understanding of what is good and not in this format. Also why do you bring WvW observations in PvP, WvW is unbalanced as hell as everybody knows.
where did i bring in wvw?….ever watched training matches in pvp arenas…your reply is based on your own assumptions…not from what I said….ranger on condi shouldnt get free kill vs everyone cause the reason is….it’s a teamgame wait for your teamm8’s…all should have a chance but no matter how you outplay the condi ranger…the condiranger will win 9/10 times even when outnumbered or simply gets away after fighting them for over 3 mins…ps rank dont matter ik….but they were r80 players……ranger condi is stupendous and everyone knows it tbh…ami supergood…nope….bad absolutely not better then you? most likely yes
Ok, so it’s even getting worse. Level doesn’t matter at all in PvP, my NA account hasn’t seen the world outside the mist, all of my characters are level 2 and also guildless.
Condi ranger will get destroyed by most eles, as the damage is too low to counter their insane cleanse. Condi ranger has barely any mobility, so they can’t get away from anything. I don’t know what you saw dude, but you must’ve been on something pretty bad imo.
And the last sentence made me smile, thank you.
gr8 b8 m8
15 chars must be butchered in the making of your message.
I sadly doubt he’s trolling as he was complaining in the mists. If I am wrong, I tip my hat.
Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.
stop lying….2012 is over long time ago….condi ranger are brokenly OP just cause they aren’t massively present on official tournies doesn’t mean they don’t count condi ranger spammabilty is just childischly easy and it’s near perma dodging is tireing your logic about them being bottom tier is plain lying and flawed and based on nothing for matches in game prove the totall opposite thing almost all classes autofail horrendously in a fight vs condi ranger……all of them yes each and every single class….think im joking? prove me otherwise: you can’t
That was a good laugh thank you.
Rangers OP, please nerf.
Mesmer UP, please buff.
mesmer OP > rengers
I just realize that with good positioning, my ranger was picking off mesmers easily in PvP.
90% of the fights, the mesmer dies.
The better ones run.
I’d imagine it is always easy if you have the option of standing at max distance from your opponent. For the record as a mes I find the majority of rangers easy to take down. With the exception of when I’m in a fight 1v1-1v3 and one rapid shots me from off the screen with rapid fire when I’m on low health. I think Anet was silly creating a class with high damage and requiring low play risk.
You have reflect on dodge, reflect on manipulation, perma stealth, burst from stealth and so on. How can you have trouble with ranger anymore? Are you really THAT BAD?
Bait out the Sig of Stone, go into stealth again, burst again and you win. If he uses RF, just use any manipulation or one dodge roll to make ranger kill himself.
Sounds really like a huge L2P issue on your part.. Mesmer and Ele Hard-counter Ranger. (With the most access of reflection and invulnerable)
(edited by Aomine.5012)
You have reflect on dodge, reflect on manipulation, perma stealth, burst from stealth and so on. How can you have trouble with ranger anymore? Are you really THAT BAD?
Bait out the Sig of Stone, go into stealth again, burst again and you win. If he uses RF, just use any manipulation or one dodge roll to make ranger kill himself.
Sounds really like a huge L2P issue on your part.. Mesmer and Ele Hard-counter Ranger. (With the most access of reflection and invulnerable)
If a mesmer has all of that in one build, then they are probably going for a mostly defensive build as all of those things are very redundant. As I said in the other thread, most mesmers opt out of Evasive Mirror(mirror on dodge) as blinding on shatter is better against mesmer’s weaker matchups generally. As for Mirror on manipulation, few mesmers run more than 2 manipulations(blink and Mass Invis) although some play around with the heal skill Mirror for 4 seconds of reflect in exchange for very sub par healing. And like I said before, mirror on manipulation has rather bad synergy with Mass Invis, especially vs ranger. If they see you casting mass invis they can just start casting RF so you either cancel the cast to avoid it, or enter stealth and immediately reflect a few arrows back, thus revealing yourself. I’d address “perma stealth” here but that’d be counter-intuitive as there are already far too many threads about PU.
For myself, it depends on the skill of the ranger and who gets opening strike. I will most often destroy a ranger with confusion, (they seem to confuse easily) i will almost always open with the prestige to apply burning and to get my mage out, while my mage lets off a couple bolts i hit with confusing images, spawn mirror images and then shatter with cry of frustration this should have around 11 stacks on them. If they dont clear just decoy and spawn more illusions to finish them off. If they get opening strike, you need to stealth to reset the fight, the only time ill loose is when my stealth’s are on cool down and they open on me. The key to beating a ranger is to apply pressure, most will die. Let them free cast and you will die!
(edited by eureeka.5368)
zerk. i just stand in a good position and rapid fire them from far.
they end up going totally defensive and either die or blink and run.
Im a mian mesmer and, with the increment of mesmer population, i have noticed some mesmer campers, they go to a position and dont move, lol some times i blink near them and start hitting them, they dont move and go down.
I think its more about that, specially since after patch we got a lot more forms to do reflects, so theorically the class can counter bow zerker rangers:
- our heal with reflect can be traited to have 4secs of reflects and have a short cd. (third chaos adept trait if im not wrong).
- Blink can give you 2 secs of reflects. (third chaos adept trait if im not wrong).
- Any dodge can give you reflects (dueling 2nd master trait)
If you are countering them like that, its them playing bad -.- .
zerk. i just stand in a good position and rapid fire them from far.
they end up going totally defensive and either die or blink and run.Im a mian mesmer and, with the increment of mesmer population, i have noticed some mesmer campers, they go to a position and dont move, lol some times i blink near them and start hitting them, they dont move and go down.
I think its more about that, specially since after patch we got a lot more forms to do reflects, so theorically the class can counter bow zerker rangers:
- our heal with reflect can be traited to have 4secs of reflects and have a short cd. (third chaos adept trait if im not wrong).
- Blink can give you 2 secs of reflects. (third chaos adept trait if im not wrong).
- Any dodge can give you reflects (dueling 2nd master trait)If you are countering them like that, its them playing bad -.- .
It’s more like other way round. If a Mesmer can’t win a ranger even after so many tools available for them to hardcounter ranger (stealth counts too), then it’s Mesmer who play really really bad to lose such an advantageous fight. It’s like fighting with D/D, it’s not dependent on how good the ranger plays, but rather how bad the D/D plays , or how bad the Mesmer play, that the ranger gets the victory.
zerk. i just stand in a good position and rapid fire them from far.
they end up going totally defensive and either die or blink and run.Im a mian mesmer and, with the increment of mesmer population, i have noticed some mesmer campers, they go to a position and dont move, lol some times i blink near them and start hitting them, they dont move and go down.
I think its more about that, specially since after patch we got a lot more forms to do reflects, so theorically the class can counter bow zerker rangers:
- our heal with reflect can be traited to have 4secs of reflects and have a short cd. (third chaos adept trait if im not wrong).
- Blink can give you 2 secs of reflects. (third chaos adept trait if im not wrong).
- Any dodge can give you reflects (dueling 2nd master trait)If you are countering them like that, its them playing bad -.- .
It’s more like other way round. If a Mesmer can’t win a ranger even after so many tools available for them to hardcounter ranger (stealth counts too), then it’s Mesmer who play really really bad to lose such an advantageous fight. It’s like fighting with D/D, it’s not dependent on how good the ranger plays, but rather how bad the D/D plays , or how bad the Mesmer play, that the ranger gets the victory.
Thats what i put lol, or my english (not main language) its playing with me -.-
My ranger best mesmers with ease in wvw when im on the wall, whatever spec they be, they just dont seem able to keep up the pressure
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Why just mesmers? They can pick of anyone if they have the high ground, spam 2 and nobody goes after them.
How can Rangers spam Rapid Fire? They aren’t Thieves, they can’t spam their skills.
skills below 10 sec cd….are spammable buddy….they are, especially if they have lasting effects (wich rf doesn;t ik, just saying)….yes ranger spams
^ Adding onto his point.
Double Longbow + Lead the wind + quick draw = able to do 3 rapid fires within 15sec.
Why just mesmers? They can pick of anyone if they have the high ground, spam 2 and nobody goes after them.
How can Rangers spam Rapid Fire? They aren’t Thieves, they can’t spam their skills.
skills below 10 sec cd….are spammable buddy….they are, especially if they have lasting effects (wich rf doesn;t ik, just saying)….yes ranger spams
^ Adding onto his point.
Double Longbow + Lead the wind + quick draw = able to do 3 rapid fires within 15sec.
Double Longbow, so you want sacrifice amazing melee weapon (GS) just to have medicore burst skill a bit more often?
You may agree or not, but imho GS is the best Ranger weapon.
It’s more like other way round. If a Mesmer can’t win a ranger even after so many tools available for them to hardcounter ranger (stealth counts too), then it’s Mesmer who play really really bad to lose such an advantageous fight. It’s like fighting with D/D, it’s not dependent on how good the ranger plays, but rather how bad the D/D plays , or how bad the Mesmer play, that the ranger gets the victory.
Nah dude, rangers has a lot of tools of its own to consistently win against mesmers. Mesmers rely heavily on short bursts, and rangers happen to have a lot of active damage mitigation: Shared Anguish to counter the first stun burst (if the mesmer is playing the daze mantra), LR if they get caught in an immob or a stun, Signet of Stone for these “oh crap” moment, the stealth arrow that can never miss if you aim at a clone (you can cast two in a row by using Quickdraw intelligently), and weapon evades (I like s/d when I play power ranger).
It’s not a hard counter, but at equal skill level, if the ranger is not out of position, he has the upper hand usually. But then again: there are a lot of bad rangers out there. Fortunately, the patch brought a lot of terrible fotm mesmers as well for them to farm.
edit: I forgot to mention that a lot of mesmers are playing Chaos or Inspiration instead of Illusions, and usually run blind on shatter, so they have no more reflects. If they choose to run reflect on dodge however, the ranger is at a disadvantage (not insurmountable though, since the mesmer gets revealed all the time while playing that).
(edited by Sorel.4870)
You may agree or not, but imho GS is the best Ranger weapon.
Warhorn FTW!
You may agree or not, but imho GS is the best Ranger weapon.
Warhorn FTW!
Let’s be honest, #speargun.
Rangers would be king of the oceans.
Best NA rallybot on EU
Rangers can do quite well vs shatter zerk mesmer.
Condi mesmer over-last most ranger builds(but doesn’t cap due 2 stealth and jumping around).
Oh look, Eremite had another subjective experience that he decided to declare as fact on the forums.
Why just mesmers? They can pick of anyone if they have the high ground, spam 2 and nobody goes after them.
How can Rangers spam Rapid Fire? They aren’t Thieves, they can’t spam their skills.
skills below 10 sec cd….are spammable buddy….they are, especially if they have lasting effects (wich rf doesn;t ik, just saying)….yes ranger spams
^ Adding onto his point.
Double Longbow + Lead the wind + quick draw = able to do 3 rapid fires within 15sec.Double Longbow, so you want sacrifice amazing melee weapon (GS) just to have medicore burst skill a bit more often?
You may agree or not, but imho GS is the best Ranger weapon.
I like greatsword more as well and use it on my ranger more than longbow. That was just a joke to make rapid fire spammable.
Any form of sustain based ranger (esp with s/d) will counter a mes 1v1 on a flat.
But I don’t find zerk ranger to be as effective against a mes unless left to free cast, or gets a jump on a mesmer with no c/ds to space for cover… At that point it’s not really a counter just an extended Xv1
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”