Rank or not rank this is the problem!
UP & Down!
UP & Down!
UP & Down!
it would be irrelevant what rank you were if the matchmaking functioned properly
it would be irrelevant what rank you were if the matchmaking functioned properly
Matchmaking will be really off it doesn’t consider rank because it’s indicator of time played. If a poor player consistently gets grouped with 4 good players he’ll probably win a majority of his games. Stick a great player with 4 bad players and he’ll probably lose most of his games. How can you single out a player in a team based conquest mathematically?
The match making should start with rank as a basis and go from there. People with Alternate accounts will just have to suffer.
Matchmaking will be really off it doesn’t consider rank because it’s indicator of time played.
unfortunately, rank is a bad meter for skill. it is an enormous joke that matchmaking is so bad atm, but mixing hotjoin hero rank with tourney rating will be an even sadder situation.
Matchmaking will be really off it doesn’t consider rank because it’s indicator of time played.
unfortunately, rank is a bad meter for skill. it is an enormous joke that matchmaking is so bad atm, but mixing hotjoin hero rank with tourney rating will be an even sadder situation.
I never said it was an indicator of skill. But you’re wrong about it being worse. I’ll take being grouped with rank 40+’s and you can keep rank 10’s on your team.
The system should match players up in rank groupings and then kick in the Ratings. Should look for people at your same rating then slowly expand the search both high and low until a match is made then average the two ratings and repeat to find a third player average the rating out again and search again. Continue to repeat until you have a full team of 5 players.
Group Rank 1~14
Group C: Rank 15~24
Group B: Rank 25~39
Group A: Rank 40+
I guarantee the games would be much more evenly matched.
(edited by Theplayboy.6417)
I would honestly rather wait 20 mins – 30 mins for a match queue to pop up then get another 2-3 <r10 in the same team vs a full r40+ Premade team.
They should hide rank so players stop crying about rank 1’s.
They should hide rank so players stop crying about rank 1’s.
How about they just stop letting people under rank from entering the tournaments instead?
Fun Fact: People are crying about the loss and disadvantage that a r1 brings to the team. Not so much about the r1 in particular. Every person was a r1 at one point.
Even if they do hide the rank people can still tell by the armor. Noobs rock noob armor and scrubs rock tPvP reward armor.
Matchmaking will be really off it doesn’t consider rank because it’s indicator of time played.
unfortunately, rank is a bad meter for skill. it is an enormous joke that matchmaking is so bad atm, but mixing hotjoin hero rank with tourney rating will be an even sadder situation.
I never said it was an indicator of skill. But you’re wrong about it being worse. I’ll take being grouped with rank 40+’s and you can keep rank 10’s on your team.
The system should match players up in rank groupings and then kick in the Ratings. Should look for people at your same rating then slowly expand the search both high and low until a match is made then average the two ratings and repeat to find a third player average the rating out again and search again. Continue to repeat until you have a full team of 5 players.
Rank 1~14
Group C: Rank 15~24
Group B: Rank 25~39
Group A: Rank 40+I guarantee the games would be much more evenly matched.
that would be just super bad. imagine im playing in eu at rank 40 and for some reason move to na and decide to buy another account there. why should i have to grind for 2 months to get back to playing with people from my skill level?
Filter for tournament played, not only for elo and absolutly not for rank. Who has thousand of torunaments played simply don’t match with who has few tournament played.
Problem solved.
Matchmaking will be really off it doesn’t consider rank because it’s indicator of time played.
unfortunately, rank is a bad meter for skill. it is an enormous joke that matchmaking is so bad atm, but mixing hotjoin hero rank with tourney rating will be an even sadder situation.
I never said it was an indicator of skill. But you’re wrong about it being worse. I’ll take being grouped with rank 40+’s and you can keep rank 10’s on your team.
The system should match players up in rank groupings and then kick in the Ratings. Should look for people at your same rating then slowly expand the search both high and low until a match is made then average the two ratings and repeat to find a third player average the rating out again and search again. Continue to repeat until you have a full team of 5 players.
Rank 1~14
Group C: Rank 15~24
Group B: Rank 25~39
Group A: Rank 40+I guarantee the games would be much more evenly matched.
that would be just super bad. imagine im playing in eu at rank 40 and for some reason move to na and decide to buy another account there. why should i have to grind for 2 months to get back to playing with people from my skill level?
Because that’s what’s best the majority of the player base. It’s not all about you.
Yes I’d also prefer a rank 40 over a rank 10. I don’t care if rank isn’t an indicater of skill, it should be, and you have no one else to blame for the match except yourself if paired with people around your rank.
It obviously takes time to get to rank 40 and that’s a lot of time, by the time you achieve that rank you know whats going on.
And those people that suck at rank 40, its most likely because they are not playing there main profession, some people want to get all the champion titles.
The only time I’ll accept a low ranker is when my premade group invites them, because they invited him because hes obviously good enough to hang out with us, other than that I don’t want to play with low ranks and shouldn’t have to play with them on my team.
2 problems here:
- they said matchmaking isn’t working as intended
- rank is even more worthless than it was in gw1
it’s too easy to make stupid assertions about rank and mmr when none of us knows how it would work if it was working properly. matchmaking is trying to find player skill. 2 rank 30 may be at opposite ends of the skill spectrum. i’m no matchmaking programmer, but that sounds like it would only complicate things needlessly and unfairly punish/reward players the mmr expects should have higher/lower rank.
2 problems here:
- they said matchmaking isn’t working as intended
- rank is even more worthless than it was in gw1
it’s too easy to make stupid assertions about rank and mmr when none of us knows how it would work if it was working properly. matchmaking is trying to find player skill. 2 rank 30 may be at opposite ends of the skill spectrum. i’m no matchmaking programmer, but that sounds like it would only complicate things needlessly and unfairly punish/reward players the mmr expects should have higher/lower rank.
You don’t get it. Your rank would have nothing to do with your MMR. Your rank would only dictate what group you play in. Rank 30 players should be paired up with players of similar skill level and rank. They should not be paired up with rank 1~9.
Under your system the MMR would be too easy to game. All a player has to do is BoT auto Macro enter a tournament and do nothing for several hours while they are at work losing almost every game and tanking their MMR. Then log on and play for real in a group with a bunch of noobs and basically get free wins and farm the champ titles. Also under your system people would be encouraged to tank an accounts rating on an alt account then form premades and specifically hope to get matched up against good teams just to win and destroy their enemies ratings.
(edited by Theplayboy.6417)
Rank 30 players should be paired up with players of similar skill level and rank. They should not be paired up with rank 1~9.
an mmr that works properly should only put a rank 1 on your team if you have never done tournies before, or if that’s just how bad you suck. afterwards, your mmr should push you quickly upwards into an appropriate range dynamically. if you keep seeing rank 1 in your team there are two possibilities: something’s wrong with match making, or you should go back to tetris online.
Under your system the MMR would be too easy to game. All a player has to do is BoT auto Macro enter a tournament and do nothing for several hours while they are at work losing almost every game and tanking their MMR. Then log on and play for real in a group with a bunch of noobs and basically get free wins and farm the champ titles. Also under your system people would be encouraged to tank an accounts rating on an alt account then form premades and specifically hope to get matched up against good teams just to win and destroy their enemies ratings.
people used to do these things all the time with alt guilds in gw1. it’s amusing how you think the world will end. there is even less incentive now in gw2 to do this because you’ve only got 1 account (yes you can buy another but kitten that) and it’s tied to leaderboards. i don’t expect anyone to bother going through all this trouble, and anyway the solution would be to implement system to report & penalize afkers and leavers (which is another thing they still need to do) and this imaginary issue of everyone botting disappears completely.
you have no idea what you’re talking about man. you just mad about r1’s on your team and since that’s the only number you see, you think that’s what should determine who’s on your team.
Rank 30 players should be paired up with players of similar skill level and rank. They should not be paired up with rank 1~9.
an mmr that works properly should only put a rank 1 on your team if you have never done tournies before, or if that’s just how bad you suck. afterwards, your mmr should push you quickly upwards into an appropriate range dynamically. if you keep seeing rank 1 in your team there are two possibilities: something’s wrong with match making, or you should go back to tetris online.
Under your system the MMR would be too easy to game. All a player has to do is BoT auto Macro enter a tournament and do nothing for several hours while they are at work losing almost every game and tanking their MMR. Then log on and play for real in a group with a bunch of noobs and basically get free wins and farm the champ titles. Also under your system people would be encouraged to tank an accounts rating on an alt account then form premades and specifically hope to get matched up against good teams just to win and destroy their enemies ratings.
people used to do these things all the time with alt guilds in gw1. it’s amusing how you think the world will end. there is even less incentive now in gw2 to do this because you’ve only got 1 account (yes you can buy another but kitten that) and it’s tied to leaderboards. i don’t expect anyone to bother going through all this trouble, and anyway the solution would be to implement system to report & penalize afkers and leavers (which is another thing they still need to do) and this imaginary issue of everyone botting disappears completely.
you have no idea what you’re talking about man. you just mad about r1’s on your team and since that’s the only number you see, you think that’s what should determine who’s on your team.
Clearly you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Let me explain as if speaking to a young child. A rank 40 player who has never done tournaments will in every case be better than a rank 1 player who has never done tournaments. By the time a player reaches rank 40 even from only doing hotjoin he will be familiar with all of the classes, their capabilities, the current meta, will have memorized all of the maps, will understand all of the secondary objectives and scoring methods, and will be familiar with all of the various roles. That’s a fact. The two players should never get paired together in tPvP yet under your system they will because they will both have the exact same MMR having never done tPvP. If you are incapable of understanding this then there is nothing further you can say.
(edited by Theplayboy.6417)
hello mr hugh heffner,
i regret to inform you that devs have confirmed that mmr is broken atm. maybe you were not aware of this development. pls kindly review my last message with this in mind. in particular, i have quoted the line you should pay particular attention to:
an mmr that works properly should only put a rank 1 on your team if you have never done tournies before, or if that’s just how bad you suck. afterwards, your mmr should push you quickly upwards into an appropriate range dynamically.
p.s. i have bolded the important part
(edited by milo.6942)
I would honestly rather wait 20 mins – 30 mins for a match queue to pop up then get another 2-3 <r10 in the same team vs a full r40+ Premade team.
This. At least gives us ability to leave tourney match (with punishment of course, like not being able to join spvp for 30 min or something) so i can do something else when it’s 5v3 or 5v3+2 warriors.