Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


One class per team.

I’m not saying i’m 100% for it, but i’m not oppose to it either. I mean when you enter PvP with a class, it’s exactly that, competing with the class. I strongly believe an MMORPG such as GW2 does not have the class comp diversity like most “moba” games (nor should it be compared as such).

Changes to implement

  • Choose a class
  • Queue for Ranked SPvP
  • Let matchmaking do its job
  • Non-class stacking classes on each side
  • The inability to swap to other classes mid-game (let it cause dishonor, pip unwinnable, etc)


  • Now each class has their own mmr set rather than per account (removes outliers so mmr potential is more exact)
  • Matches are more balanced
  • It reduces outliers that governs class’s strengths or weaknesses for Dev class balancing.


  • Class stacking friends have to stick with Unranked, Hotjoins or Custom to play with each other unless they relearn a class.
  • Queue times could be longer if there’s a Favorite Class of the Month. That said, if every class has a potential viability on a team and Matchmaking is doing it’s job then there should be no increased queue times a tall.

5v5 Premades
Queue times can be quicker if we were to add Class Stacking vs premades but no more than 2 of the same class per team that’s fighting the premade (as long as these classes are high in mmr). MMR average for the team on the opposite can be changed per the difficulty of the premade. Premade won 5 games in a row? Here, Matchmaking will give you 3 DH, Engi and a Ranger of high MMR because of it.
(Just a suggestion but, you get the idea.)


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: baroi.3264


I would like.
But probably like you said will have a problem with queue time.


Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


+1 to OP. Totally agree. I for one wouldn’t stress about longer queue times if meant better MM and more diversity in comp.

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

Find pvp players: https://www.reddit.com/r/GuildWars2PvPTeams/

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Solstace.2514


I’d like this or some degree of this. I always seem to end up on the team with 3 thieves.

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


First you’d have to lock everyone in, so no rerolling. What if a profession or 2 becomes required for a proper comp and you don’t have those, or you have too many paper guys? GG afk?

Then obviously people who play fotm like DH would have hour long ques, making many of them reroll. In theory it could even out the numbers of professions played, but do you really want people on your team playing something just to get faster Qpops with absolutely no understanding of the build, forcing others out of that slot who can actually play it?

Matches would be purely decided by RNG. Making everyone Q up only as 5/5 premades is the only “reasonable” solution because then the comp is entirely your decision, but you don’t want that either.

(edited by NotASmurf.1725)

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


First you’d have to lock everyone in, so no rerolling. What if a profession or 2 becomes required for a proper comp and you don’t have those, or you have too many paper guys? GG afk?

We already have players running off-meta in SPvP such as, Air Ele, full glass Wars, Thieves, etc. As always, no one will switch off even after they get 100-0 on every respawn and their teamates are yelling at them :p It’s business as usual I fear.

do you really want people on your team playing something just to get faster Qpops with absolutely no understanding of the build, forcing others out of that slot who can actually play it?

The current class specific achievements & dailies already placed in SPvP still has a worse effect on the current match quality (should be removed imo). Honestly, the suggested Pros out weighs the Cons. The queue times differences between favs of the month classes wouldn’t at all change. Especially if match quality is the same for everyone, no one would just jump on a wandwagon class.

Matches would be purely decided by RNG.

Not if Matchmaking did it’s job ;)


aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

I think it is a good idea. If you are worried about queue times, then run an under represented class.

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

One more con to think of is if someone is running a sub optimal build for their class. All sorts of hate will be created.

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


I would laugh if they added a feature to vote for 2 class ban to pvp.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game