Ranked Q VS 5 Turret Engis ( Video )
I reckon there’ll still be plenty of turret engis about tbh, just because it’s so easy to play and there’s still the annoying knockbacks from turret explosions.
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]
As for me, the announcement of the incoming nerf just made me play the build more, while I still can.
Not because I want easy wins(well, in ranked as a lone turreteer, the wins are anything but easy. You have to use the knockbacks from turret explosions to stop stopms or rezzes, keep overcharged shot to break entangle, if you are against rangers, use cc to pin down low health targets, etc… You can’t just /sleep on your point. You have to “rotate”, even though your build sucks at rotating) but because I find it sad, that this play style just gets outright removed by a brute-force “balance” approach instead of Anet actually taking the time to look at turrets and fix, what’s actually broken.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
(edited by naphack.9346)
Even with the incoming nerf being announced , it seems to be turrets to the bitter end lol. I wonder what they will reroll to when its over. My guess is ranger.
they will rerol to your cele shoutbow or cele grenade spam engies)
^^ this. Shoutbow and cele engi seems to be the best choice for ex-turreters after the patch. And hammer medi guard.
Even I don’t like these Premades. Last night I found one of the biggest complainers on the forums about Turret Engi running 3 in their group. Flying Turrets in ridiculous fashion no less! Before that another Premade of 5 I fought twice. Luckily, these trollish premades are few it seems. They are easily beaten if you know what to do as the video shows.