Rapid death onset from downed Necromancers
basicly they fixed all traits that now they are woring in downstaed so 50% more dmg in downstate + CoD and u can kill glass builds :P
Its not terrormancers who are doing it, power necros are.
+50% dmg while downed trait + Air + Fire + Spinal shivers proc
will get nerfed to 25% after the updates afaik.
Just get in stealth and stomp or go back from ur pet.
basicly they fixed all traits that now they are woring in downstaed so 50% more dmg in downstate + CoD and u can kill glass builds :P
Thank you…. I’m happy to see that I’m not crazy.
(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)
Should be ok after the patch. But I would also like to see sigil nerfs and maybe a 10% chill of death nerf
you can’t nerf chill of death without nerfing focus 5, otherwise chill of death would have to get a full overhaul or a mug treatment.
you can’t nerf chill of death without nerfing focus 5, otherwise chill of death would have to get a full overhaul or a mug treatment.
Just nerf both but make focus 5 have a much shorter cast time. That would be a buff in general for focus which is obviously terrible purely due to cast times which might have been close to ok at launch, but with power creep and powerful auto attacks are now worthless.
The downed state trait has +50% damage. close to death has another damage buff of 20%
This affects the chill of death proc. So your getting hit by 170% chill of death + air + fire.
Is this OP? It’s worth 1 rally every 10 games. The necromancer downed state is still terrible, even though it has the HP to stall being DPS’d down and some pressure to apply to stompers.
The downed state state trait should get nerfed to only affect the downed state skills. I don’t think that’s happening, I think the trait is instead getting gutted.
Alternatively anet could improve necromancer traits so that players have the choice to take something more useful than downed state traits.
I definitely hope this is fixed in the next patch. Something is clearly wrong when a downstate necro can take my cele class from half health to downstate while all they are doing is spamming 1.
I guess such is the life of a power necro.
Apply weakness or range with Staff if you can’t stomp with Stability.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
basicly they fixed all traits that now they are woring in downstaed so 50% more dmg in downstate + CoD and u can kill glass builds :P
5 secs later dat guard was crying so loud in map chat….lmao
never…never ever walk around a downed power nec as a zerk spec…stomp quickly or jump at a safe distance and poke him from there xD
The 50% downstate damage is being nerfed to 25%, but is also now a minor based on what we know of the traits so far. Probably won’t be so crazy with trait changes.
Just nerf both but make focus 5 have a much shorter cast time. That would be a buff in general for focus which is obviously terrible purely due to cast times which might have been close to ok at launch, but with power creep and powerful auto attacks are now worthless.
There is no reason for focus 5 to be nerfed.