"Ready" in Tournaments

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126



everyone who has played Tournaments in GW2 know about how annoying is the 5min waiting on the match start.

My concept is: make the “I’m ready” button bigger(in fact HUGE), so people wouldn’t actually forget about clicking it, forcing other players to wait the whole 5 minutes.
Also, it should be located in the middle of the screen, and should disappear(or minimalize) after clicking it.

What do you think?

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Or you could just make it auto-ready when you enter the match since we have the option to wait in the mists until we’re ready.

I don’t think as many people “forget” to hit the ready button as you believe.

I know that I “forget” to when there’s one of those ADD whining aggro kids raging in chat about waiting for 10 seconds for a match to start. Sometimes when that occurs I “forget” to stop myself from clicking “I am not ready” to turn off the ready check and enjoy the timer countdown.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


I actually think people forget about hitting this button, because they often go out fighting with the other team, and click ready just after telling them to.

My idea is to make this button big and annoying, so people wouldn’t waste time fighting and waiting pointlessly.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: spoonfoy.7315


lower the time to 2mins. problem solved.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Dorregaray.7126


I think that 5 mins is just fine, ‘ready’ is the problem.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


The problem is, as mentioned, people forgetting to hit it.

It’s a small button in the lower left. Bad bad ArenaNet.

Put it in the middle of the screen, just like the pop-up that exists when the queue is ready.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: fiesta.3964


5 minutes is not fine. It is way too long and such a waste of time. You spend more time waiting than playing, that aint normal. Its also not the first thread about this subject, and of course, anet been ignoring this question for a while.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Prince.3682


You guys know the dialogue box that pops up insessently when you’re match is ready? And how it keeps annoyingly popping up even if you’re doing a bit of mid round hot join? Just do that and lower it to 3-4 min and things will be so much nicer.

But honestly they should make a new queue system. There is no reason for a free tournament system to queue up 8 groups from the start. At any given point there is a pool of round 2 and round 3 people just waiting for a match to begin. It’s very inefficient. It should pool groups per round and just take from first available each time.

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: shiNn.2571


yeah just lower it… at least in paid tournys plx..

Mighty Shinn
Jealous Much [JM]

"Ready" in Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Ezekial.9186


I think the 5 minutes is good. It lets people get up quick if they need to.