Real gear
I don’t think you should hold your breath. If anything, it’s gotten worse, not better. The amulets used to have a gem that you could choose to have different stats from the rest of the amulet, but now it’s all in one amulet. Arenanet hasn’t made any comments referring to a possible change to the stats in the near future, either. :/
They even took the jewels out of the amulets which was like the tiny bit of stat customization we had in PvP. So ye… won’t happen, forget it.
It’s prolly better this way though, more stat combinations and customization would make PvP way harder to balance. When you look at what they did to celestial you don’t really want to imagine what they would do with way more stat combos and variations available.
Balance is the issue. There isn’t a good way to balance characters out when you’re fighting these OP cookie cutter meta builds. Some stuff just isn’t viable and there is hardly any good counters to these cookie cutter builds because there is no good way to customize your build enough.
For example, my warrior runs a shout heal build with mostly zerker gear and a couple of pieces of Cavalier for some toughness. I win 1v1s very frequently in that set up and I’ve tried to use that build in PVP where I pretty much just have to go zerker with Melandru runes and I can’t fight anything at all lol.. It is just insane to me that I can rock people hard in WvW with this build then get wrecked in PVP with it lol. It isn’t a skill difference either, I’ve fought friends from other servers in WvW with no issues and then because I don’t run meta PvP builds, I can’t win in there lol…
What the OP is describing is being able build around compensating for your own strengths and weaknesses.
In PvP there is less flexibility for this, which is fine.
People I’ve talked to are often scared to PvP because they can’t mix zerker stats and soldier stats. However if that stat combination was possible it would likely dominate other power stat combinations.
I think ANet was smart to remove this kind of fine tuning and keep it simple, because the game becomes more about who can play a role in a team better, and less of who has better built stats. And pvp is all about out playing your opponents not outbuilding them.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
As someone who changes builds befor a match from time to time, I’m glad I just have to change an amulet and not 14+ pieces of gear.
I’d rather have the ability to change 14 pieces of gear than be limited to builds. And for the guy who said its making up for the strengths and weaknesses of the player, you’re right but if EVERYONE can do that, what is the disadvantage to anyone who isnt an engineer or ele? Lol..
The reason why there is less flexibility is because it is a smaller format, compared to the huge fights in WvW. Like you need to be tankier in WvW, thats why you have flexibility or you have no sustain. I’m down for certain combinations, but when you introduce lets say Nomads, Dire, or any other tankier stat combination into sPvP It gives some ridiculous sustain and fights are boring in Conquest. In sPvP, the celestial meta gives certain classes sustain, but in WvW, you can build super tanky builds while maintaining alot of damage. Cavaliers SA Teef is an example, and sure it brings more diversity but it doesn’t bring more skill, meaning being carried by your build, and sPvP is more balanced because of this. They should bring back rune customization/jewels for sPvP again.
[NA]Rank 71 before April 15th, 2014 Feature Patch OG Moltres, 10k Champion Brawler, Team PZ
(edited by YourFriendMarvin.4127)
Used to think that before too. Then I played sPvP for real and I like that system better. I don’t want the sPvP system in PvE and don’t want the PvE system in sPvP.
People I’ve talked to are often scared to PvP because they can’t mix zerker stats and soldier stats. However if that stat combination was possible it would likely dominate other power stat combinations.
It’s worth noting that the Berserker’s Amulet in PvP loses a bit of its ferocity in exchange for some vitality – even the go-to glass amulet isn’t 100% glass.
I like you OP did not want to do sPvP because I wanted to use my special snowflake build
1500+ tournament games later I realized I was simply being carried by the stats
Playing without over powered stats is not easy but it will make you a better player I promise
The WvW builds simply maintain zerker type burst but pad it with 3k toughness and other sustain that is not viable or possible in PvP
Another thing is it can’t exactly be gear based due to pvp being available to new players and low levels. It would need to be some version of customizable amulets to work at all.
So I don’t ever do PVP because there is no way to have a variation of gear set ups. The ability to mix my gear around instead of all one kind would take the skill to the next level. Theory crafting is a big deal and its the reason I’d rather duel in Obsiden Sanctum or in WvW. I’ve talked to a lot of people who feel the same. I’ve also worked hard in game to get full ascended gear for all of my characters which is also useless in PvP but helps in WvW…
I don’t do PVE stuff aside from taking camps and such in WvW, I’d love to get in to PVP but unless I can truely customize my gear set ups, I just can’t see the point. I’m not alone in this either, I’ve talked to a lot of WvW players who see this the exact same way.
Is any kind of customization going to be in the PVP future or should I not hold my breath?
You say “take skill to the next level”. How does gear show skill? Skill is when everyone is equal and played from there.
I used to run the Academy Gaming tournaments for GW2.
If you feel like fighting celestial eles and engineers is balanced then you have a strange idea of balanced. If the zerker amulet gave toughness instead of vitality I’d be all about it.
there is, as always, another perspective. i f.e. don’t play wvw because with pve gear the stats are completely over the top. although some more customization in pvp would be nice i would rather not want to see such ridiculous amounts of stat gain in pvp.
i’m quite happy with not being able to build for full dmg and still have massive sustain on top of that. thank god you have to decide between full direct dmg and sustain in spvp (except for celestial, that’s why everyone hates it). the stats given by the pve gear are the reason why people playing wvw are seen as scrubs from a spvp-perspective.
if you can’t be carried by completely op stats just l2p. or stay in wvw.
I think there is really just one good solution. two different pvps; sPvP (structured player vs player) and “usPvP” (unstructured player vs player). one where stuff is equal regardless of gear quality and level, and one where you bring your wvw/pve gear and stats in.