Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

in PvP

Posted by: Kaylogin.2846


While I’m waiting for this content update and being disappointed why anet never mentioned about it to implament it i want to see other opinions who is against it.

The points i see
» maps are to big, you need new ones
» balancing probs resulting for 5 vs 5
» feature for custom arenas hold back. (imo no paids 3on3 are possible, just fights for the fun)

Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

in PvP

Posted by: Oracle Fefe.5078

Oracle Fefe.5078

Only for arenas.

For Capture Points though..I believe 6v6 is a perfect number. 5v5 requires too much coordination that most pugs can’t handle, 8v8 is chaotic.

Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

in PvP

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


» if they were to implement 3v3 they would design maps with this in mind
» balance is balanced constantly
» didnt get the last one about custom arenas

i dont see any reason not to implement 3v3 there may be better set ups with poffs but where is a game with 3v3 where that is different..

Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

in PvP

Posted by: Kaylogin.2846


To give the players a reason to rent custom arenas to get there 3vs3

Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

in PvP

Posted by: firebreathz.7692


the custom arena having exclusive right to 3v3 just for fun is an interesting idea

but i would prefer a a proper all in one 2v2 3v3 5v5 i know there would be balance issues the less players on team but that can be helpful for balancing

i dont think balance should be a reason not to add it i think it will balance it’s self out over time..

Reasons not to implement 3 vs 3

in PvP

Posted by: Follidus.8027


WoW arenas will be far superior to GW2 arenas because GW2 does not have healers. With the current balance, matches will be over in 20 seconds.

Also you have serious balance issues if you try to balance between arenas and conquest. It just doesn’t make sense to devote time to arenas right now when there are other things (ratings, spectator, private servers) to implement.

When custom servers come out, however, you can organize arenas. You can have “leagues” similar to something like CAL/CEVO/ESEA/ESL/TWL that will support doing 3v3s or whatever in a custom arena. You just don’t cap points.

You can also do something like a channel in irc (we currently have #gw2ringer, #gw2scrim, so we could make #gw2arena or something) that can be used to organize arena matches.

If you really want them, you can do them. but I don’t think it should be something arenanet should implement at this time. Personally I don’t think it should ever be implemented because the best way to balance the game is to have 1 game type.

You can say all you want that arenanet can ignore balancing for arenas, but the forums will be flooded with complaints. Even more so than now.

Cause I ain’t perfect, I never said I was.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz – Team Absolute Legends