Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Part of me doesn’t think Anet management plays as much Ranked PvP as us players, so they’re probably oblivious as to why a lot of people are unhappy. So here’s my list of possible reasons why PvP players are not happy with the new Ranked season.

  • 1) What Anet thinks works doesn’t actually work. Meaning, allowing a game mode that’s supposed to be competitive shouldn’t reward losing. You effectively have two different types of players being combined into the same game mode: Those who don’t care about the competition, and those that do. Rewarding losses keeps the players who don’t care about competition around, and that causes problems.
  • 2) Matchmaking algorithm still doesn’t work well. There should be no reason why 3 or 4 of the same class should be randomly spawned on the same team. A proper team made of random Solo queuers should have some type of balance. No more than 2 heavy/medium/light classes, no more than 2 of the same class. Things like that.
  • 3) Players are punished for things out of their control. You win as a team, and lose as a team. This motto would be true, if Ranked PvP were an actual team game. As it stands, being on a team with up to 4 random strangers of various skill level truly makes winning more of a coin flip than based on skill and strategy. Case in point, my last match had 3 Eles, so I swapped to my Ele, and fooled around. We won. But not because of my skill. I was just mashing buttons since I don’t know how to play Ele well. We won because the other team had players who aren’t experienced in PvP. Matchmaking punished someone on the other team who really tried hard to win, but couldn’t because his teammates couldn’t keep up. MMR should be based on individual skill, not the win/loss record.
  • 4) No barriers to entry for Ranked. A lot of people will attest that there are players who don’t understand strategy of PvP maps. You can’t take what you learn from PvE or WvW, and expect to play out the same. Unless you can create a learning simulation for players new to PvP to practice on before entering Ranked queues, there needs to be stricter qualifications for entry.
  • 5) PvP needs more reporting functions for AFKers and trolls. If someone is intentionally throwing Ranked matches, they shouldn’t be allowed to play anymore.
  • 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR.
In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


  • 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR.

This last point is wrong. All you need to do is watch any Legendary players stream on twitch to know that it is wrong.

The rest of the stuff you’ve got should definitely be considered but that last one…. nope. Just wrong.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

This last point is wrong. All you need to do is watch any Legendary players stream on twitch to know that it is wrong.

The rest of the stuff you’ve got should definitely be considered but that last one…. nope. Just wrong.

After watching some streams, I believe those bad teammates are just trolling and losing on purpose. No one in Gold tier and above is clueless.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


  • 4) No barriers to entry for Ranked. A lot of people will attest that there are players who don’t understand strategy of PvP maps. You can’t take what you learn from PvE or WvW, and expect to play out the same. Unless you can create a learning simulation for players new to PvP to practice on before entering Ranked queues, there needs to be stricter qualifications for entry.

I have read similar comments before but last time I checked you need to be rank 20 to join ranked games. Ergo there is already a barrier.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dreamer.1952


This last point is wrong. All you need to do is watch any Legendary players stream on twitch to know that it is wrong.

The rest of the stuff you’ve got should definitely be considered but that last one…. nope. Just wrong.

After watching some streams, I believe those bad teammates are just trolling and losing on purpose. No one in Gold tier and above is clueless.

Some sure are on purpose because they are getting payed for it.

A thread here wich is deleted by anet showed screens how an esl player offered 200g to another player to leave the match.

There are still clueless scrubs in Gold. As example yesterday I had 2 in my team wich rushed to far after we butcherd 4 of the enemy in mid. Conclusion they died 2vs5.

The bad point is they ignored all the warnings in the chat.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


this is it… +1 from me Smooth Penguin

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


this is it… +1 from me Smooth Penguin


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Glael.7643


Agree. Sadly Anet doesn’t seem to care at all.

main necro,thief
nerf thief, nerf it all

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


  • 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR. [/quote]

All the thing that you said is correct,but this is not true,i was 1820 2 days ago and now i’m back to 1620, high rated players are not even playing with their main account,and when they do it,they only play duoq with other really good player with a class that can easly carry a game,the top 10 now are made by 5 guys maybe,cuz it’s all about secondary accounts. I’m not a really good player that make team calls,but i’m a decent player,i know what to do at team fights,i know feed home will end the game,i sit mid when playing ele if necessary,i never 1v1 enemy ele… what i notice 2 days ago was there is a little group of good players that dont pop que while some ppl like toker or a thief called Kat arent in match that reduces their chance of defeat. But i really dont know, only 13 days of season 5 was gone and there’s and still a lot of shadows behind this leaderbord,but it’s 100% sure that this group of ppl are trying to manipulate it with secondary accounts and OP duos with right que time for easy win

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


there’s just one reason players are unhappy with pvp: they think they belong to higher rank than what they actually deserve

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: veslarius.8425


I’m not liking matchups at all this season. I’m being forced to carry and it’s ridiculous. I know that a lot of people complain about team ups when they are actually the problem for whatever reason, be it that their build is bad, or they just aren’t very good at fighting.

To make sure I wasn’t just fooling myself into thinking my team is bad when I’m actually doing bad myself, I challenged some of the better players from the teams that beat us to some 1v1s. I beat most in under 10 seconds and on multiple classes. I’ve lost 1v1s before but I’ve lost none doing this.

Another indicator that it’s the team ups and not me is the fact that I will often win 1v2 and even 1v3 on a point only to see that my team lost the other two even with a 4v3 or 4v2 advantage.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


there’s just one reason players are unhappy with pvp: they think they belong to higher rank than what they actually deserve

4 year vet stuck in bronze thanks to this joke of a system.

Dam right I deserve it.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xca.9721


  • 3) Players are punished for things out of their control. You win as a team, and lose as a team. This motto would be true, if Ranked PvP were an actual team game. As it stands, being on a team with up to 4 random strangers of various skill level truly makes winning more of a coin flip than based on skill and strategy. Case in point, my last match had 3 Eles, so I swapped to my Ele, and fooled around. We won. But not because of my skill. I was just mashing buttons since I don’t know how to play Ele well. We won because the other team had players who aren’t experienced in PvP. Matchmaking punished someone on the other team who really tried hard to win, but couldn’t because his teammates couldn’t keep up. MMR should be based on individual skill, not the win/loss record.

So true. It doesnt matter if you lose 499-500 or 0-500, u always seem to drop the same amount of points. Why can´t you get rewarded for playing good by losing less points than usual? This is really demotivating..

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


there’s just one reason players are unhappy with pvp: they think they belong to higher rank than what they actually deserve

4 year vet stuck in bronze thanks to this joke of a system.

Dam right I deserve it.

Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

No I am not saying I am an amazing player, but you can’t just say you are good because you played a long time..

Now back on topic.

They need to remove getting rewards for losing, that is taking things to the other extreme from gating rewards behind Divisions, they should only reward wins. Would solve quite a few problems since it will help stop Afkers and force people to somewhat learn the game mode.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

  • 5) PvP needs more reporting functions for AFKers and trolls. If someone is intentionally throwing Ranked matches, they shouldn’t be allowed to play anymore.

Only one I agree with. Unfortunately, this is hard to automate in a way that won’t get abused, and it can only really be done by investing a bunch of time into investigating the matches. All other competitive games have the same issue.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Prince Vingador.8067

Prince Vingador.8067

This last point is wrong. All you need to do is watch any Legendary players stream on twitch to know that it is wrong.

The rest of the stuff you’ve got should definitely be considered but that last one…. nope. Just wrong.

After watching some streams, I believe those bad teammates are just trolling and losing on purpose. No one in Gold tier and above is clueless.

U are wrong, i get players that afk at close , when u can clearly see they have 3 far and 2 mid, still they just dont move from close.
Others insta die , i mean really insta die in 5 secs , and then every 30 seconds.
Others leave mid to go +1 a 2vs 1 vs a thief, means i look at the map and i see 3vs 1 a thief.
Ofc other times anet just puts 3 thievs vs 2 guads and a warrior.
If u join solo its just a lotary, it really is.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dreamer.1952


We had today a depressing match with a guard in our team against three dhs on there team.

He was just staying at close and doing nothing. In mid match he just started to support the team but it was to late. here is the chat.


(edited by Dreamer.1952)

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

No it’s not! It’s the same thing!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

No it’s not! It’s the same thing!

If it was you should be In Legend Division, since you have doing this for 4 years but you aren’t.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

No it’s not! It’s the same thing!

If it was you should be In Legend Division, since you have doing this for 4 years but you aren’t.

Haha! How predictable! Where have I heard THIS before?

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

No it’s not! It’s the same thing!

If it was you should be In Legend Division, since you have doing this for 4 years but you aren’t.

Haha! How predictable! Where have I heard THIS before?

It’s very possible for lots of players to be way below their skill level.. I was one, my game quality was so good high gold that I never knew a winner till the game is over but after some afk’s and ragers I fell to bottom gold. At bottom gold is basically new players because they are given an Average rating.

Let that sink in, A new player, gets an average rating. Now in that tier, it’s extremely volatile and your matchmaking is pure RNG, it doesn’t matter if you’re skilled or not, the best you can do is watch your team feed far on their own point while you endlessly run from empty point to empty point and finalize a score at 500-88.

A score of 500-88 speaks volumes about match making.

Refer to my pic and the score and chat: That is exactly the matchmaking we are after, not blow outs.


I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Crinn.7864


  • 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR.

Reseting the MMR just makes it worse.

Glicko MM is like zeroing the sights of a gun. You have to take a shot, adjust based on where that shot went, and then take some more shots and then adjust some more.

Reseting MMR is like taking the gun sights and putting them at a random setting. Nothing good comes of it.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


there’s just one reason players are unhappy with pvp: they think they belong to higher rank than what they actually deserve

4 year vet stuck in bronze thanks to this joke of a system.

Dam right I deserve it.

being a vet only makes your situation worse though

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Thane.9421


I agree with everything the OP said, though the only reason I’d want to see an MMR reset is just so Anet can have the illusion shattered that their system is working. No matter how good you are, there are teams you can’t carry, as anyone who has watched high level streams knows is true. The soft MMR reset is protecting some of the standing from last season, creating a somewhat more consistent model of last season, but I’m convinced in a hard MMR reset with the duo queue restriction this would not be the case.

TBH Anet, if you want a gamemode where pure individual skill is all that is taken into account, create some kind of 1v1 or at least Random Arenas style deathmatch mode where there’s no respawn, just one team fight and it’s over, wash and repeat. Conquest is about teamwork. T E A M work.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


I agree with everything the OP said, though the only reason I’d want to see an MMR reset is just so Anet can have the illusion shattered that their system is working. No matter how good you are, there are teams you can’t carry, as anyone who has watched high level streams knows is true. The soft MMR reset is protecting some of the standing from last season, creating a somewhat more consistent model of last season, but I’m convinced in a hard MMR reset with the duo queue restriction this would not be the case.

TBH Anet, if you want a gamemode where pure individual skill is all that is taken into account, create some kind of 1v1 or at least Random Arenas style deathmatch mode where there’s no respawn, just one team fight and it’s over, wash and repeat. Conquest is about teamwork. T E A M work.

THANK YOU. Conquest is about TEAMS, NOT who can “carry”. That BS doesn’t exist. There are un-organized teams(solo queue) and organized teams(team queue).

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: LinhZeri.6412


Yep in primetime NA just lost 500-88 all same division (gold) for my team all not rotating at all and dying instantly and I lost 20 rating (I lost 11 previous on a more even 418-500 game mind you which was ok to me and I accepted that as a normal lose and a moderate 11 rating decrease) As the other team who won played very well. and clearly one sided joke fest. Obsolutely zero thing you can do about that and I lost 20 rating for something I had no control over.. at the start I though this was better then season 4 but im finding out slowly it is way worse and like most of the playbase (which is prob the issue imho ) im dropping out of ranked with them… no fun. I wish I had friends to duo que which would allow me to enjoy this but its just not happening. The rewards mean nothing to me and only wanted enjoyable games of equal players ( players you can rely on to actually play the game) Very sad .. simply just pushes people away from continuing with spvp. Strongly recommended a good tutorial when entering pvp and only reward wins and put equal win/lose rating decrease… (Keep it simple)

Oh and all the smart people keep on saying the carry thing. This only means each of you players you say carry which eventually makes a 5 man team which then will equal a competent good team to carry for their combined team to victory. So yeah logic goes out the window when everyone keeps saying that motto however I still find it amusing time to time to hear them. Just hope something is done for next season.

(edited by LinhZeri.6412)

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

But it requires time to improve at things. Sure it’ll take less time if you do it right, but it still requires time.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Just because players play along time doesn’t mean that they are good….

I’m sorry, but THAT’S wrong. See, this is one talking point among the community I’d like to kill off mercilessly.

Experience matters, it needs to be respected. If you do an activity for a long time, you develop skill. This works in everyday LIFE. Basketball, surgeon, bus driver, plumber, carpenter, programmer.

Let’s kill that myth If you do an activity wrong or don’t learn to improve it doesn’t matter how long you have played. Period. Time spent in game doesn’t equal skill.

Oh yes it does. How do you think you learn to improve then? By doing it for a long time!

No, working to improve and learn is different than doing something for a long time.

But it requires time to improve at things. Sure it’ll take less time if you do it right, but it still requires time.

But Time doesn’t automatically make you better if you do something wrong for ever doesn’t mean you will improve. Time=/= skill never has never will.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I have read similar comments before but last time I checked you need to be rank 20 to join ranked games. Ergo there is already a barrier.

When I suggested strict barriers to entry, rank 20 is not even close. Perhaps Anet needs to increase the minimum rank to 80 before they can get in Ranked. That would force players to invest time into the game mode, and hopefully learn.

there’s just one reason players are unhappy with pvp: they think they belong to higher rank than what they actually deserve

I’m under no illusion that I’m god-like. The highest I’ve gotten was Diamond, and I’m happy with that. Now I’m stuck in Silver, and teaming players who only have a slight idea of how to play.

But Time doesn’t automatically make you better if you do something wrong for ever doesn’t mean you will improve. Time=/= skill never has never will.

While time doesn’t mean you get skill, if you invest enough time into competitive PvP, you’re forced to learn and understand mechanics of maps. If we can get the new players to at least have this, it would be a giant leap up in terms of match quality.

Having said that, Ranked should not be an open training ground or a place to get dailies.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


I like checking people’s ratings who talk big on the forums. Seeing people calling for nerfs who are 15w 25l in t1 silver reassures me that such players shouldn’t be listened to.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I like checking people’s ratings who talk big on the forums. Seeing people calling for nerfs who are 15w 25l in t1 silver reassures me that such players shouldn’t be listened to.

I think you missed the whole idea about this thread. Players are punished by being teamed with newer players, and then get dragged down because of them. How do you win games that’s impossible to win? And on the same note, how to you win games you’re supposed to easily win, but your teammates make poor decisions that ruin it for the other 4 players. It’s luck of the draw, mate.

The other day I played a class that I don’t really understand. I mashed buttons and camped on a point. Seriously. I don’t even know what skills I was pressing. Swap to Fire, press buttons. Swap to Air, press buttons. We won, and it wasn’t because of my skill. It’s because of RNG gave me teammates who knew the game mode..

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


I like checking people’s ratings who talk big on the forums. Seeing people calling for nerfs who are 15w 25l in t1 silver reassures me that such players shouldn’t be listened to.

I think you missed the whole idea about this thread. Players are punished by being teamed with newer players, and then get dragged down because of them. How do you win games that’s impossible to win? And on the same note, how to you win games you’re supposed to easily win, but your teammates make poor decisions that ruin it for the other 4 players. It’s luck of the draw, mate.

The other day I played a class that I don’t really understand. I mashed buttons and camped on a point. Seriously. I don’t even know what skills I was pressing. Swap to Fire, press buttons. Swap to Air, press buttons. We won, and it wasn’t because of my skill. It’s because of RNG gave me teammates who knew the game mode..

So you are saying:
1 – You played well . Got bad teammates. Lose.
2 – You played really bad. Got good teammate. Win.
So those player were good enough to carry you the bad player
But the first game you couldnt carry. So i think you are not good as you think you are. And you just proved it.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

So you are saying:
1 – You played well . Got bad teammates. Lose.
2 – You played really bad. Got good teammate. Win.
So those player were good enough to carry you the bad player
But the first game you couldnt carry. So i think you are not good as you think you are. And you just proved it.

Not sure you understand your own post.

Case 1 – I played well, but have 4 lower quality teammates = Lose. You can’t carry 4 other people.
Case 2 – I played bad, but have 4 higher quality teammates = Win. 4 people carried me.
Case 2a – Other team had 5 lower quality players, so my play had no effect on the outcome.

So basically, you agree with me that it’s all RNG.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


It can be hard to carry some games. That’s a fact that has a lot to do with the meta. In a game where all of the players are closely skilled, the meta is balanced and fun. The more skilled players will win, and clutch plays win the game. However, things are muddled at the moment because of the reset and duo queuing. Players in a match aren’t the same skill level, and the skillful things you can do rarely have the impact that a bad teammates mistake does. It’s easier to throw than to carry. That’s fine in team events or with five queues, but it’s insanely frustrating in solo queue.

However, if you’re stuck in Bronze, you don’t belong much higher. The player skill there is so low that everything I said goes out the window. You think you learned how to rotate through experience? I say you’re wrong. Most of Platinum still rotates like hotjoin. However, they still think they’re playing right. They throw and they don’t realize it. They refuse to believe it. You’ll get better at the mechanics of the game through experience, but you’re more likely to learn bad habits in queues than to actually improve.

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


Sure kiddo its all rng. You are a diamond player. Like in mobas where its a team game like dota and lol you lose because the other 4 are bad. Or in CS GO you lose because the other 4 are bad. Its all always the same in any competitive game. Low tier players need to find a scapegoat to why they are on a low tier.
But let me tell a secret, you are where you belong.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: steelheart.7386


Part of me doesn’t think Anet management plays as much Ranked PvP as us players, so they’re probably oblivious as to why a lot of people are unhappy. So here’s my list of possible reasons why PvP players are not happy with the new Ranked season.

  • 1) What Anet thinks works doesn’t actually work. Meaning, allowing a game mode that’s supposed to be competitive shouldn’t reward losing. You effectively have two different types of players being combined into the same game mode: Those who don’t care about the competition, and those that do. Rewarding losses keeps the players who don’t care about competition around, and that causes problems.
  • 2) Matchmaking algorithm still doesn’t work well. There should be no reason why 3 or 4 of the same class should be randomly spawned on the same team. A proper team made of random Solo queuers should have some type of balance. No more than 2 heavy/medium/light classes, no more than 2 of the same class. Things like that.
  • 3) Players are punished for things out of their control. You win as a team, and lose as a team. This motto would be true, if Ranked PvP were an actual team game. As it stands, being on a team with up to 4 random strangers of various skill level truly makes winning more of a coin flip than based on skill and strategy. Case in point, my last match had 3 Eles, so I swapped to my Ele, and fooled around. We won. But not because of my skill. I was just mashing buttons since I don’t know how to play Ele well. We won because the other team had players who aren’t experienced in PvP. Matchmaking punished someone on the other team who really tried hard to win, but couldn’t because his teammates couldn’t keep up. MMR should be based on individual skill, not the win/loss record.
  • 4) No barriers to entry for Ranked. A lot of people will attest that there are players who don’t understand strategy of PvP maps. You can’t take what you learn from PvE or WvW, and expect to play out the same. Unless you can create a learning simulation for players new to PvP to practice on before entering Ranked queues, there needs to be stricter qualifications for entry.
  • 5) PvP needs more reporting functions for AFKers and trolls. If someone is intentionally throwing Ranked matches, they shouldn’t be allowed to play anymore.
  • 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR.

Bullett 6 is extremely importantt. It seems like to me players in the top quarter of MMR or so are insulated from ever playing with noobs. Meanwhile veterans of average or slightly above average MMR are punished by having tons of complete beginners in there matches since new players start out with a mid range MMR. The matchmaking will never expand enough to put these players with the top quarter of MMR players. Also, why is the old MMR rating valid for solo and duo queue anyway? A lot of these people built up extremely high MMRs mainly through running full groups almost all the time. I see two fixes for this. Either a complete hard reset of MMRs before next season or start complete beginner noobs out with the lowest MMR possible. The way it is now is unacceptable.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

It can be hard to carry some games. That’s a fact that has a lot to do with the meta. In a game where all of the players are closely skilled, the meta is balanced and fun. The more skilled players will win, and clutch plays win the game. However, things are muddled at the moment because of the reset and duo queuing. Players in a match aren’t the same skill level, and the skillful things you can do rarely have the impact that a bad teammates mistake does. It’s easier to throw than to carry. That’s fine in team events or with five queues, but it’s insanely frustrating in solo queue.

However, if you’re stuck in Bronze, you don’t belong much higher. The player skill there is so low that everything I said goes out the window. You think you learned how to rotate through experience? I say you’re wrong. Most of Platinum still rotates like hotjoin. However, they still think they’re playing right. They throw and they don’t realize it. They refuse to believe it. You’ll get better at the mechanics of the game through experience, but you’re more likely to learn bad habits in queues than to actually improve.

With the soft reset, and the automatic assigning of mid-range MMR to new players, Silver was filled with mixed skill players. Gold and above had a majority of the knowledgeable players. Losing a game due to being outplayed is acceptable. Losing because your teammates are scared of Svanir, don’t know that you need to stand in point circles to cap, or 4 people decide to chase one Thief across the map for 2 minutes is not acceptable.

Sure kiddo its all rng.


In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


And that happens some games. However, if you didn’t belong close to there, you would be able to carry on average. The system won’t make every match perfect, but you do have the chance to carry.

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

And that happens some games. However, if you didn’t belong close to there, you would be able to carry on average. The system won’t make every match perfect, but you do have the chance to carry.

There are only certain matches a single person can help to carry. Killing or stealing Svanir/Chieftan is the biggest match flipper, which is why I swap to my Thief whenever possible (cuz I don’t trust the others). Soloing Lord is next (but takes time). Temple Tranq cap is only temporary if your teammates can’t (or don’t know how to) hold. Skyhammer’s silliness only decaps.

Now if you had at least 3 competent mid tier players on a team, it may be possible to carry the other 2 newer players. Any less than that and you have to pray your opponents rolled an even lower quality team, or it’s GG before start.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


Even at t1 plat you will still get games with new players. So you don’t rage at them, you ask them to fulfill a task and back them up as best you can while taking care of your end. You aren’t insulated from low tier players you just have to make use of them as best you can. There’s really no problem breaking out of lower tiers of you don’t belong there.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

How does a new player get to Plat? That means either their previous season MMR was really high to begin with, it’s a Pro Leaguer’s alt, or they rolled good teams from top Silver and held their own through Gold. All these options show that this player is not new.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: OlrunTheBlade.1486


The fact that you think those are the only way to carry kind of shows your inexperience.

Captain of Never Lucky [NL]
Competitive Warrior, Ele, Mesmer, Ranger, Engineer, Thief

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lexander.4579


I have read similar comments before but last time I checked you need to be rank 20 to join ranked games. Ergo there is already a barrier.

When I suggested strict barriers to entry, rank 20 is not even close. Perhaps Anet needs to increase the minimum rank to 80 before they can get in Ranked. That would force players to invest time into the game mode, and hopefully learn.

there’s just one reason players are unhappy with pvp: they think they belong to higher rank than what they actually deserve

I’m under no illusion that I’m god-like. The highest I’ve gotten was Diamond, and I’m happy with that. Now I’m stuck in Silver, and teaming players who only have a slight idea of how to play.

But Time doesn’t automatically make you better if you do something wrong for ever doesn’t mean you will improve. Time=/= skill never has never will.

While time doesn’t mean you get skill, if you invest enough time into competitive PvP, you’re forced to learn and understand mechanics of maps. If we can get the new players to at least have this, it would be a giant leap up in terms of match quality.

Having said that, Ranked should not be an open training ground or a place to get dailies.

the only reason you got to diamond is because old ranks werent tied to MMR in later seasons after the majority complained enough that they cant get legendary backpack

you could easily get to legend spamming enough matches and still be on silver MMR level

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

This last point is wrong. All you need to do is watch any Legendary players stream on twitch to know that it is wrong.

The rest of the stuff you’ve got should definitely be considered but that last one…. nope. Just wrong.

After watching some streams, I believe those bad teammates are just trolling and losing on purpose. No one in Gold tier and above is clueless.

U are wrong, i get players that afk at close , when u can clearly see they have 3 far and 2 mid, still they just dont move from close.
Others insta die , i mean really insta die in 5 secs , and then every 30 seconds.
Others leave mid to go +1 a 2vs 1 vs a thief, means i look at the map and i see 3vs 1 a thief.
Ofc other times anet just puts 3 thievs vs 2 guads and a warrior.
If u join solo its just a lotary, it really is.

Wow you too now? Since when have you stop white knighting for the current season, ANet has gifted and pushed many actually PvPers from? But other then that. Yeah I agree. Tho I am wondering what made you change your opinion on the PvP league.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


Yall really making me want to tank my rating to bronze so I can go pubstomping again. But I won’t since that would require throwing like 30 games so I’ll just wait till next season and tank placement.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: TheDarkSoul.1938


Gwaihir, I’ve already posted this in a couple of other threads already but I’ll pose the same question to you: I’ve been stuck in Gold 1/Silver 3 since I started. I get midway through Gold 1, and then the matchmaker decides it doesnt want me to win anymore and puts me on losing streaks until I get right back to the bottom of silver 3 again (I’m currently just 9 points away from Silver 2 after a loss streak of 6 followed by a win that gave me 11 points and another loss that took away 20. So basically just 7 losses that took me from Gold 1 to the very bottom of Silver 3).

So, based on that, where would you say I belong? Silver 3 or Gold 1? Because if I belong in Silver 3, I wouldn’t be consistently winning 3-4 games in a row once I reach Gold 1 (Because I’m not good enough for Gold 1 to win there, duh) and It’d be more accurate to say that as soon as I hit Gold 1, I get beaten by everyone in teamfights and in 1v1s (which isn’t the case btw) and I get booted back down to Silver 3. I’d be on a win/loss/win/loss pattern, or something very similair, right?

Or do I belong to Gold 1 or even higher than that? In which case I’d ask why it is that I am CONSTANTLY being put on 4/5/6 loss streaks that put me all the way down to the bottom of Silver 3. And almost all of those losses are blowouts (I just had a game end 500 – 153 due to a Thief and Druid double capping close to “prevent a rush”, leading to a lost mid fight, a lost close fight, a triple cap, our mesmer sitting on a ledge at mid spamming staff auto and nothing else, and a total lack of rotation from my teammates, including the Thief that didn’t even know what decapping meant.)

True that some of my games are decent games, I’ve had some close games where both teams get +400 points and it’s fun. But the majority of my losses in particular are total, utter blowouts and my team is filled with people that insta-die on mid, double cap and don’t rotate at all.

Please explain how that suggests to you that matchmaking is working as intended and that I belong…. somewhere?

Fissure Of Woe – [lpe]
I Silent – Thief
…. That’s about it.