Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

in PvP

Posted by: desertleaf.5403


Pvp in guildwars 2 is absolutely pointless. I am a hardcore pvp player in guild wars and guildwars 2, but never have I seen pvp modes lack purpose to play.

1. Team arena. Team arena is super exciting, partnering up with friends or guild mates to unite the professions to build chain combos, but unfortunately, pvp was never about killing the opposite team. The entire aspect of point capture has become a sumo wrestle of pushing people off the zone for neutralization or sustaining ownership.

Being against teams or even single players designed to out heal, stabilize, and push an entire opposing team off a capture zone has made efforts to eliminating players obsolete. Killing in this mode is tertiary and made pointless due to the current bunker engineers, guardians, warrior flaggers, and ranger self healers.

The aspect of bunker has become so popular that every team needs one, but let’s take a closer look at one. A bunker is the ultimate sumo wrestler covered in 3.4k to 3.8k armor to reduce incoming damage from 3 – 4 sources. A permanent healing slot ensures there is no need for a plan B. While some sumo wrestlers like to equip utility skills to enhance their armor rate and vitality, other professions such as an engineer do not require it. Utility skills used to push, snag, blow up, or deliver a state of invulnerability ( god mode) are used instead.

As I paint the concept more clear, I have only spoken of a single sumo wrestler. Going up against 2 or more has made team arena including every capture point in guild wars 2 a game of two rules: get to the point first and push harder.

2. Solo arena. As stated above, it’s exactly team arena but with the lack of pre-made teams. The aspect of 8v8 is excellent, a team death match would be better, hail guild wars 1.

3. WvW. This mode is brilliant, but logging off has made all progression that much more purposeless. I do grasp the concept of constant battle but without friends in every time zone, wvw is not needed for the casual player.

To state the truth, I left guild wars 2 solely because pvp is sumo wrestling. If it were a team deathmatch I’d still be playing.

I left guild wars 1 because my friends like pve, and we couldn’t pve passed the team restriction per map. I left guild wars 2 because pvp design is out the window. Arenanet, please… solved pvp in the first game, and you solved pve in the second, why can’t you just unite them. My hopes for guild wars 2 is diminishing. Guild wars 3 perhaps.

P.s. What’s this talks about no monk class? The guardian is a monk.

Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If you want to make 8v8 a tournament mode, I hate to say but I am kind of glad you left. 8v8 in tournaments would be a huge mess.

And if you think bunkers are bad now? If Team Deathmatch came out, prepare to see nothing but bunker damage hybrids.

Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

in PvP

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

And if you think bunkers are bad now? If Team Deathmatch came out, prepare to see nothing but bunker damage hybrids.

My Mesmer body is ready.

-Rylock [vE]

Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

in PvP

Posted by: desertleaf.5403


8v8 team deathmatch is not bad at all. Ever play guild wars one? Most haters out their come from different MMO’s. Sorry, but the original and loyal guild war fans can handle 8v8 guild vs guild.

If you think bunker damage hybrids are possible, guess again. Stating your points for defense doesn’t make you any stronger than a tree sent from melandru. You are just resistant and hard to kill, you can’t crit damage often leaving you stuck at 700 to 900 damage. You can go conditions with rabid amulet, but that’s it. Conditions and armor running around…. Aka. Broken pvp. Think it through before you got something unthoughtful to say.

Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

in PvP

Posted by: josh.7390


played gw1 a lot (gvg/ha). i would never ever join a 8v8 tdm for “competitive” play. gw2 is much faster and much more animated then gw1 ever was. remember no jumping, no doding, stationary casts only etc… it would never work. even 4v4 teamfights are too much sometimes.

Reasons why guildwars2 pvp is broken

in PvP

Posted by: desertleaf.5403


You have a point it is a different pace with more fluid dynamic of attacks and spells, but it’s no different from an assisted third person shooter. For those who pvp every night before bed handle this behavior very well. It’s just a matter of experience.

For those who are not guild wars 1 fans. 8v8 for guild wars is a norm. Defining crazy is when you go up against 8 v 8 v 8 in hall of heroes for the winning title.