Reloging does prevent bleeding out.
You know some people DC? Also NCSoft servers love to kick players to character screen (can be easily seen on tracert), it happened to me quite few times. You want to punish players for wonky servers? How about no? Pretty sure logging off counts as death, last time i checked, because i have seen people rally of it. Also i am sure in the time person logs off, selects character, logs back in, runs back to point – they lost plenty of time, even if they play on super computer.
[Teef] guild :>
It’s not about them counting as dead, if they go down it takes 10 seconds for them to die, if they relog they will be dead immediately.
So let’s punish players for wonky servers? …. How about no?
[Teef] guild :>
It’s not about them counting as dead, if they go down it takes 10 seconds for them to die, if they relog they will be dead immediately.
So let’s punish players for wonky servers? …. How about no?
I never had a server problem in years and I dont know a person that does either, if you dc thats your fault for not haveing a stable connection
LOL… your fault says…
Its your fault born in a country with bad ISPs
its your fault that telecom companies in your area not give you good conection methods
its your fault born in smalltowns
your fault blah blah blah
Nothing wrong with doing this to avoid being bleed out. Bleeding someone out is trolling and a loser move. Who wants to waste their pvp time sitting in downed state for ages. It is a joke.
If you bleed people out regularly then you are a try hard troll.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
It’s not about them counting as dead, if they go down it takes 10 seconds for them to die, if they relog they will be dead immediately.
So let’s punish players for wonky servers? …. How about no?
I never had a server problem in years and I dont know a person that does either, if you dc thats your fault for not haveing a stable connection
I am sry but when there is 30% package loss or 2k ms on last hop to Anet server, then it is server issue. If it never happened to you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Check reddit from couple weeks ago, there were hundreds of players that couldn’t login or load into maps because authorization servers died.
[Teef] guild :>
LOL… your fault says…
Its your fault born in a country with bad ISPs
its your fault that telecom companies in your area not give you good conection methods
its your fault born in smalltowns
your fault blah blah blah
county with bad ISP * check *
no good conection method * check *
smalltown * check *
I fit in every fault, It is still MY fault when I keep playing knowing it.
Nothing wrong with doing this to avoid being bleed out. Bleeding someone out is trolling and a loser move. Who wants to waste their pvp time sitting in downed state for ages. It is a joke.
If you bleed people out regularly then you are a try hard troll.
Nothing wrong letting people bleed to death. It’s a valid tactic to prevent them from getting back into fight too soon.
What I would love is if there was a downed skill 5 for instant death. Maybe have it the 0 key so that you can’t fat finger it. Say it becomes available 3 seconds after entering downed state. Maybe doing it activates your own finisher.
I don’t think it would be used that often, people I’ve fought against usually do what they can to avoid the stomp if there is a chance of rallying, sometimes even if there is no chance. Last night for example in WvW another player and me were taking a camp, it was cleared out, a thief from the server that owned it tried to contest it. We got him in his downed state and he still teleported as I was doing a finisher. Didn’t help him much as I just ran to where he teleported to and stomped but hey, on the off chance some other player from his sever might join the fray he tried to postpone the stomp.
But anyway, if the enemy aren’t going to stomp you, gonna hit you with projectile just before you revive with 4 and it doesn’t look like you have a teammate to revive you anywhere near then an instant death option would be nice.
What I would love is if there was a downed skill 5 for instant death. Maybe have it the 0 key so that you can’t fat finger it. Say it becomes available 3 seconds after entering downed state. Maybe doing it activates your own finisher.
I don’t think it would be used that often, people I’ve fought against usually do what they can to avoid the stomp if there is a chance of rallying, sometimes even if there is no chance. Last night for example in WvW another player and me were taking a camp, it was cleared out, a thief from the server that owned it tried to contest it. We got him in his downed state and he still teleported as I was doing a finisher. Didn’t help him much as I just ran to where he teleported to and stomped but hey, on the off chance some other player from his sever might join the fray he tried to postpone the stomp.
But anyway, if the enemy aren’t going to stomp you, gonna hit you with projectile just before you revive with 4 and it doesn’t look like you have a teammate to revive you anywhere near then an instant death option would be nice.
Why? It’s a perfectly sound tactic to use. Why should they make PvP easier by removing sound tactics in this gamemode? It allows for more dimensions to game play besides spam moar skills!!!!