Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Honestly, as the title says. It’s ridiculous how you can physically see and target your enemy (or be targeted) in pvp while they (you) are in stealth. It completely defeats the purpose of being HIDDEN, it requires absolutely no skill to call a target. Last night I went into spvp with some buddies for 1v1’s on my mesmer. All of a sudden I kept getting hit (like, skill-targeted, not random hits) while using Decoy (grants 3 seconds of stealth and leaves a clone) and in the elite veil skill (4 seconds of stealth to your entire team). I was seriously confused as to how they could possibly be doing this until one of my friends said that “oh they made it so you can see someone in stealth by call-targeting them.” After I heard this I was livid. It completely breaks classes (or many of their skills) that rely on stealth to get an edge. Why demolish this edge? Stealth is NOT overpowered, thieves and mesmers are NOT overpowered, if you have the skill to play one, you’re going to win, if not, you’re going to lose, the same can be said of any class.

Now I’m not saying to remove this, by all means it is useful, however as soon as an enemy enters stealth the Call Target symbol and ability to target them should be removed until either they exit stealth or until they are tagged again. It is a completely unfair element in spvp and needs to be fixed.

Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Advent.6193


I honestly think that was probably put in, as a response to the extra stealth via culling.
If I’m correct, then once that’s fixed … we might no longer have that issue. But, that’s just my theory.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Linnes.2678


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

“Press T to Target”


Linnes- 80 RNG, Linnes the Lucky- 80 ENG, Linnes the Silver- 80 GRD, Linnes the Gold- 80 WAR

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: reedju.5786


The only way I have ever noticed that you can be noticed in stealth is when you are in a group with friends and then join a random match, even when your friends appear on the opposite team. I continuously, even last night, have had to re-call target on any class (even those who only gain stealth via teammates) after they left stealth. I do wish that if you called target on a theif for example that their call target sign would be removed during the duration of stealth (as it currently does) and then replaced on the target after they have left stealth (which is not currently the case).

Black Avarice

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Nero.8623


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

“Press T to Target”


Sorry, but you are hilariously wrong. Test it in game for yourself. Then come back to the forums and delete your post.

By the way don’t be in the same party as people you’re fighting you silly goose.

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Jason Segel.2908

Jason Segel.2908

Honestly, as the title says. It’s ridiculous how you can physically see and target your enemy (or be targeted) in pvp while they (you) are in stealth. It completely defeats the purpose of being HIDDEN, it requires absolutely no skill to call a target. Last night I went into spvp with some buddies for 1v1’s on my mesmer. All of a sudden I kept getting hit (like, skill-targeted, not random hits) while using Decoy (grants 3 seconds of stealth and leaves a clone) and in the elite veil skill (4 seconds of stealth to your entire team). I was seriously confused as to how they could possibly be doing this until one of my friends said that “oh they made it so you can see someone in stealth by call-targeting them.” After I heard this I was livid. It completely breaks classes (or many of their skills) that rely on stealth to get an edge. Why demolish this edge? Stealth is NOT overpowered, thieves and mesmers are NOT overpowered, if you have the skill to play one, you’re going to win, if not, you’re going to lose, the same can be said of any class.

Now I’m not saying to remove this, by all means it is useful, however as soon as an enemy enters stealth the Call Target symbol and ability to target them should be removed until either they exit stealth or until they are tagged again. It is a completely unfair element in spvp and needs to be fixed.

This only happens when in a group. You got trolled by your friends, or neither of you know it only happens in a group.

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Jest.9276


I’m fairly certain that what the OP is seeing is primarily channeled attacks that were intiated just before they went stealth. Channels keep a lock on a stealth player and continue to hit through stealth. Pets keep track through stealth as well (when they really shouldn’t).

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Esrever.8613


Why you say isn’t true…

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

“Press T to Target”


This doesnt work, however there is a bug right now that keeps a stealthed person targeted after they’ve stealthed for about a second. Is this what you are complaining about?

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Towren.1745


I am confused.

Could someone please tell me how we call target on a player who is in stealth please? Normally I have to click the person and call target on them then. I don’t know how to call target on something without clicking it.

Recipe for Disaster
Guild Leader
[EU] Desolation

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

yeah no… i spam target calling quite a lot… so i can actually see what i have targetted as the current target stuff is not very good.

Stealth removes my target and the called target. did it last night anyway.

I do not like the amount that i have to retarget and select targets.
my thumb knuckle is hurting from pressing that button over and over. honestly a couple of thiefs popping the thief guilds elite… targetting chaos.
add in a pet necro(rare) or a mesmer(common) and oh my kitten i am lost in a sea of enemies and on top of that the mesmer or thief stealthed and i have suddenly have no target.

i just stop having fun at that point.

its a tedious chore to retarget and that sea of enemies will kill me in the couple of seconds it takes me to find a new viable target.

lets make big some big burst classes that stealth and can chaff your targetting…

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: EaGrimdarK.7849


You are overwhelmed by a few extra copies of characters, dont calmly take a moment to target the proper target and thats why you arent having fun? Sounds like you should adjust how you play.

If you are that upset at GW2 then you just look like an idiot for sticking around. -Bongwizard Slubs

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Esrever.8613


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

“Press T to Target”


This doesnt work, however there is a bug right now that keeps a stealthed person targeted after they’ve stealthed for about a second. Is this what you are complaining about?

I have never seen this bug. At the most the target stays for 1/4 of a second which is how long Im guessing stealth takes to activate.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

You are overwhelmed by a few extra copies of characters, dont calmly take a moment to target the proper target and thats why you arent having fun? Sounds like you should adjust how you play.

Yes likely i should adjust. I am sure its a learn to play issue. nevertheless its not any fun to learn this and there is no end in sight.
But i digress from the topic. sorry.

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Sjadi.6589


Where u in party with the guy u played against? as u say it was friends. Because if ur playing against ppl in ur party, u will still be able to see them if they go stealth, and if they chat u can see the bobble above their head which will reveal where on the map they are. Had alot of fun with this actually, atleast i thoguth so, my thief buddy, not so much :p

Anyway they need to do something about this, its not gamebreaking by any means tho as u can just leave the party and be stealthed as its supposed to be while playing against ur buddy

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Vyndetta.9415


Stealthing removes the target over your head.

Good day.

Nero pretty much sumed up this thread. ggwp

Vyndetta – Ranger- [SYNC]

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

What he probably was doing was being in the same party as the other player.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Follidus.8027


never seen this unless you’re grouped with the person.

Cause I ain’t perfect, I never said I was.
But now they’re hating cause a brotha finally got some buzz – Team Absolute Legends

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: tiboi.3108


remove stealth from the game, problem solved aye?

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


remove stealth from the game, problem solved aye?


remove game from game, remove players from game, remove game from internet, problem solved….

This is just l2p issue.
Just leave grp when you paly sPvP and your friends cant see you…. Its usual to see stealthed friends from your party (even if they r in oposite team).

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

remove stealth from the game, problem solved aye?


remove game from game, remove players from game, remove game from internet, problem solved….

This is just l2p issue.
Just leave grp when you paly sPvP and your friends cant see you…. Its usual to see stealthed friends from your party (even if they r in oposite team).

Honestly stealth does not seem to be done very well or integrated into the spvp system well.

in wvw its a little better but the combat mechanic of how it works is still kinda poor.
no way to uncover people in stealth.
very little use of stealth out of combat.

stealth should be a sneaky ability with some disappearing out of combat thing. if someone is hit while in stealth it should have some effect on their stealth.

stealthers should be able to sneak to get objectives.

as it is… its mainly just annoying to other players and combined with lag and culling and IMHO poor targetting mechanics more powerful than just stealth.
but whatever.

Remove "Call Target" on Stealthed Players

in PvP

Posted by: HappinessFactory.4910


Anybody in your group can see through stealth. Next time leave party before trying to duel your friends. Also call target is designed to fall off the target when stealthed for any period of time.